
UK Weekly Chart Week Ending 01/25/2014

PS4 17,547 (-15%) 627,008
XOne 8,922 (-16%) 426,152
3DS 7,245 (-15%) 2,324,371
X360 4,682 (-16%) 8,770,694
PS3 3,198 (-15%) 5,813,705
WiiU 1,991 (-7%) 235,572
PSV 1,976 (-14%) 464,042
Wii 420 (-19%) 8,635,399
PSP 163 (-14%) 4,404,269

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xHeavYx3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

US and UK domination so far, places where Xbox normally sells better. I guess it's true that some people vote with their wallets

3825d ago Replies(2)
lilbroRx3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

Were you saying that last statement when the Wii was dominating last gen?

xHeavYx3825d ago

You are seriously bringing the Wii to the discussion? http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Eonjay3825d ago

I think Microsoft needs to address Europe more seriously. They are getting outsold decisively over in the UK. I think it has a lot to do with the lack of media support that is built into the 80 pound premium. No One Guide in Europe and non compliance to the 50Hz signal makes the media enhancements in the Xbox One utterly useless and I don't think people are going to spend money on it.

mhunterjr3825d ago

Yeah it's unbelievable to me that they were so unprepared for the launch over there.

It's not the price that gets me. It's that fact that they are expecting people to pay that price when key features are unavailable/dysfunctional at launch.

urwifeminder3825d ago

Poor sales for usa they must be doing it tough over there keep up the good work MS.

georgenancy3825d ago

'poor sales' from sony="keep up the good work MS"

your comment makes zero sense

urwifeminder3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

All round poor sales but keep up the great work MS since when did making sense on this site start to matter .

amiga-man3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

I think the PS4 outselling it's competitor almost 2:1 is pretty impressive myself especially in the UK, if that is happening here just imagine the numbers the PS4 will be doing in the rest of Europe

urwifeminder3825d ago

Never mentioned sony wow you must have that company on the brain.

Ricegum3825d ago

Am I reading these figures wrong? Because to me being outsold nearly 2:1 is anything but "great work" for MS.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3825d ago
amiga-man3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

georgenancy, I was thinking the same thing.

You replying to me or George you make no sense,@ urwifeminder I was thinking the same thing.

I think the fact I put georgenacy first should have been enough of a clue

urwifeminder3825d ago

You replying to me or George you make no sense,@ urwifeminder I was thinking the same thing.

urwifeminder3825d ago

Nothing but thanks for the concern I wish more gamers had the same compassion for others that you seem to bring to the table, I have had slight back pain but am feeling lots better now.

amiga-man3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

WeAreLegion, at least urwifeminder is out of bubbles, he seems to have totally lost it.

the poor sod is probably rocking back and forth in a dark corner as we speak

MRMagoo1233825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

urwifemender has lost the plot, he seems to be 2 snags short of a bbq or a stubbie short of a 6 pack. I think the fact xbone isnt going to make some magic come back has taken him over the edge.

NeloAnjelo3825d ago

2:1 Sales in the UK and Europe. 1:1 in NA.

I guess even the Machinima payments didn't help.

Ra30303825d ago

Wow Xbox One is only at 3.3 million sold at the end of Jan. Didn't microsoft report it's Dec. ending sales at 3.2 million sold? I'm pretty sure they did. Let me guess they need to revise that as "shipped" units not sold units. Wow. No matter, not a good month for X1. This would explain all the leaks they leaked. I think they'll need to do a lot more of something cause that ship has holes and is taking on water. They need help. Sony didn't have a great month of sales but they have Japan coming up and little to no worries nor do they need to be saved. What's going to save X1? Titanfall is really regretting the deal they made with the Devil now. Lol

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Einhander197211d ago (Edited 11d ago )

The platform breakdowns really show how irrelevant xbox has come for selling software.

1 Hogwarts Legacy Switch 41%, PS5 26%, PS4 24%, Xbox 5%

2 EA Sports FC 24 Switch 34%, PS5 28%, PS4 26%, Xbox 12%

OtterX11d ago

Yea, you can see why some developers and publishers are increasingly starting to skip XBox all together. Unless you're in a small minority of successful and highly played Gamepass games, you're pretty much taking a payout on your game just to rot and die on the service.

FinalFantasyFanatic10d ago

Not that surprising, the Switch has some killer exclusive titles, so people have to own a Switch to play them.


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