
Kentuckey Route Zero Act III Will Happen. Sometime...

Clickonline writes: "Cardboard Games are the guys behind the utterly unusual and definitely strange adventure title Kentucky Route Zero. Parts I and II are out now and the company has been quiet on news of more content. Now they're speaking out."

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Top 5 Games that Lied to you About the Main Character

BLG writes: "Nothing feels better than finally stepping back into the shoes of a hero after a long hiatus. But what happens when you start up the game and realize, you were lied to? You’re not going to be playing as your favorite character. Here are five games that lied to you about the main character."

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933d ago Replies(4)
Lord_Sloth933d ago

MGS2 is still my favorite entry in the franchise and Raiden was my favorite character even before MGS4 came out. I liked his lack of composure. Sure, Rose was annoying af but I don't fault him for that, I fault her for it.

TheColbertinator933d ago

MGS2 and Halo 2 are interesting contrasts. I preferred playing as Snake over Raiden but I preferred playing as the Arbiter over Master Chief.

Z501933d ago (Edited 933d ago )

Where did MGS2 "lie"? Where did it say I was "supposed" to play as Solid or Solid was the main character?

Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes you play as Naked. But in Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain you play as Venom.

Did the Phantom Pain also lie using this logic??????? (PP is the best selling in the whole franchise) So, throw the 'more people played mgs2' argument out.

933d ago
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Kentucky Route Zero - Brutal Backlog

Kentucky Route Zero spanned 7 years of development, but 2 years after the final chapter came out, is the narrative adventure still worth a road trip? JDR drives into today's Brutal Backlog review.

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The Best Games of the PS4/Xbox One Generation

Despite somewhat rocky beginnings for both platforms, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One became home to some of the most celebrated games of all time. While we’re all excited to see what the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S have in store, we’d be remiss if we didn’t take a proper look back at the era we’re leaving behind.

Ezio20481359d ago

Red Dead Redemption 2 for me. Followed closely by God of War.

-Foxtrot1359d ago

Alien Isolation? I totally agree it deserves to be in this list but the cheek of IGN to mention it in here yet at the time they gave it a 5.9 / 10

Anyway this list really shows how well Sony have been doing on the games front overall, it's been a good generation for them.

sagapo1359d ago

RDR2 for me. Graphics, story, immersion... Just the controls felt a bit cluncky at the start.

Elda1359d ago

Most PS4 exclusives I really enjoyed along with some great multi-plats.

SonyStyled1358d ago (Edited 1358d ago )

Not sure if it’s on the list, but I disliked HZD. Struggling to get through it since last February. Dialogue select has always been a turn off for me figuring out which dialogue finishes the conversation where the important parts could be made into a cutscene, yet I have to ask baseless and uninteresting questions to continue gameplay. Anyway it’s on PC now so those players can enjoy it.

Since initial reveal as an RPG I had a sense it wasn’t my type of game, but a coworker and friend led me on to it as it was one of his favorite games. Plus, I respected Guerilla Games as Killzone was one of my favorite series last gen so I thought I’d give Horizon an honest shot. I wish I never played Horizon to begin with

creebhills1359d ago

Red Dead Redemption is just a beauty of a game. love it all the wa

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