
Xbox One & PS4 Tomb Raider assets are identical, Square Enix insists

The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition both run at native 1080p and share identical assets, including textures, character models and particles, Square Enix has insisted, responding to speculation that the frame rate may not be the only difference between the two versions.

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Chaostar3891d ago

So it must be some kind of terrible AA implementation that makes the textures look blurry on Xb1?

MRMagoo1233891d ago

Hmmm yeh kinda odd how the PS4 version look a lot better especially in some areas, ill wait for DF i think, unless that xbone fanboy does the comparison then whats the point in even reading lol the xbpne version could be in 240i and he would say the difference compared to the ps4 1080p version is tiny.

cleft53891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

This is more telling than they think.

If the assets are the same, yet the Xbox One version wasn't able to achieve 60fps@1080p, even an unsteady 60fps, then it speaks directly to the power of the console in order to generate a performance that allows for 60fps@1080p.

I don't know if they thought they where doing damage control here, but saying hey both games look the same. But we know one runs better than the other is more telling than saying the assets for one was high quality than the other. The reason being that you could write off performance disparity if the assets for the PS4 or Xbox One version was higher or lower than the other. Knowing that it isn't the case, means the difference in performance is on the console itself, not the assets.

Bathyj3891d ago

Good point cleft. The reason formula one and NASCAR cars are so heavily regulated is to keep them relatively equal so the race is between the drivers, not the cars. Saying the game is the same means the advantage lies elsewhere.

Of course, that's just an analogy. We know that not all the cars are built equal. Some designers are just smarter than others.

erathaol3891d ago

Do they need to clarify? Either way consumers buy the game.

creatchee3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

You know what was cool? When the game was summarily dismissed by both Xbox and PS fans alike as being a cash-grab and not worthy of full-priced game status.

Now it's just more fuel for the fanboy war.

ABizzel13891d ago

The main thing to remember is that two different teams developed these games. That alone guarantees that there's going to be some difference off top.

truefan13891d ago

Why is this still a problem when the ps4 staple infamous is running at 30fps. It can't be a big deal for TR and not be a big deal for one of your staple exclusives. FPS gate is closed, unless they want to continue being hypocrites.

Docknoss3891d ago

It's kind of weird that people with lives don't notice or even care if their is a difference.

Unspoken3891d ago

What's even more interesting is the fact PS4 fanboys concoct stories of how the XB1 version is worse, not just in frame rate, but in the rest of the game itself. Even when the developer themselves come and explain to them that the graphics assets are identical and both are running at 1080p.

Now we know for a fact who is blowing it out of proportion, the sony failboys.

DigitalRaptor3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

@ truefan1

That spin. Trying to falsify hypocrisy.

Tomb Raider is a last-generation game struggling to run 30fps on next-generation hardware, and significantly lower resolution textures. The reason this is criticised is that even with these lower textures it's still a last-gen game at 30fps.

inFamous: Second Son is built from the ground up for next-gen hardware, with an astoundingly next-gen LOD, particle effects, and dynamic attributes. As a completely next gen game, it has complete reason not to be running above 30fps considering all it has going on in a dynamic open-world.

@ Unspoken

Concoction? Try inspecting at Digital Foundry's comparison, and you'll see that the Xbone version's textures are not nearly as sharp as the PS4 version and drops to 900p in some scenes.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3891d ago
Charybdis3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

Interesting seems like both sides are saying textures on their version or better.

Xb1 supporters saying "anti-aliasing, more dense particle effects, and in certain areas, slightly better textures (some textures on PS4 are better and vice versa, but only slightly so)"

Even if using same assets they might look better or worse depending on how fast (which method etc)the textures are 'loaded'. Either way with higher frame rate ps4 has advantage.

