
Naughty Dog on Jak 4: ''the door is never fully shut, there's always a possibility''

PSU: In a recent Ask Us Anything session on Reddit, Naughty Dog veteran Bruce Straley details why the esteemed studio passed on the production of Jak 4, but is still leaving the door open for its looming development.

US8F3760d ago

Now thats the attitude!. I can only imagine what they will do with the power presented to them now

badboy7763760d ago

E3 will be E4

Jak 4
God Of war 4
Uncharted 4
Gears OF war 4

and more 4's????

ZodTheRipper3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

I hope a smaller studio takes on Jak&Dexter while Naughty Dog focuses on the really big projects :S
But I'll buy anything they come up with.

ABizzel13760d ago

Not that I wouldn't like a new games from Sony's Platforming Heroes, but I think it's better that Naughty Dog focus on creating revolutionary games for PS, and let the second party developers handle Ratchet, Sly, and Jak.

Sanzaru Games did an amazing job with Sly, and I'd rather see them work on Jak. Even Media Inc. who did the HD Collection for Jak Collection o nPS3 and Vita.

Let Naughty Dog work on Uncharted, The Last of Us, and New IP.

Jaqen_Hghar3760d ago

A man remembers when MGS4, DMC4, GTA4, and something else 4 all came out in the same year.

Black-Helghast3759d ago

I really hope Naughty Dog make a Jak 4 for tha PS4. Jak and Daxter was the first PS2 game I ever played and it would be awesome if Jak 4 was my first PS4 game :D

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3759d ago
medman3760d ago

Whatever Naughty Dog produces, I'm buying sight unseen. I would prefer a new Ip after the next Uncharted, then a return to an established franchise if they wish. But I'd like to see them expand their portfolio even further and give us a new Ip.

Majin-vegeta3760d ago

If ND doesnt wanna do it.I say hand it off to sanzaru games they did a great job with sly 4.

Abash3760d ago

I'm sure they'd do a good job, but the problem is we know that no developer can make a Jak 4 as good as Naughty Dog themselves

The Great Melon3760d ago

It's not that they don't want to do it. They just want to make a game that actually has substance rather than appeal simply to nostalgia. It's hard to make a compelling sequel to an epic and finished trilogy.

Jaqen_Hghar3760d ago

While Sly 4 kept things close to the chest it was a man's favorite game in the series.

GusHasGas3760d ago

Looks like Naughty Dog is currently having a tough time deciding between a sequel to The Last of Us, a new IP, or Jak 4. Either way, I'll be really damn excited for whatever they release.

-Foxtrot3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

Well I think they should hang off a Last of Us sequel for now, unlike Uncharted or Jak and Daxter a sequel isn't so easy. I guess it would take a lot of thinking where to go with the story.

We have two teams now...going off the creative directors (to make things easier to follow) we have Amy's team (Uncharted) then Neil's (Last of Us)

Amy's Team - Uncharted 4

Neil's - Jak 4

Amy's - New IP

Neil's - Last of Us Sequel

Amy's - Uncharted 5 or sequel to new IP

Neil's - Last of Us 3 or new IP

Amy's - ???

Neil's - ???

You get the idea....whatever the plan Neil's team will have to do the Last of Us and Amy's will have to do Uncharted since they both created and came up with each idea.

The only problem about the "plan" above is Neil doing Jak 4, he's a great guy but his story telling based of the Last of Us and what he said about him wanting to kill Elena off in Uncharted 2 seems pretty dark...I would like to think with the light hearted Uncharted games that Amy's team would be best creating a new Jak game. They are pretty light hearted after all.

But whatever happens the games will be great regardless.

Jak 4 though better be a massive open world game in the style of GTA. Jak 2 and Jak 3 did that so I don't see why they wouldn't want to expand on that.

Saito3760d ago

New IPs are greatly appreciated. I don't want a sequel to the TLoU. Cause the sequel will be good but will not surpass its predecessor. That's too difficult. We got a our immersion of the 1st and should be last of our journey for TLoU. Jak 4 is gonna need good writing to maneuver from its ending trilogy as well. I want new projects to arise and let others rest. No sequel breeding.

BattleAxe3760d ago

ND isn't having trouble deciding anything. The article that was up the other day saying "ND says there is a 50% chance of a TLoU sequel" is about as stupid as an article can get.

Basically what they're saying is maybe they will make a sequel or maybe they won't, which is what they mean by a 50% chance. The same thing goes for Jak and Daxter. Maybe they're making another new IP for all we know, which is what I would personally prefer.

DeletedAcc3760d ago

we need jak 4 from naughty dog

Walker3760d ago

I just wanna crash bandicoot reboot from Naughty Gods !

This would be fantastic platformer !

