
PS4 exclusives that could make you switch console

This is probably a game that’s slipped well under the radar of many a PS4 owner. It is a ninja based free-running game in which the player is tasked with getting from point A to point B, collecting as many coins on the way as possible. Obviously, traversing the small maps isn’t easy and there are a number of obstacles in the way, from mines to electrified droids. I had N+ on the Xbox 360 and loved every second of it. Sure it was ridiculously frustrating and at times I wanted to launch my controller through the TV, but it always drew me back. This was mainly because the challenge was fun and the game was quaint in its simplicity. It had a memorable soundtrack and a very retro feel, which I love in a cheap game. I’m pretty upset that N++ won’t be coming to the Xbox One.

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WrAiTh Sp3cTr33820d ago

The only game that interests me on the PS4 at the moment is The Order and I wouldn't give up the XB1 for that one game.

iamnsuperman3820d ago

There is a lot of hype for that game but we haven't seen much of it. I am waiting until we see more before I get excited for the Order

ShugaCane3820d ago

In less than two weeks from now, the hype will be justified. Trust me.

(No I have no real clue, actually...but still, trust me. lol)

Mikelarry3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

Exactly if last gen has thought us gamers something is to WAIT to see gameplay before getting hyped, I am not disputing that readyatdawn are not capable of delivering its just common sense. Plus bubbles for that comment iamnsuperman

GarrusVakarian3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

I could never imagine "switching" consoles......ADDING another console yes, but why would you get rid of one and miss out on all it's exclusives, just for the other?

Having both consoles ensures you don't miss out on the best each console has to offer.

Gazondaily3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

"Having both consoles ensures you don't miss out on the best each console has to offer."


I wouldn't 'switch' console. Yeah you can have a MAIN and a secondary console to play your multiplats, but buy both if you can and don't deprive yourself of some great experiences (unless the exclusives on a particular console don't excite you at all).

You see people on here make competing lists of exclusive games when they argue their point. I just put those lists together and that's my library of games :D Muhaha

ChronoJoe3820d ago

As a student working on getting the grades for a PhD application, I can speak for the benefits of having just one console. If you get what I mean.

Sometimes it's better to not invest your entire life into the games industry. Unless your truly addicted to your hobby I don't see why you really need multiple platforms, there are plenty of great experiences you can have on either, more than the average consumer would ever need to occupy their spare time.

Docknoss3820d ago

Not one Damn Sony game is worth the switch

mewhy323819d ago Show
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3819d ago
lifeisgamesok3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

@Wraith same here and i definitely wouldn't give up my Xbox One for a shooter with no multiplayer or at least a horde like mode

Infamous2983820d ago

You wasnt even planning to buy a ps4.

ShugaCane3820d ago

Oh god yes you're so right. A horde mode. This is what DEFINES gaming.


DigitalRaptor3820d ago

What Xbox One game has a horde mode?

You still excited for Quantum Break, even though it has no multiplayer? Thought so.

Bennibop3820d ago

Same could be said for titanfall won't be giving up my ps4 to play a supposed multiplayer game with bots and last gen graphics.

MetaReapre3820d ago

If that is really your opinion on video games, then you are the bane of my existence. I would love more games without some competitive component like multiplayer and/or horde modes. I love games with story, and that's just what this game is trying to focus on. A great story.

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GuyThatPlaysGames3820d ago

What is there on the XB1 that I should give up my PS4 for?

ho0dium3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

Forza. PS4 got nothing like it...ok, delayclub maybe one day, and if that is really that awesome...dunno.
will see when my preorder of it arrives...2018 or sth =)

jmc88883820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

Forza? Sorry. Maybe a proper Forza, but why people continue to call THAT version of Forza up in high esteem is hilarious.

It's pre 2009 PC driving game tech in 1080p. That's it.

Try playing some 2009-2013 PC driving games and you'll see why Forza is actually pretty embarrassing.

SMH at a forward rendered driving game in 2014 being used as an example to switch consoles.

Wait until a real Forza comes out that utilizes graphical techniques available at the end of the last decade and then you'll see why Forza was such crap graphically. Hell give me Dirt2 from PC that cam with my old ATI 5850 that used deferred rendering and DX11 effects. Hell you could also run it >1080p. It looked pretty good on my old NEC CRT at 2048x1536.

I get that there are or you expect to have exclusives on Xbox One. No problem there. I get that you like driving games and Forza. But you really should look around before saying stuff.

Who knows maybe Forza would have been delayed if they hadn't cut half the cars and stuff out of the game. Plus Driveclub won't cost me $60, and does utilize deferred rendering.