FanboyKilla3887d ago

Whaaaaaat infamous is 30fps? then what in the hell are you ps fanboys talking about? Hey i dont mind it. The game looks great and i happen to enjoy infamous. i bet half of you braging about it never even played it. I mean it wasnt like it was a blockbuster. But anyway, cant wait to hear if you sony fanboys will be upset with infamouss 30fps. Or will it be titan fall runs 60ps buttery smooooth but infamous graphics are amazing best looking game bla bla bla.

GribbleGrunger3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

This is just a compete lie. There's no other way of describing it.



Unspoken3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

Wow, screen shots. Simply amazing! These PS4 fanboys will accept anything as fact. Show 'em a screen shot and it is automatically fact! I'd like to see this followed up by a few legitimate sites.


Let's wait until a real site does a thorough analysis between the two.


Digital Foundry Comparisons
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition: PS4 vs. Xbox One Cut-Scene Frame-Rate Tests

Tomb Raider Definitive Edition: PS4 vs. Xbox One Gameplay Frame-Rate Tests

Xbox One Vs PC (Ultimate Settings)

Tomb Raider: PS4 Definitive vs. PS3 Comparison

GribbleGrunger3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

They've already updated the analysis. You won't like it I'm afraid ... Read it all:

To begin with, let's address the differences between the two versions of the Definitive Edition on offer. PlayStation 4 users get a comfortably delivered 1080p presentation backed up with a post-process FXAA solution that has minimal impact on texture quality, sporting decent coverage across the scene, bar some shimmer around more finely detailed objects. Meanwhile the situation is more interesting on the Xbox One: the anti-aliasing solution remains unchanged, but we see the inclusion of what looks like a variable resolution framebuffer in some scenes, while some cut-scenes are rendered at a locked 900p, explaining the additional blur in some of our Xbox One screenshots. Curiously, the drop in resolution doesn't seem to occur during gameplay - it's only reserved for select cinematics - suggesting that keeping performance consistent during these sequences was a priority for Xbox One developer United Front Games.

For the most part the main graphical bells and whistles are lavished equally across both consoles, although intriguingly there are a few areas that do see Xbox One cutbacks. As demonstrated in our head-to-head video below (and in our vast Tomb Raider comparison gallery), alpha-based effects in certain areas give the appearance of rendering at half resolution - though other examples do look much cleaner. We also see a lower-quality depth of field in cut-scenes, and reduced levels of anisotropic filtering on artwork during gameplay. Curiously, there are also a few lower-resolution textures in places on Xbox One, but this seems to be down to a bug (perhaps on level of detail transitions) as opposed to a conscious downgrade.


Unspoken3891d ago

Looks like both consoles had to sacrifice a bit in order to play this game. Even the PS4 couldn't handle this at max settings.

"The differences here are interesting, because they suggest that the developers of both PS4 and Xbox One versions of Tomb Raider have made some sacrifices to allow for the key range of upgrades on offer in the Definitive Edition.

A direct comparison with the PC version set to the ultimate quality preset reveals some large discrepancies between the Definitive Editions compared with the full-fat PC experience. Aspects such as tessellation are missing on the characters and environments, with some of these elements appearing more blocky on the PS4 and Xbox One as a result. Meanwhile, motion blur is used much more sparingly, while texture resolution is noticeably lower in some cases. On the flip side, all the Definitive Edition graphical extras - such as the dynamic foliage and the impressive sub-surface scattering - are absent from the PC, which represents another (albeit smaller) compromise.

That said, the extra crispness and clarity available on the PC game due to higher-resolution assets and better filtering are a big draw for the platform - those with top-spec dual GPU configurations can dial up the settings to the 'ultimate' preset and still enjoy extras such as SSAA (super-sampling anti-aliasing) for vastly superior image quality, or even ramp up the resolution to 4K - though beware TressFX bugs if you push resolution that high.

Tomb Raider is also one of the most scalable PC games we've played - producing great results in our GPU tests across the spectrum, and at its very lowest presets, we even managed to play it quite successfully on a Surface Pro."

