
Newegg Description Says You Can Design Your Own Tracks in Mario Kart 8

Online retailer NewEgg currently has Mario Kart 8 up for pre-order. The interesting thing is is that the description says that gamers will be able to customise their vehicles and build their own tracks in the game. This hasn’t been confirmed by Nintendo, but if this is true then it’s a more than welcome addition to the Mario Kart franchise.

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Concertoine3808d ago

This would be awesome if you can race them online as well. I forsee some serious vomit inducing madness with the zero-g.

ritsuka6663808d ago

I doubt that its going to happen but it would be so cool, i would even pay for it as dlc.

3-4-53808d ago

I would pay $20 to be able to create my own Mario tracks. Wouldn't do that for hardly any other games.

Etseix3808d ago

this took a lot to be implemented, it's good, but it's not something we avent seen before, but o well.. better late than never right?

BattleN3807d ago (Edited 3807d ago )

Get out now! Who has done anti gravity before, I want an article!

Etseix3807d ago

i was referring to creating a track and put it online/share it with anyone.

Vegamyster3808d ago

Man i hope Nintendo did this, the gamepad would make it easy too.

Chrischi19883808d ago

Yes! That is the one feature, I hoped Nintendo would take from its competition.

I loved to play Mod Nation Racers with my friends, online with always new tracks to race on :D

Beastforlifenoob3808d ago

Modnation racers says " hi bit**s". Old ninty always 1 generation behind the master pack (ps and pc )

CaptainN3808d ago

Excite Bike on the NES says hi Sony Ponys ...sorry to burst your bubble but Nintendo has been there an done that long before Sony was even making games. Go back to your hole in the ground troll!

fonger083808d ago

@beastforlifenoob Yeah Excitebike track editor 1985... Mod-nation Racers 2009... so I wouldn't say Mod-nation copied Excitebike, but it's not exactly an original concept, so nice try.

Justindark3803d ago

and that's why you cant reply to me haha troll

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3803d ago
XiSasukeUchiha3808d ago

Awesome this would be awesome feature for people who like different tracks to play on

Rockefellow3808d ago

As opposed to people who like playing only one track over and over again?

(Kidding, of course)

iplay1up23808d ago

It would be a great addition, especially if you could share your tracks, but I am kind of thinking that won't happen. Even if it doesn't the game is going to be amazing.

Reeze3808d ago

I'm really looking forward to this feature, if it is implemented. Now if only this article could get approved...

BattleN3808d ago

Reeze congratulations!!!!!!

Rockefellow3808d ago

Come on, man. Don't act desperate, it's sad.

Reeze3808d ago

Sorry, I wasn't attempting to look desperate. I posted the article around 5 hours ago and I was eager to see the response from N4G readers, since this is very exciting news.

yugovega3808d ago

i could only imagine the tracks gamers could make with antigravity. i hope this turns out true. every course will be recreated day one.

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Rebel_Scum4d ago

Its missing the triangle label. Its not a complete game!


LG_Fox_Brazil4d ago

The holy grail of gaming collections

VIK21213d ago

Is it really that rare? I used to have that for years, I ended up trashing it because I coudn't be bothered to sell it lol


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No sunlight that day, apparently.

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OtterX9d ago

They should release it on NSO's GBA lineup. The Switch has a light sensor afterall! (Switch Lite owners would be out of luck though)

Chocoburger8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

I don't think games would be able to 'hook into' the light sensor for automatic screen brightness.
The best way to play the game is with the fan patch that lets you adjust the amount of light the game is receiving at will. Make sure not to play at max sunlight for too long, or the game will punish you, keep the sunlight meter lowered in order to keep playing longer.
