
Interview: Connecting the Blocks with Surge Deluxe Developer FuturLab

Push Square: "Brighton-based developer FuturLab may be the most consistent studio on the PlayStation Vita thus far. Having made its name in the PlayStation Minis space, the award-winning outfit has made the jump to native portable production with the kind of poise that you’d expect from a more experienced team. And with the brilliant Surge Deluxe – an enhanced conversion of its popular PlayStation Mobile puzzler – adding yet another critical hit to the company’s bulging catalogue, we decided to catch up with managing director James Marsden in order to talk a little bit about the recently released game, and the key to its success."

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Futurlab Talks About New Game with "Many Moving Parts;" Denies Possibility of Surge Deluxe on PS4

Velocity 2X and Surge Deluxe Developer Futurlab had some interesting details to share today.

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PlayStation Store Global Update (US, HK & JP) May 20, 2014

Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday and Wednesday to keep up to date with each week's PlayStation Store Update.

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Wedge193684d ago

Today is a great update! Wolfenstein and Transistor!

Foolsjoker3684d ago

After the last few weeks, this is a great store update!

jegheist20143684d ago

i tired transistoro n pc beofre i boughto n ps4 glad i did i do not like it one bit game has no story battle system makes no sense..

i played game for 2 hours made it to level 6 but imho i just dont get what the game is bout story wise or menaing behind it i wont play game unless it got story..

its definately weird with cyberpunk theme but still if game was more in depth on combat system i could get into it more mostly like fork over 20 bux but game is not making any sense.

someone care to elaborate if they will what games premise is i want to enjoy this game but it justn ot hitting that mark im like wtf is plot mean etc

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PlayStation Plus Update: Puppeteer, Surge Deluxe Free for Members

Kristine Steimer on May 19, 2014 // Sr. Community Specialist

Puppeteer is a stunning adventure starring a boy named Kutaro, who unfortunately gets turned into a puppet and then has his head removed. Tough break. As you make your way home, you’ll collect heads from other sources (not sure why there are a bunch of heads lying around, but y’know), which serve as collectibles and your health bar.

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GeofferyPeterson3685d ago

Yeeeah Puppeteer baby! My patience has paid off.

rambi803685d ago

It was an incredible game.

The Narration is a bit annoying at times especially with Picarina. But its meant for kids so you have to factor that in.

The music was incredible, especially in the wild west stages.

nix3685d ago (Edited 3685d ago )

meant for kids..? i've been playing it and i ain't no kid.

got it free from EU store. the game is trippy. when it goes into disney song sequence i flipped.

rivencleft3685d ago

Damn, bought it when it was on sale, should've waited, still haven't played through it yet though, may have to finally give it a try.

Thatguy-3103685d ago

So many games so little time and limited memory. Going to have to delete some stuff that I don't use anymore. Glad I waited though. I've always been wanting to try puppeteer.

ger23963685d ago

It's only a problem if you don't have ps+. Or a playstation console.

Drekken3685d ago

Only a true Rabble-rouser would call free games a problem.

FanboyKilla3685d ago

Actually ps plus is an illusion of free games. You dont own the game, you have access to it if you pay sub. No sub no games. No net no games. Still some good deals and games. But it definitely isnt free games. When someone gives you something its yours. Sony says as long as you pay me you can play me.

robothouserock3685d ago


Millions have no problem with not owning every movie on Netflix, every song on Pandora/Spotify, so why would anyone have a problem with PS+?

Ten to twenty years ago, media was limited and you had to purchase everything to use it. Nowadays, since we are overwhelmed with choices in every form of media entertainment, subscription models are beginning to work. Companies are vying for our time and interest. Using the sub model makes certain entertainment available to you that you may or may not have played/listened/watched if you had to pay full price.

How many movies get watched just because "Hey its on Netflix, might as well"? I won't pay 25$ for a movie, but since I'm willing to pay 8$ a month to be able to watch a wide variety of movies/shows. PS+ is the same, especially as they expand the library of free games for plus users.

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Foraoise3685d ago

Anyone disappointed in the recent "re-downsizing" for the Vita PS+ games? It used to be PSP/horrible indie games (Not even the good indie games were on Plus for Vita), then for like two weeks we got like, Sonic All-Stars and Soul Sacrifice, now we're back to arcade-y shoot-y games for the Vita's Plus selection. As someone who doesn't own a PS3, I'm quite unhappy with how far this Plus membership had gotten me so far...

darthv723685d ago

Received a notice that I had only 1 week left of + so I renewed. The puppeteer looks like a fun game for me to start my renewal off with.

CantCookWontWin3685d ago

Can you add "EU" or "NA" in the title when you submit PS+ stories please. It will only add 3 characters to your title.

jimmywolf3685d ago

while i agree 100% under Read full story it say


buffalo10663685d ago

yea but its annoying that i click the link only to find its not relevant news to me when the guy who posted this could have just said it in the title

DoctorJones3685d ago (Edited 3685d ago )

Puppeteer is an excellent game, well worth playing. One of the most original games I've played in quite a while, in terms of presentation and style at least.

The only complaint I would have is that the different heads you collect are largely just for accessing certain bonus areas, aside from that they are mostly cosmetic and are redundant in a gameplay sense.

Apart from that it's a fantastic game.

EDIT:Just thought, the heads also act as your lifebar as well, so I suppose they do add to the gameplay in another way.

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