GribbleGrunger3891d ago

Nice try. The PS4 has better framerates and better graphics. DF tried their hardest to damage control this article but in the end had to admit Tombraider is better on PS4.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3891d ago
lifeisgamesok3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

LOL get over it guys they look exactly the same

With the Xbox One upscaler the games on the PS4 don't even look 2% better

Sorry guys just being honest

Bathyj3891d ago

You want to believe that so bad don't you?

Have you actually LOOKED at the comparison?

sourav933891d ago

Thanks for the laughs :D

Kayant3891d ago

"With the Xbox One upscaler the games on the PS4 don't even look 2% better" - Right which is why Crytek felt the need to bypass this *Magically amazing upscaler*.

Or how AC4 looks worse or XB1 at the same res pre-patch and many other games. Nope. Totally the magic upscaler at work /s

GarrusVakarian3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

I really am sick and tired of people like you just not accepting facts and burying your heads in the sand.

They DON'T look "exactly the same", just check out the links GribbleGrunger provided...I'll even re post them. Please....actually look at these instead of posting your usual garbage.


Not only does the PS4 version run better, it also looks better on the cheaper console....continuing the trend. I am SO glad that the PS4 will be my main console this gen, X1 is getting the short end of the stick with every multiplat.

Kribwalker3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

All multiplats looked and ran terrible on ps3 vs xbox 360 for years. It all has to do with OS imprints and learning how to properly utilize certain aspects of the system To their benefit when porting. I expect it to get closer as the complexities of the Xbox one hardware gets sorted out. Ps4 won't get much easier then now as developers have already stated how easy it is to get the necessary power out of it, there is less of a learning curve. If anything I expect multiplats to get closer with time

Ps:there were 2 different companies that ported the game. One for Xbox and one for ps4. Of course there will be differences

tagan8tr3891d ago

@lifeisgamesok Oh thank goodness you are here to bring honesty Mr.OneBubble, here is my thought you are wrong and we all know it.

FITgamer3891d ago

You are sad. I really wish they'd add a delusional bubble, it would give the trolling bubble a run for it's money.

GamersHeaven3891d ago

They don't look exactly the same you will keep telling your self that to justify your console of choice.Just deal with the truth move on and enjoy your console of choice.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3891d ago
ceedubya93891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

I can't speak for the PS4 version, as I don't have it. But on the XB One, I have yet to see anything the looks blurry. The game looks really good. I'm sure its easy to see the difference when you put them side by side or switch from one to the other on the same tv, but I've had no problems with the game since I've been playing it.

Edit: Okay stealth disgree people. I'd be happy to have a nice conversation with you in which you explain to me that I'm wrong about how a game looks on MY TV in MY HOME. Man, some of you guys/gals will downvote anything even slightly positive about Xbox.

DragonKnight3891d ago

Just take a look at Gribble's links above and you'll see the blur.

You won't notice a difference if you've only ever seen one version.

ceedubya93891d ago


"You won't notice a difference if you've only ever seen one version."

Isn't that pretty much what I just said? And I've seen the comparison videos and pics, and on my tv, the Xbox One version looks a lot better than what I've seen in comparison shots. Again, this is just my home and my tv. It is very likely that if I had the PS4 version that it would look a lot better as well. But I don't. Still, for all of the crazyiness going on about resolutin and fps with xbox games, all I'm saying is that my experience has been great with this game.

GarrusVakarian3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

If you have the X1 version and never plan to play the PS4 version then good for you, enjoy your game.

But for people who can't accept the fact that PS4 multiplats look and run better and constantly say otherwise, comparisons need to be made. They bought the more expensive console and can't accept that the PS4 is more powerful, resulting in better looking games. They better get used to it.....because this is only going to continue for years to come.

ceedubya93891d ago

Thanks for the reply. I agree that comparisons are important. When I finally have both consoles under my roof, then my multiplatform decisions will be helped due to such comparisons. Until then, I have to play on what I have, whether it houses the best version or not. Someone with both consoles should definitely buy the version that better suits their gaming needs, for whatever reason that may be. Still, there are too many people here that look for every reason to take a shot at the XBO and its console owners, knowing good and well that they don’t care about this game. Before the resolution differences were made known, the main narrative was “I’m not buying this game at full price just for updated graphics.” Now, the focus has shifted to 30-vs-60 and this game matters again. The game is just another argument point now for trumpeting console superiority/inferiority. That’s unfortunate.

