
The 10 Rules for Codemasters and F1

Following the news that Sony has lost the F1 license to Codemasters, Gameplayer has constucted this article which determines the 10 key points the new developer must stick to in order to do the great sport justice.

"Yet with great licenses comes great responsibly – or something like that – and Codemasters need to deliver an extremely impressive title to satisfy fans, and lure newcomers to what has thus far been an unprofitable series. In our minds, sticking to the following ten steps should be Codemasters do or die mantra…"

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SlappingOysters5876d ago

I am a big fan of Codemasters and a big fan of the F1 so this seems like a deal made in heaven... which is why I'm wondering what it is that is making me feel so skeptical.

The game in this article would rock that is for sure: I think I would prefer a V8 Supercars first of any type first thougH!

Papacharinonanadan5876d ago

stuff F1, they need to fix grid first. handling is lame and there are no freakin DTMs or V8s: stuff the drifting, if I wanted to do that I would buy need for freakin speed.

GavLam885876d ago

That list includes everything i would love to see in a codemasters F1 game. Lets just hope that they read this list!
I have an idea for the Pit Stops. In a lot of racing games (especially F1) you are automatically driven into the pits. How about for this F1 game, that you have to slow the car down to the right speed, press a button for the pit speed limiter and then you have to look out for your pit crew member to flag you into your lane where you must park the car correctly. Then it is up to your team to do the rest (the AI pit crew could perhaps make some mistakes if you are not correctly lined up etc). While you are waiting for your team, you must not let the F1 car stall as you leave the pits waiting for the lollipop.

SlappingOysters5876d ago

yeah that could work. You could even be able to run over one of your pit crew dudes or accelerate away while the fuel is still attached starting to fire if you mistime it.

Could be really tense in multiplayer!

Kyur4ThePain5876d ago

I actually like the way they did the pit stops in F1:CE, with it being like a mini-game, meaning you actually have to do something during the stop and it affects your pit stop time.

Thargoth5876d ago

That's exactly how I've always wanted the pitstops to be done.

WIIIS15876d ago

I'm just glad the license is now in better hands. Sony really mucked up F1.

RoarrrUK5876d ago

You mean in the same fashion as codemasters mucked up Toca. Grid is beyond a joke.

Avto5876d ago

First off all Sony F1 games had great race weekends and cut-scenes c'mon man they are bad in all the Codemasters games so why spoil F1, downloadable races works but only once for any given game, Mapped A.I for each driver is impossible you can't make Glock slower than Rosberg cuz' they drive different cars, all F1 games have outstanding weather simulations for their time, sound recognition software, ha ha do they understand the problems this will create, online is good, damage was always there it just did not look as good as it will on PS3, PS games had cokpit view and PS2 games had G force simulation. Codmaster must get one single thing right, the feel of the cars

DJ5876d ago

But it's too bad the licensing got so outrageous ($15 million per title). It'll be interesting to see how Codemasters' version compares.

Bladestar5876d ago

$15 per title? ehhh? are you sure? that does not sound like a lot!
almost any game can be profitable... anyways.. CodeMaster will not have any problem making lots of money with F1 the same they have no problem making money with some of their other games... like Grid...
the simple fact that it will be release on the xbox 360 which Grid did very well... ensures that.

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GamerPops: Formula One 2009 Wii Review


"Overall, I found Formula One 2009 a letdown. The Wii is a bit lacking in the racing genre, and this was a chance to step in and offer Wii gamers an exciting experience. Hopefully Codemasters can learn from this experience and improve on their game."

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Everyeye.it Review: Formula 1 2009 (Wii)

Everyeye.it: It was the distant 1998. To be precise it was in September 1998. The Italians had just cried with Di Biagio who, with his penalty spentosi on the cross, had put an end to the world of nationality in France. Then Valentino Rossi was still a youngster and a half for tifava Italy romanissimo Max Biagi. Meanwhile the Ferrari around the world and suffered not a little. After having cursed a couple of years the unsurpassable Williams back in 1998 to beat an opponent that had prevented the heroic Hakkinen Michael Schumacher to give the dream that many fans waiting for too years.

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YLG: F1 2009 Review

No race fixing, no political in-fighting and definitely no sex scandals – F1 2009 is all about the adrenaline-pumping g-force action on the track.

It was 2006 when the last Formula 1 game appeared on PSP so a new version has been long overdue. Since the last game there have been countless rule changes, a bunch of new countries joining the F1 circus and more negative stories rocking the sport than Michael Schumacher had grand prix wins.

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