
USA Weekly Chart Week Ending 01/25/2014

PS4 63,085 (+9%) 2,267,631
XOne 45,809 (-13%) 2,110,358
3DS 36,157 (-8%) 11,895,205
X360 20,822 (-9%) 42,519,140
WiiU 18,533 (-4%) 2,231,025
PS3 13,051 (-14%) 25,925,594
Wii 5,542 (+4%) 41,446,850
PSV 3,350 (-22%) 1,685,470
PSP 1,177 (-22%) 19,788,437

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xHeavYx3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

Interesting, PS4 sales up and Xbox One sales down in MS' territory

GraveLord3825d ago

PS4 got a big shipment this week. Looks like demand is still limited by supply somewhat.

xHeavYx3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

Yes, also interesting that Sony somehow manages to sell more units even though supplies are more limited

amiga-man3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

Not looking good for M$, they can't allow this to continue to lose America would be a huge blow but other than releasing a kinectless xboxone to get the price down I'm not sure what they can do.

Even that won't make up for the lack of power in the xbox so may not change things that much.

badboy7763825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

This is the only way Microsoft can sell there console. By getting in Bed with


And Now Promotional agreements with Machinima & Youtube. Everytime You guys post Sales numbers you need to also Factor in How much Money Microsoft is actually losing/Spending on Marketing.

GusBricker3825d ago

Xbox One has sold less consoles, but has higher software sales and they're in trouble? Really?

amiga-man3825d ago

Xbox One has sold less consoles

In a country they dominated last gen, that is not good no matter how you try and slice it.

FlunkinMonkey3825d ago

Truefan? Edonus? Kayle?

You starting to understand how supply and demand works now, yes?

live2play3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

Yea because when sony tells you. Without a preorder you will not fnd one because supply is limited so get one now fast!
EVERYONE regards it as truth

Buy when another certain company was having stock shortags everyone claimed they were only doing it to creat false demand

You guys are pathetic

And before you get all fired up. I am not saying sony is lying. Im saying you people are hypocrites

blackbeld3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )


And I'm saying you're immature.

Playstation dominates #dealwithit

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3825d ago
Axios23825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

I always laugh at thought of North America as MS territory.

From 1996 to 2001 the PS1 sold exceptionally well in NA, Sony owned NA.

From 2001 to 2007 the PS3 sold 3 times as many Xbox's, Sony owned NA again.

From 2008 to 2014 Sony lost it's dominance, so now according to the fanboys, NA is MS territory, lol

Sony = 11 years of NA dominance
MS = 7 years of NA dominance

Today The PS4 hasn't come close to selling like the old 3 to 1 ratio in NA, or 5 to 1 in the world.

PS4...490k per week into 53 countries
X1....380k per week into 13 countries @ $100 more

xHeavYx3825d ago

You forgot to mention that the PS4 is the only console sold out everywhere

FITgamer3825d ago

I don't see why you always try to use the consoles per country averages. It would make sense if they were all getting supplied with an equal amount of consoles, but they aren't so it isn't accurate.

BG115793825d ago

Didn't MS sold 3.9 million Xbox One?
Because when I had the NA and the EU they don't get close to 3 millions...
Are they selling in other countries that we don't know?

Bowzabub3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

You also forgot to mention that people weren't struggling to pay their mortgages in those years that PS dominated like that. US is finally starting to make a comeback and it will take some time no doubt, but those 3:1 numbers may very well be coming back sooner than later buddy.

saint_seya3825d ago

So your week average is worlwide interesting, i thought that Ps4 released a week later on europe, guess is good to avoid pointing that if you are a MS fanboy :)

Axios23825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

@ saint

Never forget

Sony CHOSE to put 100% of their effort into launching in North America first, because it's the largest market on earth.

You wouldn't wan't to see a US average, but if you insist:

US average
PS4...226k per week
X1....234k per week @ $100 more

Beastforlifenoob3824d ago

Get this through your head noobs. The best gaming company in the world is undoubtedly Sony. Thats why i have been loyal 100% since PS1

PS1 raped n64 (Both by using CD's and shear sales)

PS2 murderd the XBX classic and Gamecube (SALES)

PS3 faced a 90(0) steep climb and still again proved to release the BEST first party and third party support against the wii and 360 (sales did not beast because again steep climb for sony)

PS4 is destroying

Also the argument that sony shipped to 53 countries and xbx sold to 13 is crazy because if i have 100,000 units of a device produced I can only sell 100,000 units even if is ship it to 120 countries. Its just that ill ship less to every country BUT I WILL STILL SELL 100,000 units.

H0RSE3824d ago


It isn't sold out everywhere... I was just at Target over the weekend, and the guy had like 3 in stock, and like 8 X1's.

dantesparda3824d ago


Sup, coward, i see you're dumb enough to think anecdotal experience is valid, try again kid

H0RSE3824d ago (Edited 3824d ago )


I don't "think" anything, I don't care if others think it is valid. There approval doesn't change facts.

Oh, and thanks for this awesome nugget of maturity and adulthood you sent me via PM, under a different username of course:

"Faggot ass fuck, suck some more dick, you bitch ass nigga and stop sweating companies you pathetic ass nigga/dumb ass fuck. Later bitch!"

Keep on keepin it classy...

fonger083824d ago

@HORSE wow... just wow. That sounds like the same 13yr old rant I got on Battlefield last night... good times.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3824d ago
Shnazzyone3825d ago

Wow.. only 60k, it's gonna take a while for ps4 to overtake wii U's numbers at this rate.