A couple months doesn't matter, I still have all the other deferred rendered and DX11 driving games on Steam/Origin to play.

Sony has a dozen studios, you KNOW they are going to bring it with IP.

You hear Spencer with Xbox say new IP is critical, but where are the studios? Once they form/buy 10 studios or more, then I'll say...good...they'll be able to have some nice exclusives...in 2-3 years. But we can't start that clock yet.

Titanfall is on PC, don't need XB1, and it'll be definitive version.

cellur1113820d ago

Dead rising 3 and titanfall i guess. Everything else so far was crap or just okay.

killzone6193820d ago Show
princejb1343820d ago

I think people hype up Forza to much
I've played 3,4 and 5 and there nothing special
I'll rather play a racing game like burnout, unrealistic and fun
Even though I have a ps4 the only game I want at the moment is the division,infamous and the order
The only game that looks fun on xbone is titanfall

GuyThatPlaysGames3820d ago

I liked Forza on the 360 but Forza for the XB1 just doesn't do it for me. I still play Forza on my 360 even tho I have my PS4.

medman3820d ago

The xbone has got the clap. Stay away until it gets cleared up. What a sloppy mess Microsoft have made.

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UnholyLight3820d ago

I have to say, Ive been enjoying my PS4 a lot more than my X1 but..A good chunk of Sony exclusives really don't interest me at all. The Order looked cool until they started running around with futuristic guns and stuff...

Syleros3820d ago

"The Order looked cool until they started running around with futuristic guns and stuff..."

so you mean the first 6 seconds of the order looked good, cause they showed "futuristic" weapons in the first 10 seconds. Also i wouldn't really clasify that as futuristic, it's more steampunk, minus the steam. it's clearly not in a realistic universe we exist in.

Prime1573820d ago

It's an alternate history setting very similar to steam-punk. I get that you don't like it. Your opinion. You are entitled to that. However, I think you should try reading this:


UnholyLight3820d ago


Yeah I guess I fail at remembering correctly then..


That actually puts things in a different perspective and is kind of an interesting view point to have. Thanks for that

DivineAssault 3820d ago

i would rather have a PS4 with no retail games & PS Plus than to own xb1 & every game out for it right now & 5 yrs of gold

TH3BR3W3820d ago

I'm glad you are so willing to state your love for PS4 I love it too. Please though learn to keep your posts on topic.

DivineAssault 3820d ago

well if u looked & read the comment thread TH3BR3W, u would see that my comment was a reply to the 1st one way up there..

ssj273820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

Have you notice how every IP on the xbox has lost their main creator's, developers and studio's?

Those IP have lost their soul.

That is where you see the difference between Sony and xbox, Sony know how important that is.

Prime1573820d ago


Or how they take a studio (black tusk) with a lot of talent and hype (especially after e3 reveal/tech demo) and force them to drop their ideas to produce another gears game.

They know that those titles will likely sell, nothing more. I hate that mindset.

assdan3820d ago

Infamous is a fantastic game. Deep down looks like it could be promising. The order is looking pretty good so far. This year is awesome for games. No matter which console you got. I'm far more interested the ps4 exclusives. But even eliminating both exclusive line ups, it's still a great year. This gen is starting off way better than the last one IMO.

combatcash3820d ago

For me much like last gen the last guardian is what I am waiting on.

Anything by Naughty dog the next god of war just to see how much Santa Monica can push the pretty graphics.

ITPython3820d ago

Let's look at both consoles logically for a second.

What is the ratio of multiplatform games to individual console exclusives? 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, 10:1? Either way I think it's safe to assume that multiplat games are more abundant then exclusives.

Now let's consider the fact that multiplat games are always going to be better on the PS4 (unless MS pays to have parity, and even then it's still equal). Therefore mix the PS4 exclusives and superior multiplat games, and the PS4 technically is going to have significantly more games than the XB1, possibly at some huge ratio like 20:1. Why? Because the only games the XB1 will have that can't be had on the PS4 is it's exclusives, and since multiplat games are better on the PS4 there is no reason to play those on the XB1. So the PS4 gets all the multiplat games + all it's exclusives, and the XB1 only has it's exclusives. That's a huge difference in games.

Logically, and from a gamer standpoint, a PS4 should be the console everybody gets first. Then if they have the funds and think that XB1 exclusives will be worth it, they can add in a XB1.