WickedLester3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

Same argument was made last generation with PS3/360. 360 owners bragged all day long over side by sides posted at websites like The Lens Of Truth. PS3 owners argued "well unless you're looking at them side by side you'd never know the difference." Now its just the opposite. Frankly, they are close but the PS4 version is better because of frame rate alone. No matter how much Square/Enix, Microsoft, and Xbox One owners try to downplay it, the 30/60fps difference is pretty huge IMO. It's like going from a game looking/moving like cinema to a game looking/moving like real life.

You can't tell me that this...


Doesn't look better than this...


DragonKnight3891d ago

@wickedlester: The difference between then and now is that the difference then really was ridiculously minimal to the point comparisons had to be made to really notice.

Today the difference isn't minimal by any means.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3891d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3887d ago
Kayant3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

Well if DF's face-off says otherwise then it will be a real shit storm.

DivineAssault 3891d ago

Theyre covering their asses so MS dont sue em for breach of "equality contract".. But soon enough, devs might not even bother making games for both & have em shove that contract where the sun dont shine

Volkama3891d ago

Oh man still banging that imaginary "parity policy" drum? It's not a real thing. And it wasn't a real thing for the 360/PS3 retail games either.

You're thinking of XBLA terms for release date and content parity.

You only need to look at Ghosts and BF4 to know there is no visual parity clause.

GribbleGrunger3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )



Here's a small section for those who don't want to read the article (for some reason). You really need to wake up people:

Dyer pointed to the "litany" of requirements for getting a game accepted for Xbox Live, where Microsoft can dictate exclusivity periods, IP ownership, and even ask that developers work from an office to qualify.

"We're not pushing that. In fact, we've gone the other way to try and encourage publishers through our Pub Fund ," he added.

"We want to welcome the indies and we've seen that become a very big part of our business because indies are recognising that we aren't demanding a pound of flesh in order for them to get a game published on our network."

However, Dyer believes that Microsoft has now extended these demands beyond smaller companies to "B and A level publishers".

"So potentially any time we've gone out and negotiated exclusive content of things that we've announced at things like DPS or E3, publishers are getting the living crap kicked out of them by Microsoft because they are doing something for the consumer that is better on our platform than it might be perceived on theirs."

"So from a creativity standpoint and what we are doing to try to make it better for the consumer, our view is Microsoft's doing everything they can to eliminate that because they have an inferior technology."

Volkama3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

OK Gribble, you just educated me. Retail games demanded content and release date parity as well.

I'll join you in shaking my fist about that one.

Edit: That article isn't really very telling, as it's a rant from Sony. The Eurogamer source it links to is more interesting.


Microsoft's Content Submission and Release Policy, seen by Eurogamer, details its third-party publisher guidelines.

"Titles for Xbox 360 must ship at least simultaneously with other video game platform, and must have at least feature and content parity on-disc with the other video game platform versions in all regions where the title is available," it reads.

"If these conditions are not met, Microsoft reserves the right to not allow the content to be released on Xbox 360."

This also applies to Xbox Live Arcade games.

Bathyj3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

Man, Dyer doesn't mince words does he?

Whether this is a case of parity or not I don't know. It doesn't seem like MS is holding publishers to that now. It doesn't seem like they have the power to with no lead in sales.

I still think they like to cast their dark shadow over things and big publishers are treading a careful path, not dumbing down the ps4 version but trying not to rub Microsoft's face in it either. Basically trying to keep everyone happy. Hey, they can say what they like. As long as I can see the ps4 version has not been gimped, then I'm happy.