CAB18023824d ago Show
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3824d ago
Eonjay3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

Well, the 9% increase is either an increase in demand or an increase in stock. And sense there were no big releases, I think its fair to say its an increase in stock for the PS4. For the Xbox One we know there is stock so it represents a 20% decrease in demand week over week.

izumo_lee3825d ago

So that Xboxone sales lead in December was short lived. All the PS4 needs to do to expand on that half a million lead is to stay in stock.

T23825d ago

very true... the stock debate is about to be ended through january and february... Sony will continue to sell through their stock throughout february.....
supply and demand.

pyramidshead3825d ago

Reading your comment and smirking at all the people back in the comment section raving on about Xb1 winning the december NPD and they're all going to be eating some seriously delicious crowy crow.

January NPD is going to be a satisfying blood bath.

sebzhd3825d ago

Incredible PS4. She rules over one in US!!!
Just imagine 22 january, withe PS4 launch in Japan.
PS4 as PS2, PS1, rules until the end of the gen. Sorry and bye bye M$.

Seraphemz3825d ago

I am a huge SONY supporter. But i wouldnt want M$ to go anywhere, they are making SONY push farther and try harder. And I win on that end.

With no M$, why would SONY try hard to keep my business?

sebzhd3825d ago

Nintendo and smartphones are enough. M$ is useless in console video games. worst exclusives in the last gen, http://gamrconnect.vgchartz...
no more. Please new CEO, sell xbox to another.

PeaSFor3825d ago

competition is always good.

DivineAssault 3825d ago

M$ doesnt own any territory as it stands right now.. I doubt theres much they can do to mess with Sony now... I must admit that M$ humbled them & made em learn they can get their butts whipped but im sure they took it as a lesson.. Now lets all hope that PS4 isnt held back by devs trying to cater to the LCD

searcam013825d ago

Sorry, did not mean to disagree.

GotEnder3825d ago

i was worried that forced parity would be problem. after cod ghosts was 720p on xbox1 and 1080p on ps4 i stopped worrying.

GusBricker3825d ago

I'm actually shocked that Forza, Ryse and Dead Rising 3 have all outsold Killzone in America.

mhunterjr3825d ago

Why surprised about Forza? Not that these titles go head to head, but Forza has consistently outsold killzone. it has a bigger fan base.

Also Launching along side bf4 and cod doesnt do killzone any favors

GusBricker3825d ago

No reason really. I put it in because it was 1 of the 3 major retail exclusives for the Xbox One.

Ricegum3825d ago

You're getting a little desperate now, I can smell it.

GusBricker3825d ago

Desperate? Naw, more like I didn't think the Xbox One would have the attach rate that it does.

DevilishSix3824d ago

Why would you be shocked that Forza, Ryse, and Dead Rising ousold Killzone in America? Killzone launched along side BF4 and COD Ghosts so the fps genre was saturated at launch on the PS4.

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Einhander197211d ago (Edited 11d ago )

The platform breakdowns really show how irrelevant xbox has come for selling software.

1 Hogwarts Legacy Switch 41%, PS5 26%, PS4 24%, Xbox 5%

2 EA Sports FC 24 Switch 34%, PS5 28%, PS4 26%, Xbox 12%

OtterX11d ago

Yea, you can see why some developers and publishers are increasingly starting to skip XBox all together. Unless you're in a small minority of successful and highly played Gamepass games, you're pretty much taking a payout on your game just to rot and die on the service.

FinalFantasyFanatic10d ago

Not that surprising, the Switch has some killer exclusive titles, so people have to own a Switch to play them.


GTA 5 DLC: Parts of Canceled Project Made Its Way to GTA Online

A Former Rockstar dev has revealed that they were making a GTA 5 DLC, but it was scrapped since GTA Online was such a "cash cow," though it wasn't a total waste as parts of it made its way to GTA Online.

shinoff218317d ago

What a damn shame. Sinfmgle player dlc could've been so dope but nope fk you single player guys.

Perfect reason why I'm against single player games having multiplayer attached. Eat up more resources

17d ago
Rebel_Scum17d ago

Honestly sucks they couldnt do something for SP dlc. It wouldnt hurt their bottom line at all to do.


Why I Believe GTA 5's Story Mode Isn't As Bad As People Think

GTA 5's story mode deserves more attention.

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Ezio204819d ago

Sure the story mode which got a 97 metacritic isn't as bad as people think. Stupid ass article.

GamerRN18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Who actually thought it was bad? Personally, I think they should have finished the Story DLC to at least gauge sales and if it was worth it vs GTO.

Terry_B19d ago

I think I did not see even one thought out piece by this site named tech4gamers yet. Nope..no approvals for this nonsense from me.

isarai18d ago

Ive never heard anyone really complain about the story mode 🤨

cloganart18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Just some people who didn't like that the story was split between 3 protagonists and kinda had weird pacing because of it.

Rebel_Scum18d ago

I didnt like how the heists consisted of 3 preparation/fetch quests which were dull as. Also there should’ve been more heists and more assassination missions.

It was pretty good apart from that.

But yeah some folks didnt like the character switch on release.

gold_drake18d ago

ehhh who exactly thinks the story mode is "bad" ?

Dudeson18d ago

The only bad about it is that there isn't any more! Cancelled story dlc to make online stuff... But hopefully gta 6 will be a great adventure again.

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