

Deep Silver today announced that “KILLER IS DEAD” will be making its way to Steam store and retail on May 9th, 2014.

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lesrima883770d ago (Edited 3770d ago )

definitive version :D

Studio-YaMi3770d ago

Probably is,hopefully they optimize it perfectly,I am glad I didn't get it yet,good news!

3770d ago Replies(3)
Spurg3770d ago ShowReplies(2)
Shinox3770d ago (Edited 3770d ago )

I can't believe this newest game got a PC port
While Bayonetta not ?
PlatinumeGames , What is wrong with you ?
its been 6 years and you still didn't even think about porting Bayonetta 1 to the PC yet you proudly announcing with a straight face a Wii U port for Bayonetta 1 , does Nintendo making exclusive IP right with you since 2009 or does this whole "Nintendo Saving Bayonetta" slogan was a lie to the whole gaming media just because Nintendo was thirsty for IP's like this !

combatcash3770d ago

I'm guessing it's due to piracy fears. Not sure why they would put it out on the Wii U software doesn't sell very well on there.

Lon3wolf3769d ago (Edited 3769d ago )

Same old comment about PC gaming and piracy, of course piracy does not exist on the consoles (TLoU DLC is available for dodgy download btw).

Good to see the PC get more games like this, just add Bayonetta and Lollipop Chainsaw please (I know different studios).

stragomccloud3769d ago (Edited 3769d ago )

Bayonetta is Platinum games. This game is developed by Suda51 and his studio, Grasshopper Manufacture.

You really need to check your facts before you comment. Let's try to be professional here, like the BBC; not FOX news.

Are_The_MaDNess3769d ago

well Platinum have already released MGR on PC aswell tho.....

really hope they bring Bayonetta too us, its never to late.

Shinox3769d ago (Edited 3769d ago )

Do you really telling me where Killer is Dead Coming from ?
Are you trying to act as the role of the smart in this situation or just being really that dumb to not realize why i mention "PlatinumGames" in my comment in the first place , and to be honest with your delusional logic i don't need facts to prove how the deals between PG and Nintendo works under the tables , its already happening in front of your eyes so don't even try shading what's between the two and make it seem as if its a coincidence , its all happening straight to your face and the Wii U port of Bayonetta 1 releasing the improved version "this year" is the strongest fact why they planning for all this before the shitstorm .

stragomccloud3769d ago (Edited 3769d ago )

Wow, what anger you have, young man. You are off topic talking about Nintendo and platinum games when this is about PC and Grasshopper Manufacture. Let's try to keep the community positive, eh?

ShockUltraslash3770d ago

GOOOD! a step towards a future where ALL genre are available on all platforms. Power to the gamer, to choose between PC/Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo regardless of genre. Konami has already started this by putting Lords of Shadow1,2 and MGR:Revengence on PC.

If you want Platinum's games available on PC then be free to support this petition!

stragomccloud3769d ago

I'm still optimistic about Final Fantasy XV and Metal Gear Solid V ports.

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Killer is Dead - 10 Years without a Sequel

Killer is Dead arrived a decade ago, and despite not receiving a sequel stands-up as a unique work from SUDA 51.

315d ago

The Best Suda 51 Games So Far

Goichi Suda (Aka Suda 51) is a peerless developer, renowned for the making of some of the most unique games. Here are the best ones to date.

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MIDGETonSTILTS17698d ago


I’ve always heard his games have repetitive portions. I appreciate unique and creative games, but repetition dilutes even the greatest games (ie Arkham Asylum).

sourOG697d ago (Edited 697d ago )

Shadows of the damned was pretty wild. That and lollipop chainsaw are the only ones ive played but I’d give it to SoTD.

Yui_Suzumiya697d ago

Shadows of the Damned and Lollipop Chainsaw are my favorites


Suda51 Wants to Release The Silver Case on Nintendo Switch and Remake Flower, Sun, and Rain

During a panel at Momocon, Grasshopper Manufacture founder Goichi "Suda51" Suda talked about possible Switch ports of his games.

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Fist4achin1481d ago

He should. Although I'd like to see something new from him. Or how about Shadows of the Damned 2?

Abriael1481d ago

Well, he is making No More Heroes 3.