Charybdis3891d ago

Parity contract is a thing, but relates to content and release dates for indie titles.

Graphics or not covered, having an higher resolution or frame on another platform is not covered by said contract.

DragonKnight3891d ago

Have you seen the contract first hand to be able to make that kind of claim?

Charybdis3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

@Dragonknight: It has already been widely discussed with the ID@xbox parity gate. (pretty sure that specific clause has been quoted somewhere)

If there was such a clause it would already have been leaked.

If there is such a parity clause Microsoft obviously isn't very successfully in enforcing it looking at number of multi-platform games with higher frame rate and resolution.

jackanderson19853891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

so that means MS are gonna sue Activision, EA and Ubisoft yeah?

the parity clause is release date based...

Dark_king3891d ago

MS can't sue them, only refuse to let it on the system.There not really about to do that either because that would be a pretty stupid move.A new console needs the multiplat games.

jackanderson19853891d ago

@dark_king i know it was in reply to his comment about square enix lying due to the fact MS would sue them otherwise.

MasterCornholio3891d ago

I've seen comparisons between the two versions and the Xbox One version appears to run st a lower resolution then the PS4 version. We will find out the truth once Eurogamer completes their analysis.

LostDjinn3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

You mean the same eurogamer that's already had Leadbetter busted for lying in the first faceoff? The minimum FPS on Xbone was 18. Not the mid 20s number he refuses to take down. The Xbone then froze for 12 frames.

Go ahead. Check the update to the faceoff. RL strikes again.

Edit: to add info.

Edit 2: LOT Doesn't do anything anymore. Theit twitter account and site haven't been used since last year. Funny that.

MasterCornholio3891d ago

Well lately Eurogamer is the only site willing to do comparisons between multiplats on the PS4 and the Xbox One. Sites like Lens Of Truth haven't done anything recently so Eurogamer is the only source that we have.

captain_slow823891d ago

have a read of this and then read the MODS replys in the comment section


mite give a better idea why theres no ps4 vs xbox one comparisons :D

MasterCornholio3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

@edit 2

OMG you know what this means? That lens of truth was created by Microsoft. Just think about this for a second before disagreeing with me. Imagine that Microsoft knows that the majority of multiplats are inferior on the PS3. Knowing this they create a website called LOT to promote multiplats on the 360 and to convince people to buy their console with superior multiplats. Fast forward to today and Microsoft knows that the Xbox One is weaker then the PS4. So what do they do? They tell LOT to stop their comparisons. Because if LOT continued their comparisons with multiplats then that's just another source of bad PR for Microsoft. After what they did on YouTube I wouldn't be surprised if they did this.

But this theory sounds a bit crazy to me which probably means it isn't true.

But if it is......

@captain slow

The response from the mods further adds fuel to my theory.

jackanderson19853891d ago

if you read the update and the link to the neogaf post you'd see that the counter was wrong and it was at a low of 24ish... they also said they'd fix the issue for the proper faceoff as that article was effectively to stay level with the rest of the sites reporting on it

LostDjinn3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

LOL WTF Captain Slow?
You link to an article from June last year that has comments from June last year and say that'll explain?

The LOT site was active until the start of December? Where the hell are you going with this?

Edit: Are you saying they were telegraphing it way back then?

Edit 2: Oh Jackanderson I completely agree. They'll "fix it" for sure. That's what Leadbetter just got busted trying to do so I hope he has better luck next time. ;)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3891d ago
Mikelarry3891d ago

this is too funny, its not like we haven't seen screens of the game running. lets say this was before we had screen then OK but we have proof of both games running side by side i mean we are not that stupid square

Show all comments (66)

PlayStation Plus Game Catalog lineup for May

Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, Humanity, Watch Dogs: Legion, Dishonored 2, Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin, and more.

Today we’re happy to reveal the PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for May 2023. All games will be available on Tuesday May 16. Let’s dive in.

