
Preview: Constant C | Put That Back

Our resident indie game specialist Adrian Valdez gets a preliminary look with the upcoming space-themed platformer.

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Constant C - PS3 Review | Chalgyr's Game Room

Chalgyr's Game Room writes:

Time has been used… time and time again (sorry I couldn’t help it) as a mechanic within storytelling. Time is generally a constant within the human perception. Every second, of every minute, of every hour is something that we tend to worry about with our generally short lifespans in the grand scheme of things. Time within games is usually used to gauge how fast something can be accomplished or how much time is left to accomplish a goal. Time has been used to either speed things up, slow them down, or even stop them for a moment. What if time stopped however? What if nothing but you were able to move while everything else remained frozen? Constant C is the story of this “what if” scenario.


Constant C Review | MONG

Way too often, at the end of a console’s life cycle, a few smaller indie titles will pass along with little mention or fanfare. Some of these games are true diamonds in the rough, largely unnoticed by the masses flocking to the newer and shinier consoles. Constant C, one of the latest PlayStation 3 releases, is not one of these games.

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Constant C (PS3) Review - Push Square

Push Square: "Constant C is enjoyable enough, but it never really ventures beyond that. In spite of a few areas where the title feels tonally disjointed, this is an entertaining intergalactic affair that may be worth taking a look at. Strong controls, cunning puzzles, and a surprisingly solid story offset a disconnected soundtrack and steep learning curve. It’s not bad, then – but in shooting for the stars, this release ends up tepidly hovering somewhere in the stratosphere."

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