
Playmobil Pirates likely for the UK too

Via Pocket Gamer: "Last week a first screenshot emerged – along with first info on the game – of Playmobil Pirates: Blackbeard's Treasure, complete with patch-wearing, bearded Playmobil man saying something in German that we didn't entirely understand.

That was because the game had only been officially announced for Germany, but Berlin-based publisher HMH Interactive has since been in touch to confirm it will be releasing Playmobil Pirates across Europe in September (it comes translated into French, Spanish, Dutch and English).

Its publisher says it's also in negotiation with UK publishers to bring it to our shores, so with a little luck we'll also be able our hands on Lego's closest rival a little after we've finished playing with Lego Indiana Jones."

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How to rule the waves in Playmobil Pirates: hints, tips, and tricks

Pocket Gamer: Arrr! It be time for another guide to one of dem "free-me-um" games, so it be.

For tha last seven moons, I've stopped bein' a landlubbering scallywag, and got me some proper sea legs with Playmobil Pirates. Been plundering tha Caribbean with me crew of plastic buccaneers, defendin' me 'ome from the cursed Black Beard, and walking tha thin cruel plank of in-app purchases, so I have.

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Pocket Gamer: Playmobil Pirates Review

Pocket Gamer: Good gosh and blimey, Gameloft - you sure are cracking these freemium games based on Hasbro licences out fast.

A fortnight ago, it was My Little Pony. Then there was Littlest Pet Shop. And now I've been assigned Playmobil Pirates. What's next - a free-to-play world builder based on hit eighties cartoon series M.A.S.K.?

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Playmobil Pirates Boards iTunes and Fires a Warning Shot Across the Bow of Google Play

Triverse writes, "Pirates are a fundamental staple of gaming since Sid Meier released Pirates! in the 80′s, gamers simply cannot get enough of the genre, mostly in the simulation arena (action games have not been as popular for some reason). Playmobil Pirates by Gameloft, having just hit the iTunes App Store, is preparing to hit Google Play soon and brings with it the noteworthy style of the childrens toys and child safe action that is expected from the franchise. Check out our exclusive shots of the Android version and prepare to be boarded."

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