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closed_account503d ago

Holy crap, R&C Rift Apart is a huge score for those who haven't played it! It was so good.

just_looken503d ago

i agree though I don't have a ps5 but i will activate this when the prices get out of apple range.

outsider1624503d ago

Well lets hope its soon, because you never know when the game will leave psplus.

DivineHand125502d ago

I don't think it is fair to compare the PS5 to apple prices since an iphone hasn't been at $499 since the original iphone launched.

One thing I can say at your benefit though is that in gaming then longer you wait to buy, the better the deal, though if you wait too long your backlog will get out of control.

LordoftheCritics502d ago

Rift Apart is the best chill game I've played this gen.

System seller on PS Plus is a huge win.

roadkillers502d ago

I think you can redeem over your phone, no? When you get a PS5 you will have games.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 502d ago
MasterChief3624503d ago

A huge score for those of us that didn't just buy it literally one day ago and it's on the way now :'(
But I guess it's good to own it, as well! And I don't think I want to get PlayStation Plus right now, so it's not a huge loss. But it is still a little saddening.

I got my PS5 today, actually! Been wanting to play Rift Apart for so long. And I played Astro's Playroom at a friend's house, and that was when I was like, "I NEED THIS." Such a fun little game with so many wonderful references to Playstation stuff!


potatoseal503d ago

You could just re-sell your copy that is coming in the mail. But it's up to you. Rift Apart is so damn good. It blew my mind how good it looks and plays.

Dirty_Lemons502d ago (Edited 502d ago )

I hope you love it, dude. Nothing beats a shiny new console, and the PS5 is 👌 May I recommend Returnal, challenging but not Soulsborne-level challenging, and extremely good making use of those new haptics you're going to be playing around with.

Tapani502d ago

Hey I'm a relatively new PS5 owner here, but how does this new PS Plus system work? So if I go in at the Premium level for a month, it would mean I can play Horizon 2 and Ratchet & Clank just like that, right?

closed_account502d ago

Yea, you don't even need to sub Premium if those are the 2 games you're after, they're included on PS Plus Extra.

Premium just adds the legacy library of PS1, PS2, PS3 titles that are on the service.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 502d ago
potatoseal503d ago

Played and platinumed Ratchet And Clank: Rift Apart at launch. Loved it so much. 9/10

Am I going to download and play Bus Simulator 21? You bet :-D

potatoseal503d ago

Was just thinking I wish Bus Simulator was PSVR 2 compatible. Imagine looking over your shoulder at the passengers you pick up? Haha

*turns head around while driving*

"Shut the Fk up back there!!!! You want me to crash the bus?!?!?!?!!"

Davros69503d ago

haha, you sound like an Aussie

MrNinosan503d ago

Have to download it as well. Is it compatible with wheel?

potatoseal503d ago

Yeah apparently it's compatible with a fair few wheels. Game has been out a while.

just_looken503d ago

Yeah the vr experience on playstation continues to be crap compared to pc sadly.

Bus sim 21 vr on pc

And do do that well its on pc duh crap $700 console should do vr on alot more than select titles

potatoseal503d ago

PS VR2 is actually really awesome man. I have one. It's only new, so maybe I will wait for Bus Simulator 21 to get a VR update then. Judging by that video, the game looks fun in VR

just_looken503d ago

I doubt it will look at psvr 1

Dandalandan117503d ago

Will definitely download Bus Simulator as well.
My son will surely have a blast with it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 503d ago
italiangamer503d ago

I think this news has reunited two long lost brothers, OtterX and potatoseal 🤣.

potatoseal503d ago (Edited 503d ago )

