
Five Classic RPG Franchises that Deserve New Games

Ray Porreca of Entertainment Buddha writes: "Role playing games, as genres go, have seen many of their best entries lie dormant for too long. After the golden era of SNES, PlayStation and PlayStation 2 RPGs, the past generation of consoles left much to be desired for fans of the genre. While 2014 and beyond looks to usher in a RPG revival, many of the genre’s best and most unique franchises have been abandoned."

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dead_pixels3831d ago

Shadow Hearts: Covenant had to be one of my absolute favorites of the PS2 era. While 3 was decent, it lacked much of the soul of the first two games. Even still, I'd love to see another game in the series.

moegooner883831d ago

Same here man, Covenant's ending is still one of my all time favs.

3831d ago
on_line_forever3831d ago

here is the TOP RPG games that i want to see in next generation

1 - parasite eve

2 - vagrant story

3 - Legend of Dragoon

4 - New final fantasy like the gold era ( 7 - 8 - 10 ) i look forward to 15

Evangeliman3831d ago Show
Ranma13831d ago

More shadow hearts please

Baccra173831d ago

Shadow Hearts, but make the story and tone like the first one and battle system like the second one.

Evangeliman3831d ago

I friggin loved SH2. one of the best RPGS ever. and the only one i can think of thats based of the BAD end of the previous game.

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MightyNoX3831d ago

Good list. Needs more Valkyrie Profile, tho'

izumo_lee3831d ago

Totally agree with Valkyrie Profile! Probably my 3rd fave series from Squarenix. That story still has so much to tell and that battle system is awesome.

I think the move to DS hurt the series cause all the fans of it were waiting for another PlayStation version. Not that Covenant of the Plume was a bad game, there just was no audience for it on the DS.

MightyNoX3831d ago

CotP was good (bit too depressing, tho') and it deserved better recognition but you're right, many of us were waiting for Valkyrie Profile: Hrist and it seems we'll be waiting some more.

maniacmayhem3831d ago

Good list but I would add:

Rogue Galaxy - brilliant RPG that came out at the tale end of the PS3. Graphics were excellent and you could explore different planets. Loved the Anime style of graphics and this game is begging for a sequel.

Vagrant Story - C'mon Square, a very underrated and beautiful game. Loved every minute of this game.

Parasite Eve - C'mon Square! Square is sitting on a bunch of IP's that they could bring back instead of FF.

Kyosuke_Sanada3831d ago (Edited 3831d ago )

I agree especially about Parasite Eve! We need more horror RPG's!

maniacmayhem3831d ago

"brilliant RPG that came out at the tale end of the PS3."

I meant PS2, Rogue Galaxy came out on the PS2. I actually played it though on my PS3 because I have the PS3 fat!

for we are many3831d ago (Edited 3831d ago )

Shadow Hearts: Covenant was one of the best RPGs I've ever played if not the best, along with Xenoblade Chronicles.

tacotruck3831d ago

Luckily, Xenoblade Chronicles will see the series continue on with X.

MilkMan3831d ago

Agree with article. Lets have at it bro!

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The Industry Needs To Modernize These 6 Fantastic Classics

The Simpsons: Hit and Run, The Legend of Dragoon, and Chrono Trigger would benefit substantially from a modern remake.

Knightofelemia1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

The Xenosaga trilogy, the Wild Arms games, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, Suikoden. The Warriors game I know nothing about but it looks interesting. Anybody can do a list of games they want to see get modernized I would lose my shit if Namco brought the Xenosaga trilogy to modern consoles.


15 Best PS2 Action RPGs

Tired of grinding through dungeons non-stop? Want to take a break for once in your life? No worries. Check out the best PS2 action RPGs.

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vTuro24111d ago

Didn't expect to see Drakengard in a list like this, considering the awful gameplay. Still, it's the best terrible game I've ever played. 10/10 would recommend

Would love to see a remake one day, but only if they don't censor the fucked up story and characters. That and a Drakengard 3 remake, of course.

Vits111d ago

Drakengard made it onto the list mainly because Nier gave it a cult following later on. Honestly, it wouldn't have made the cut for any ACTION RPG list on its own. The characters are cool, the story is mess up in a good way, the lore is confusing and great, but the gameplay alone kill any chance of it being a recomended ACTION RPG.

Would love a remake of the series with updated gameplay. Drakengard 3 with Automata's hack and slash would be gold.

DarXyde111d ago

Some absolute gems on this list. Wholeheartedly agree with Rogue Galaxy, Dark Cloud 2, Radiata Stories, Odin Sphere, and Devil Summoner 2.

Some others, I can't comment on because I've never played or I didn't feel particularly strongly about them.

But hot take: I don't think Kingdom Hearts II really survives the test of time.

RavenWolfx111d ago

I cannot recommend Rogue Galaxy enough. It is on PSN+ as part of the subscription, so definitely check it out.


Fans Are Begging for a Legend of Dragoon Remake

For some gamers, The Legend of Dragoon is, hands down, the best RPG ever. Isn't it time for a remake or reboot and not just a port?

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DarkZane167d ago

It never will. The game may have been good, but it was just average at best. The kind of game that is one and done.

DickyD1226167d ago

Story was good combat was better than ffvii. Game deserves a REMAKE not a remaster

Cacabunga167d ago

We’ve been asking since ps3

Vx_166d ago (Edited 166d ago )

It was anything but average! The story and characters were highly captivating, the gameplay was enjoyable, and the world was interesting. Fans have been requesting a remake for quite some time. I revisited the game last year and found myself completely immersed in it once again. The PS1 had numerous beautiful classic JRPGs that truly deserve remakes.

FinalFantasyFanatic167d ago

I'm happy with the PS Classics port, but if they did, I'd like a port/remaster of Legend of Legaia as well (please put that on PSN).

FACTUAL evidence167d ago

I was just going to say legend of legaia REALLY needs to get the remake. Also keep the combat the same, and the OST. Legend of legaia a truly a gem. I still have my original ps1 game, mint condition.

FinalFantasyFanatic165d ago

I wish I still had my disc, I really enjoyed that game as a kid, but then the disc disappeared (I'm normally pretty good with my games, so it's strange that it's the only game I've ever lost), I have Legaia 2 still, but it's not as good as the first game, unfortunately. It's surprising the first has never been on PSN when Sony owns the license for the game, they seem content to sit on it and do nothing with it.

Spenok167d ago

We've been begging for one for decades.

Lionsguard167d ago

If any game deserves a remake and to be FINISHED properly is Xenogears.

ManMarmalade167d ago

And Xenosaga. Only had 3 parts but was supposed to have 6.

CrimsonWing69167d ago

Yea but if it does get made please don’t remove the turn-based combat.

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