
John Smedley Teases Star Wars Galaxies Fans About New Game - Again

The SOE President just can't seem to help himself. John Smedley took to Twitter today to drop more hints about SOE's next big game.

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Garethvk3788d ago

This would be very interesting to see. Old Republic though may have them debating if they want to go down this path again.

thezeldadoth3788d ago

star wars is the perfect setting for an MMO, just waiting for a developer to do it right. SOE did it right when they launched galaxies, and then messed it up after WoW came out.

Now that sandbox gameplay is becoming popular with more people, it would be nice to see a new galaxies.

Muckraker183788d ago

My only complaint is that EverQuest Next isn't even out yet and he's already starting with this. Because getting Star Wars nerds worked up years in advance of release is such a great idea. I mean, that totally worked for George Lucas and the prequel trilogy, AMIRITE?

pompombrum3788d ago

SWG was so ahead of it's time.. if they released it today with updated graphics and improved combat/animations, it could easily be a success.


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