
Dungeon Keeper Rating System- Manipulative or Not?

Pointgames:Today we’re going to talk about innovations that transforms into freedom or manipulation. Everything is moving very fast in the games’ world, and the developers are trying to stay at highest expectations possible.

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GentlemenRUs3881d ago

It is, Other apps which did this got removed form the market but because EA can splash the cash around... This one didn't...

hazelamy3881d ago

frankly i think this kind of manipulation of the rating system should see the game removed from the store.

they're actively trying to prevent people from giving the game anything other than a five star rating.

that cannot be allowed surely.


6 Classic Games That Simply Must Be Re-made

Any Button Gaming reminisces on 6 games games that made our miss-spent youths, and we pray to the gaming gods that a remake or two are on the way. Here's hoping.

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gaffyh1319d ago

Don't think i've seen any of these games requested for remakes by anyone else! To each their own i guess.


EA Goes Back to the Well in all the Wrong Ways

Player 2 takes a look at the announcement of Command and Conquer Rivals and how it signals a clear lack of regard for the fan base by EA management.

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SpamnJam2300d ago

Seriously, there are so many good EA titles from the past that could make wonderful new games. But it aint going to happen. All about the dollar dollar bills.

Araragifeels 2300d ago

Well Dante Inferno, Dead Space, Army Of Two, Medal Of Honor and other are flops. Once the game flop so hard in the first or the sequel that EA let the franchise die off.

sizeofyou2300d ago

So wanted Fight Night revival...UFC doesn't cut it for me... 😔

TheGoodestBoi2300d ago

Great to see command and Conquer make an epic return to mobile /epic sarcasm

2300d ago
2299d ago

Best 10 Games Where You Play the Bad Guy

Out of all the games in which you play the bad guy which ones are the best? Which games are the most fun to play as the bad guy at its blackhearted fullest?

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bradleejones2834d ago

No Infamous... First game I thought of. GTA too...

Fist4achin2834d ago

DMC when you play as Virgil?! Maybe, maybe not...