
CGM Reviews: Earth Defense Force 2025

Not all games have to strive to advance the gaming medium or convince naysayers that games are an art form. Some just have to be plain old stupid fun, and that’s exactly what Earth Defense Force 2025 offers from start to finish. Sometimes you don’t want to watch 2001: A Space Odyssey and challenge your brain. Sometimes you want to watch Sharknado and chuckle like an idiot. That guilty pleasure center is where the appeal of a game like this lies.

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isarai638d ago

Satisfying visual feedback, so many games have lost this principle and it's sad. Almost everything you do has an interesting and Satisfying reaction, making everything physics based is the key to that, watching everything fly, crumble, and react to your weapons, and slowly increasing you weapons capabilities to do so to an absurd degree, just keeps ramping up the satisfaction of how good it feels to play this game.

Nitrowolf2638d ago

Games are great, they may not be the greatest visually, but man do they really push the hardware they’re on cpu wise

RetroCaptainSteve638d ago

I'm a big fan of how you can blow buildings apart with no consequence. :D


Hitman raises his head but how good are the Xbox Games With Gold freebies for September 2019?

Carlos writes: "With Gamescom having just gone and Halloween starting to appear on the horizon, it can only mean that ‘the horror-days are coming’. Man of Medan and Blair Witch are now both here to scare the living daylights out of all who dare come near, and so it’s hard to think you should be focusing on anything else. But let’s not get hasty as first of all we still have all those free games to look through courtesy of the Xbox Games With Gold program for September 2019. So let’s dive straight in and see whether or not you should be bothering with the latest batch of Xbox Games With Gold freebies."

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Jimboms1852d ago

To be honest getting Hitman for free is really good. That game has so much replayability.

TheProfessional1852d ago

"Hitman raises his head" What a terrible and poorly written title for an article.

littletad1851d ago

Most of the "staff" of these websites are freelance writers or college kids. None of them are paid to write, only promised exposure or some money revenue if advertisement deals are made. College graduates or those with masters are only paid "well" in major publications like IGN or even Kotaku. Though it's never the main gig. So you'll never see top quality writing in 80 percent of these news submissions. Sorry for the random detail, I just used to be like you lol.

1851d ago
TheProfessional1851d ago (Edited 1851d ago )

Haha appreciate the reply, what you said makes a lot of sense. It's just damn even for a middle school graduate that's poor writing.

gamer78041851d ago

I'm not a big fan of hitman so not a great month for me

FanboySpotter1851d ago

Damn. Blair Witch, hitman(i had on ps4) and then gears 5 in a few days? Gamepass Ultimate is cool af


Xbox Live Games With Gold For September 2019

Major Nelson: "For the month of September, Xbox Live Gold members will receive four new free games - two on Xbox One and two on Xbox 360."

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anonymousfan1854d ago (Edited 1854d ago )

lol oh well at least one person will be happy

1854d ago
MazeRunner1854d ago

u cant expect AAA games every month. hitman is pretty decent and i like fighting games so Tekken is a good addition to my collection. if you dont feel like its good to u thats a u problem.

RangerWalk2671854d ago

Sad world we live in when someone can't be happen when someone offers something to you for free. Oh well, to each their own I guess.

King_Noctis1853d ago

Actually, alot of people are happy except for you maybe.

yomfweeee1853d ago

@Ranger, it isn't free.

darthv721853d ago

EDF 2025 is a good one for me. It's the only EDF I dont own so I'll gladly take it digital.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1853d ago
MazeRunner1854d ago

thats your opinion and i dont share it

DarXyde1854d ago

TTT2 is not a bad month.

1853d ago
Christopher1854d ago (Edited 1854d ago )

EDF 2025! Great month!

Edit: There is zero sarcasm. I'm a big fan of the stupid games.

darthv721853d ago

Love EDF games and this is one I have not played so.... yay me!

TGGJustin1854d ago

That is a horrible month. Hitman is the only good thing there and it just left Game Pass. They are giving you a cheap $5 game which I think is a new low for them. Then you have the third EDF game on GWG this year and it isn't even good. Tekken Tag 2 was given to all Xbox players during E3 a couple years ago. Microsoft continues to show that they are just trying to push people to Game Pass and have given up on this service.

yomfweeee1854d ago

Ya putting the same games from Gold and GP is kind of messed up. Especially since they are selling those as a package with Ultimate GP.

monkey6021854d ago

That's a really boring month for me

monkey6021854d ago

Sure do. Currently pre installing Gears 5 and just finished downloading Pandemic from Game Pass

1854d ago
gamer78041854d ago

welp the xbox 360 games are better than the xbox one games this month, was hoping for more.

CuVe1854d ago

It is a really good game, its just that it was free on ps plus long ago... The second Hitman is 20Euro(~22USD) now, so even that is very cheap. This is a very bad month. And if you compare it with PS Plus its even worse...

Blaze9291853d ago

@CuVe - what does any of that have to do with Xbox and it's users?

IamTylerDurden11854d ago (Edited 1854d ago )

Hitman is good, but it was just on Game Pass and PS+ gave it like 7 months ago. It's weak of them to offer gwg titles that are or were just on Game Pass. Also, PS+ giving it away isn't a big deal, but some people do have both PS+ and gwg, plus it just takes a little steam out.

If Hitman wasn't on Game Pass it still wouldn't be a great month, especially considering the competition received Darksiders 3 and Batman.

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