
Andalusian Unveils Haunting New Screens Of Tangiers’ Surreal Sandbox

Developer Andalusian has unveiled a batch of haunting new screens from their foreboding stealth sandbox title Tangiers.

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Troubled Kickstarter game Tangiers still in development

For the first time since October, Harvey has updated Tangiers‘s Kickstarter campaign. Harvey says that the project is still in development and is now set for a Summer launch.

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Another Six Months Have Gone By With No Kickstarter Updates From the Developers of Tangiers

OnlySP last reported on the stealth game Tangiers back in January of this year. We briefly spoke with lead developer Alex Harvey, who explained the game’s woes but ensured us that everything was now on track and that a beta was on the way.

hirobrotagonist2907d ago

Kind of unnaceptable to not do an update in half a year

immabadguy2907d ago

They literally updated their kickstarter the day this article was posted. https://www.kickstarter.com...

The 10th Rider2907d ago (Edited 2907d ago )

Yeah, doesn't seem like the most professional handling of things. He must not of known what he was getting into. That being said, as someone who has suffered from serious anxiety issues, I know just how much stress can break someone, and it sounds like it got the better of him. Hopefully he can pull things together and things work out.

I've never been a big kickstarter supporter, people need to know what they're getting into before they support anything. It's an investment with no return but the product, and even that often falls through.

Wingsfan242906d ago

Yea saw that a few hours after we published the article. We covered the update. Still doesn't say much more than what they've said in the past. Their actions will speak louder than words over the next few weeks. We'll keep an eye out for any further developments.

DiscoKid2907d ago

I believe every Kickstarter campaign for a game must have a demo as proof of concept. While not communicating with your backers is not cool, backers should also be more cautious when supporting someone's campaign. I especially stay away from campaigns that don't even have gameplay footage.

2907d ago
2906d ago

What’s Going on With The Development of Tangiers?

OnlySP: As the new year dawns we’ve begun to start following up on same games we’ve covered in the past that we haven’t had updates on recently. One such game is a stealth title called Tangiers, which went up on Kickstarter back in 2013, and has yet to be released.