TruthBTold3820d ago

If I had the money and time I would buy. If they removed the Kinect to lower the price and I had more time I would buy. As it is I barely have time to play PS3 and PS4 but I'm certain XBox will have some good exclusives this gen. I lean more towards PS as I personally like the unique games they bring out.

dannygamer3820d ago

Any Xbox One exclusives that could make PS4 users switch console?

TH3BR3W3820d ago

Honestly I am waiting for more about quantum break. If it turns out to be as good as it looks so far. I might consider adding the xb1 to my collection of gaming machines. If it's a crapshot game then xb1 will have to find something else to get me interested in it.

The only reasons I bought ps4 was for infamous, the order, and the NHL series as EA terminated the development of it for PC. As for all of the multiplats, PC all the way. I trust that sony's multiple studios will produce more exclusives that I will for sure buy like TLOU.

donman13819d ago

Nope. Plus, XboxOne is over priced and under powered. Its simply a terrible investment.

showtimefolks3820d ago

i only have time for one and that's even stretching it, my choice is ps4 because my choice was ps1,ps2 and ps3. More power to you if you like wiiu or xbox one.

I just like playing single player exclusives and for my money sony delivers in that area more than any other

TheTowelBoy3820d ago

I don't know why you're getting a a bunch of dislikes, and I agree I have a Ps4, gaming laptop, 360 and Ps3 and I only play my Ps4 to play AC4 and Killzone. Love the way the Order LOOKS right now. But I'm cautious about it. Btw I'm buying an X1 when there's a kinectless version. Get TF for PC, looks good.

Xer0_SiN3820d ago

when they said ninja based, i instantly had a flashback of tenchu from the ps1 glory days lol.

Francis23820d ago

I wish it were so! Sadly not, N+ is far more retro than Tenchu

Alex_Boro3820d ago

Ehh... can't see any hype for the Order. We barely know much about the game. I am hyped for infamous, uncharted, and santa monica's new ip

TheSaint3820d ago

Why do you have to give it up? Couldn't you own more than one console??

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3819d ago
Chaostar3820d ago

Let's face it, you could bring out the greatest game in history and some people would never make the switch, either way.

Why does it have to be switch anyway? Why not get both if there are games that interest you on both platforms? Buy a Wii U and Vita while you're at it :)

jmc88883820d ago

If you can afford both, then get both.

There's two kinds of switches.

1. Where you switch because you can only afford one console and thus you want to get the one that has the best games, best versions of games, etc.

2. Where you switch where you buy most of your content eve if you buy two. So last generation most people bought multiplatform games on Xbox 360, yet had their PS3 for exclusives. This generation the switch will be that they'll be buying their multiplatform games on PS4 (as well as PS4 exclusives) and only buy Xbox One exclusives on their Xbox One.

The question is, Microsoft doesn't have many studios to pump out exclusives. They say it is important for new IP's, like Iwata says he knows he wants to avoid a game drought for Nintendo systems after launch.

So I do think many people are going to initially use their secondary system far less, because Microsoft simply doesn't have the studios. We'll see in 2-3 years if Microsoft has a bunch of 1st party exclusives coming out or not. But first we'll see the news that they are buying or starting a new developer.

...and you're right, same thing goes with the Wii U. (I'll separate this into console not handheld)

At least you know exactly what you get with Nintendo 1st party games.

Hellsvacancy3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

No, just no, it's comments like yours that makes me hate being a Playstation fan sometimes

Say something interesting when you comment not just a dumbass one liner that we've all heard before

Hicken3820d ago

Why base your stance on how foolish others make themselves look? That's just as bad as somebody lumping you in with a serial killer cuz he's from the same town as you.

Eonjay3820d ago

You are over reacting.

skydragoonity3820d ago

Most immature comment I've seen all year

moujahed3820d ago

Honestly I don't see any game now causing a person to purchase a PS4 if they already have an X1. Most of the people I know purchased the PS4 for its raw power. The real question is which multi-play game will decide your system of choice. I'm currently trying to Platinum TR Definitive Edition, that game is beautiful.

Chrisgamerguy3820d ago

Both consoles have exclusives worth buying the console for.

BlakHavoc3820d ago

I agree. I honestly think it's unnecessary to buy both consoles, considering the main thing that separates them are exclusives. And with that in mind both consoles maybe put out one to two worthwhile exclusives a year, Imo it doesnt make sense to have both consoles for one or two games a year you could only get on that console.

Hicken3820d ago

I wouldn't say they both currently have exclusives worth getting the console for, but they are upcoming for each.

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inFamous 3: Is PlayStation Working On A Second Son Sequel?

Fans of the action-adventure franchise have been eagerly awaiting news of a potential sequel to one of the best games on the PS4.