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Jak 4 – it’s finally time for a Jak & Daxter sequel

TSA writes: Despite lending their name to one of the best gaming trilogies, Jak & Daxter don’t enjoy the same all-star adoration as other PlayStation mascots. With the world still caught in an unfamiliar stasis, I found myself looking back, not forward, to those nostalgia-soaked days when 3D platformers were king. Back to when a pointy-eared lad and his Ottsel were PlayStation royalty.

Read Full Story >>
IRetrouk1179d ago

Wanted one since the psp follow up to the trilogy🥺

XiNatsuDragnel1179d ago

Same Jak 4 would complete my life

Teflon021179d ago

Only if it's like Jak 1 as opposed to 2 and 3. Personally thought the first was the best

WeAreLegion1179d ago

I think they're all incredible, but I like the chill island atmosphere of the first one the most.

Storm231179d ago

Jak 1 was incredible. So much fun and such a great tone.

EmperorDalek1179d ago

Just so long as it's not like Jak 2 we'll be fine I say.

LucasRuinedChildhood1178d ago

Jak 1 is fun but 2 and 3 were way more fun for me, tbh.

How can you say no to a hoverboard that can also grind surfaces like a skateboard? haha

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darthv721179d ago

With the new R&C almost out... the time is right for a return of J&D

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Limited Run Games Announces Jak 4 Exclusive Theme and Case


Anyone who has purchased all four Jak & Daxter games (standard or CE) through us will be receiving this official Jak 4 commemorative case containing an exclusive theme for your PS4! We'll be contacting you if you're eligible.

Exvalos1667d ago

This a hint at Jak 4 coming out?????

NoneYuh1667d ago

No it’s a concept art cover that’s included as a bonus if you bought Jak 1-3 and Jak X racing from them

AnubisG1667d ago

I don't get the point of this.

Poopmist1667d ago

Idk. People who buy from LRG are pretty weird

NoneYuh1667d ago

How? It’s literally a place that helps make physical versions of previously digital only titles. That or new productions of really old games. That’s weird?

yellowgerbil1667d ago

I don't buy digital if there is any way to avoid it. I wanted that River City Girls game (because they're cute, and was craving some old school beat'em up action). So I waited 2 months and got the physical for 40 dollars. Being physical I can sell it back if I ever get buyers remorse, and the limited printing means I could probably get all 40 back in 10 or so years when ps4 nostalgia starts up for todays kids turned collecting adults.

Segata1667d ago

Says the guys named Poopmist.

-Foxtrot1667d ago

Jeez guys it’s just a fun little extra they are doing if fans bought the collectors editions of Jak 1-3 and Jak X

It’s not a serious thing...

ssj271667d ago (Edited 1667d ago )

Wow the concept art looks good i can see NAUGHTY Dogs making be like guardians of the galaxy type of jak a d dexter plataformer accion adventure space open universe. It does sound cool. And i never thought i will be interested. But if is more realistic, mature and well done it will be amazing. But seem way to big of a project but if someone can do it right is Naughty Dogs.

It will be a next step from naughty dogs in the right direction. Uff i can lnly imagine a d i am not talking about the old games style of plays idk how they played but i am talking about a mix of uncharted the last of us style with more plataforming . It will be like a stars wars, guardian of the galaxy style theme with a good history to bach it up. With a good Online will be mindblowing.

Lore1667d ago

This franchise as a fleshed out rpg with the same beloved story, quests/missions & platforming would be king.

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ninsigma2973d ago

There was no conclusive ending to the franchise. There was so much more that could be done. Jak still had to face being Mar. I mean, there would be at least one more trip back in time because he had to build the city.

But I do agree that rebooting would be better. Simply because this is a different naughty dog to the one who created jak and daxter. Different people with different ideas. If they're gonna take on jak and daxter again, better to start from scratch and make it their own from the get go rather than trying to be new while being laden down by the originals.

andrewsquall2973d ago

Exactly. Also if Naughty Dog aren't involved, then just don't bother please. We don't want another Jak and Daxter The Lost Frontier, Spyro the Dragon after the PS1 days or any of the Halos after Bungie stopped making them to happen.

ninsigma2973d ago

Yep, I agree. As much as I'd love another one of these games, it's probably best to just leave it as it is.

pecorre2973d ago (Edited 2973d ago )

To be honest, the last Sly game was not developped by the original team and it was very good. If Naughty Dogs don't do it (they won't because they'll make The Last of Us 2), Sony could give it to a good developper.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi2973d ago

I would agree that the creative minds are different and thus they would make a different Jak experience, but because that's the case I'd say they should just leave Jak alone for now. Jak is my favorite franchise and if they change it I don't think I'd be happy.

Also, after pondering I realized why Jak didn't get a movie. He's not really a family friendly character like Ratchet and Sly. But, it being animated would also limit it's adult audience. There really is no market for a Jak movie.

Kallisti2973d ago

*Jak and Daxter Shouldn't Get a Sequel until we get a new Crash Bandicoot first. There, fixed your title for you.

2973d ago