
PS4 virtual reality headset set for GDC reveal, report claims

Source says the Oculus Rift-style device just weeks away from first public appearance,

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THC CELL3870d ago

This will be big, and knowing sony who own screens cams and this type of tech they will be amazing

Mr Pumblechook3870d ago (Edited 3870d ago )

I would love to play a new Elder Scrolls, Fallout or other open world RPG with this thing. Because if this or Oculus Rift work as promised, it means instead of looking at a game world through the window in your telly, YOU will actually be in the world. But I know coming up against a ghost and demons will scare the bejesus out of me!

abzdine3870d ago

Sony cybershot knowledge put into making a VR headset will be definitely tempting.
Price will be what will make it a success, or not! But for sure the tech will be good!

morganfell3870d ago

They discuss the Tech Radar article. here is the previous one posted by Tech Radar where the source says the device runs in higher res than the OR.


starchild3870d ago

And how is the PS4 going to be able to push a higher resolution than 1080p at 60fps and in stereoscopic 3D? Maybe in simple indie games.

For adequate temporal resolution and low enough latency VR needs 60fps at a minimum.

I'm sorry, but I don't believe this "insider" or this "source".

Gazondaily3870d ago

Respect to anyone that plays Outlast with this on.

AgentSmithPS43867d ago

Sony surprised me with the great price on the PS4 so hopefully their VR price will too.

I'm sure it will be 'good enough' at the least, I wouldn't worry about resolutions, fps, etc. Obviously you can spend more to get more if you need it.

There are so many games I'd like to experience with VR. Skyrim, fallout, witcher 3, infamous, the evil within, dying light, mad max, max payne, etc, etc. I bought a 3D monitor and enjoyed playing batman arkham city in 3D on the 360, until lightning destroyed it :|. It doesn't surprise me that some people complain about 3D and anything new but when it's done right it can be amazing.

Good pricing, great games, good ads, boobs, and adventures will easily sell this. It would take a special person to not be excited about VR and an even special-er person to screw up something so easily destined for greatness.

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hellzsupernova3870d ago

It could be amazing but mainstream mass appeal don't want to pay for amazing, Sony are going to have to sacrifice some things to get it to a mass market price point for it to be really succesful.

And also didn't we hear that it was pulled last year last minute at gamescon?

Muffins12233870d ago (Edited 3870d ago )

Price needs to be 250 at most considering oculist rift is 300 and sony can literately squash it like that with its factory's and can use the technique of mass producing so it will be around the same quality but cheaper.....my worrying thought ; will it be like Move?Looks, sounds, and plays cool...but will it get support?

Dark113870d ago

This will be big just like the 3D...

abzdine3870d ago

what's wrong with the 3D?

Conzul3870d ago

I can see myself using this for my first playthrough of big story-based titles, then lay it aside for my big TV so I can share with friends and family who are right next to me.

But only if the price is right.

DarkLord10033870d ago

I'd like to see VR succeed this gen - but are we really ready

akraven3870d ago

I think it will depend on the price.

Volkama3870d ago

I don't know if the hardware is ready, but I sure am.

Raccoon3870d ago

my pockets are always ready!!

Muffins12233870d ago

Yes,oculus rift does it perfectly, all this thing needs is support and its sure to succeed

skoorydook3870d ago

Really does depend on the price as for me not every genre of game can be vastly improved by this.

Volkama3870d ago (Edited 3870d ago )

True it wont be for every genre. But the ones that do fit will be completely revolutionised.

I don't think I've looked forward to a product release this enthusiastically since... probably forever.

DonMingos3870d ago

Can you imagine Mirror's Edge? :o

Volkama3870d ago

Not without being sick :)

Tacklebait3870d ago

I'm more excited about the new genres that come from this rather then getting the existing ones to work for it.

Ok, I am pretty excited about a good vr racing game, and a helicopter simulator.....

Muffins12233870d ago

Oculus rift is 300 so i suspect it to be 200-300 dollars,crossing fingers for the 200 but doubtful, will probably be 250.

markyboy21813870d ago

and dont forget the graphics will b ps2 standerd on them

Pandamobile3870d ago

VR is going to be incredibly taxing on next-gen systems.

For an comfortable VR experience, you're going to want at least 1080p at 60+ FPS. For an optimal experience, look for 1440p at 60+ FPS.

The PS4 doesn't have enough horsepower to render at those resolutions and framerates without dialing back the graphics pretty significantly.

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SimpleSlave3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

While I understand I can't look at a gift horse in the mouth, this is giving me mixed feelings. The Combat, while back to the good ol' Yakuza style of bombastic beat 'em up and direct control, it does feel like it could've fit more in a themed spin-off in the same vein as the Fist of the North Star game instead. At least this is not that Turd Based garbage. So there's that


But I'll stay cautiously optimistic about this game meeting me halfway and hopefully it'll be fun. But that Kart racing mini game looks absolutely god awful... Sheesh!


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