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-Foxtrot8d ago

They really need to

Go off the evil ending off Second Son

Delsin absorbs all those powers

Revealed he’s the real Beast and John in Infamous 2 was just an anomaly created by timelines being messed with by Kessler.

Cole vs the Real Beast

gold_drake8d ago

quite honestly, i dont remember a whole lot about 2 amymore, but i absolutely hated the guy in second son haha.

chicken_in_the_corn7d ago

It would make more sense to go off the evil ending of 2 and the good ending g of SS where Cole is The Beast.

Cacabunga6d ago

Doesnt make any sense calling second son 2 as infamous 3..

OtterX7d ago

Ha, yea Delsin was obnoxious.

I wouldn't mind another new character, but somehow bring Cole into the story.

We can just pretend like Delsin never existed. :)

thejigisup7d ago

Everyone that age is obnoxious. It's been years and is like to think delsin has grown

neutralgamer19927d ago

Until we wait for a potential new entry it would awesome to have infamous collection for PS5

RaidenBlack7d ago

Umm ... how about this?
First we get the Tushima sequel(coz its most rumored)
Then a new Resistance (need new PS SP FPS)
Then a totally new IP (new IPs are always interesting)
And then a new inFamous?

xHeavYx7d ago

Can we also get a complete remaster of InFamous 1 and 2?

fr0sty6d ago

Gimme a new Warhawk and MAG while we're at it.

DivineHand1257d ago

I had a great time with the second son. Never got to play the originals and hope they get remastered one day.

DazaMc7d ago

The graphics were amazing, I got the platinum on that one. Very good.

ChasterMies7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

If I had a choice between another Infamous game and another Spider-Man game, I choose Spider-Man. Sony should spend its resources on its winners.

Tacoboto7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

Infamous was such a winner its studio was given the freedom (after 3 titles + their expansions) to do a new IP with GoT, just like with Sly Cooper before infamous.

I'd welcome a 4th title even more than another Spider-Man, it'd be exciting what they could do with new powers fit for the hardware outside the limits of a licensed superhero game.

jznrpg7d ago

Spider-Man is guaranteed and is made by Insomniac so why not both as Sucker Punch would make Infamous.

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How Does inFAMOUS Second Son Hold up 10 Years Later?

inFAMOUS Second Son was one of PS4's best exclusives, but does it hold up a decade later?

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Deeeeznuuuts196d ago

100%, locked 60fps and still look great all these years later, same with the expansion, definitely worth a look if people haven't played it yet, not the best games ever made but a good experience, hopefully a new infamous gets released

KwietStorm_BLM196d ago

Never was my favorite infamous, but it was definitely a graphics showcase early on PS4. Still plays well with the unlocked frame rate.

SDuck196d ago

Still remember getting hyped about this game nearing release. Funny because I never even got a PS4. Jumped from PS3 to PC so I never played it ahahaha

OmegaSoldati195d ago

Its a good game. But thats it. Congratulations you made the best choice. I dream to have a great PC one day.

jznrpg6d ago

@OmegaSoldati I’ve had a few of the highest end PC’s and they’re cool for about a year then they aren’t the highest end PC anymore and not as cool. It’s way overrated imo.

Profchaos196d ago (Edited 196d ago )

Graphically It's a absolutely stunning game that still holds up today.

Didn't have all that much depth to it forcing you to play though twice for a platinum trophy a good and bad run it was a little disappointing how similar those were Delsin would be like I'm not doing that for you in a cutscene but the cutscene would play out and force you to do it anyway just as you would of in a good run

I did like the story however it got a lot of complaints back in the day people hated playing as Delsin instead of cole despite Coles story being wrapped up.

Overall though the map wasn't overly saturated with useless points of interest there was some collectibles and things to find but nothing compared to a Ubisoft game.

I think it was a good game if a little hollow I've played it through around 4 times now since it's so short.

Also it's DLC was great a full story expansion

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15 More Underrated PS4 Games You Probably Didn’t Play

GB: "With this feature, we run down 15 of the most underrated games on the PS4 that never received the love and appreciation they truly deserve."

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Christopher228d ago

I've played 15, and I wouldn't consider any of those underrated TBH. Some of them are pretty high rated.

banger88227d ago

That's amazing, Gamingbolt actually put all 15 games on the same page.

shinoff2183226d ago

I. Not seeing anything on that list underrated. I never played concrete genie, the ASTRO vr,and one other but I forgot the name already. Nothing on there was underrated at all imo.

persona4chie226d ago

There’s only 4 of those games I never played, and no most of those aren’t underrated.

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