
Gun Metal Review | Combo Caster

Gun Metal is going up in the distant future in a region at war. Our vehicle that has the same name of the game is a prototype which could be considered a true transformer. We can exchange at ease Mech and a jet plane. It is this dynamic that gives some charisma Gun Metal, but unfortunately that is not sustainable.

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Kiss Reunites Gamers with Past Addictions

FanBolt writes: "Ok, so I don’t know about you, but I certainly had a great deal of fun when I first played Gun Metal on the Xbox. Anyone else remember that game? It puts players in control of a walking mech that unloads a number of different weapons on approaching enemies, a mech that can transform into a flying fiery that unleashes destruction on enemies that dare try to stand in the way. Yeah, I remember having a lot of fun with Gun Metal."


Indie Royale Mixer 3 Bundle Launches

Indie Royale's very own Mixer Bundle is back again, offering another list of quality (and not so quality) titles at a dirt cheap asking price.

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