
GamesRadar: Wits & Wagers Review

GamesRadar do wish the timers could be cut off early – even if everyone has their answers chosen or their bets placed ten seconds after the clock begins, it still insists upon making you wait while it counts all the way down. But you can use the right stick to make your onscreen character dance like a spastic marionette to pass the time, and at least there's no tragically unfunny host yammering away like in the BUZZ! games. Put this one squarely in the party game camp, but it's a welcome spin on the quiz genre.

You'll love:
- Stealing money from smart dudes
- Making your character dance
- It's a quiz game for normal brains

You'll hate:
- Sluggish timer's slow pace
- Questions are often tough
- 700 Qs = 25 hours. More please

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Where Have All The Quiz Games Gone?

Play Vault:

"This generation of consoles has been the generation for the rise of online, multiplayer gaming. The vast majority of players, play their games online or have the functionality in place to do so. Last weekend I decided to buck the trend and play a game (Wait for it…Brace yourself...) in local multiplayer with both of us playing on the same Xbox console, in the same room! (Gasp!)"

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iamnsuperman4071d ago

They have gone mobile. Quiz games have a perfect home with mobile devices. Games consoles is an odd fit for them. Quiz games are good for passing time here and there

4071d ago
Miraak82 4071d ago

Just play U dont know jack on FB , its free , best quiz game ive ever played

MWH4071d ago

Call of Duty: Modern Quizfare.

4071d ago

The Worst Xbox Live Arcade Games Of All Time

What are the worst XBLA games? GamePlayToday takes a look.

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kennykramer4928d ago

Castle Crasher is one of the worst games on XBLA? Is this guy on crack?

vgn244928d ago

I agree that he'd have to be on something, but maybe you should have read it. Doesn't appear that the guy said Castle Crashers was the worst.

Derekvinyard134928d ago

Castle crashers isnt even on there!!

darthv724928d ago

some of them are indie games. Yeah there are some stinkers on the indie side as there is on the regular side.

Not all indie games are bad though. Diamonds in the rough if you will.

guitarded774928d ago (Edited 4928d ago )

He/she just put the pic to get hits Raichu50 is a LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!

antz11044928d ago

LOL at the total flamebait pic to get people to read,CC wasn't even on there.

Low tactic author, very low indeed.

B1663r4928d ago

He should have chosen a Yaris logo instead of Castle Crashers, because Castle Crashers is one of the best games this gen.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4928d ago
SwiftShot4928d ago

READ IT! The pic was meant to get attention at most, Got mine.

Neko_Mega4928d ago

Castle Crasher isn't on this list, I think this person used it to get hits.

Other then that I think I list is right on the dot, but using Castle Crasher pictue was kind of bs.

BeaRye4928d ago

How in the F is that Doritos game not on there? It's absolute garbage.

oddexarcadia4928d ago

You have to keep in mind that this is from someone who used the Castle Crasher pic to get attention for their article.

darthv724928d ago

i have the first one but never really played it. The crash course one is pretty fun though. Sort of a mix of ninja warrior and wipeout.

dash of destruction...had to think a minute. Seeing as i never played it i cant say one way or the other. It was free and for a free game that is better than Yaris it cant be all that bad.

antz11044928d ago

Dude for a free game Crash Course is pretty fun and addicting.

IDK, did Doritos have another game I didn't know about?

darthv724928d ago

crash course is the latest one with avatar support. The first one was called dash of destruction and it was some kind of trex running around breaking stuff in a top down type of view.

It might still be on xbla for free.

antz11044928d ago

I did not know that, thanks Darth!

KaBaW4928d ago (Edited 4928d ago )

I don't know of the game you are talking about.. but, if I'm not mistaken, they (Doritos) had another game, for XBLa. This game was played with four(4) teams of two players, or with bots, where one player drove a vehicle around a track in a race, using a select of 4 vehicles. The other player controlled turrets, that were placed around the track, to shoot at and destroy the contending teams vehicles or gunners. Whilst the driver tried to avoid the gunners, and to remain in first place (obviously) while picking up 'abilities.' Such abilities were that of one giving your vehicle a shield, one that upgraded your gunners turrets, one downgraded the contending gunners turrets, and one for a boost (I believe).

Fun game, I say. It's called Harm's Way. It's free.

Tikicobra4928d ago

Wow, that's the most pathetic attempt at getting views I've seen in quite a while.

4928d ago
BeaRye4928d ago

I think (at least hope) that it's a "contrast" thing meaning Castle Crashers is awesome.

4928d ago
ThanatosDMC4928d ago

Weirdest exclusive game on 360 that you can get for $1 is Sneak King... Burger King game and you play as a creeper.

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Xbox Live Arcade Weekend Roundup, June 5 2008

Marty Blog looks at a slew of new (and relatively new) Xbox Live Arcade titles and decides which ones are worth buying - and which ones are a pile of trash.

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