For 5 months we got 102 games

001. Back 4 Blood | PS4 002. Dragon Ball FighterZ | PS4
003. Devil May Cry 5 | PS4 004. Life is Strange: Before the Storm | PS4 005. Life is Strange | PS4 006. Jett: The Far Shore | PS4 007. Just Cause 4: Reloaded | PS4 008. Omno | PS4
009. Erica | PS4 010. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order | PS4 011. Fallout 76 | PS4 012. Axiom Verge 2 | PS4 013. Syphon Filter 3 | PS4 014. Star Wars Demolition | PS4 015. Hot Shots Golf 2 | PS4 016. Evil Dead: The Game | PS4 017. OlliOlliWorld | PS4 018. Destiny 2: Beyond Light | PS4 019. Mafia: The Definitive Edition | PS4 020. Horizon Forbidden West | PS4 021. The Quarry | PS4 022. Resident Evil 7 biohazard | PS4 023. Outriders | PS4 024. Scarlet Nexus | PS4 025. Borderlands 3 | PS4 026. Tekken 7 | PS4 027. Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown | PS4
028. Earth Defense Force 5 | PS4 029. Oninaki | PS4 030. Lost Sphear | PS4 031. I am Setsuna | PS4 032. The Forgotten City | PS4 033. The Legend of Dragoon | PS4 034. Wild Arms 2 | PS4 035. Harvest Moon: Back to Nature | PS4 036. Destroy All Humans! | PS4 037. Battlefield 2042 | PS4 038. Minecraft Dungeons | PS4 039. Code Vein | PS4 040. Uncharted 4 | PS5 Fixed 041. Uncharted Lost Legacy | PS5 Fixed 042. Tchia | PS4 043. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Extraction | PS4 044. Ghostwire Tokyo | PS5 045. Life Is Strange: True Colors | PS4 046. Immortals Fenyx Rising | PS4 047. Life is Strange 2 | PS4 048. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot | PS4 049. Street Fighter V Champion Edition | PS4 050. Untitled Goose Game | PS4
051. Final Fantasy Type-0 HD | PS4 052. Rage 2 | PS4 053. Neo: The World Ends with You | PS4 054. Haven | PS4 055. Ridge Racer Type 4 | PS4 056. Ape Academy 2 | PS4 Fixed 057. Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror | PS4 058. Meet Your Maker | PS4
059. Sackboy: A Big Adventure | PS4 060. Tails of Iron | PS4 061. Anodyne | PS4 (Bonus Game) 062. Kena: Bridge of Spirits | PS4 063. Doom Eternal | PS4 064. Riders Republic | PS4 065. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus | PS4 066. Slay the Spire | PS4 067. Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom | PS4 068. The Evil Within | PS4 069. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood | PS4 070. Bassmaster Fishing | PS4 071. Paradise Killer | PS4 072. Doom | PS4 073. Doom II | PS4
074. Doom 64 | PS4 075. Doom 3 | PS4 076. Dishonored: Definitive Edition | PS4 077. GRID Legends | PS4 078. Chivalry 2 | PS4 079. Descenders | PS4 080. Humanity | PS4 081. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart | PS5 082. Watch Dogs: Legion | PS4 083. Dishonored 2 | PS4 084. Dishonored: Death of the Outsider | PS4 085. Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin | PS4 086. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition | PS4 087. Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration | PS4 088. Shadow of the Tomb Raider | PS4 089. Bus Simulator 21: Next Stop | PS4 090. The Evil Within 2 | PS4 091. Wolfenstein: Youngblood | PS4 092. Thymesia | PS5 093. Rain World | PS4 094 Lake | PS4 095. Conan Exiles | PS4 096. Rune Factory 4 Special | PS4 097. Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town* | PS4 098. Soundfall | PS4 099. Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow | PS4 100. Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light | PS4 101. Pursuit Force | PS4 102. Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered | PS4

January 15 Games | February 21 Games | March 21 Games | April 19 Games |
May 26 Games | June Unknown | July Unknown | August Unknown | September Unknown |
October Unknown | November Unknown | December Unknown |

meanmallard503d ago

PS Plus IS the best gaming subscription.

S2Killinit503d ago

It really is the best way to go.

crazyCoconuts503d ago

For a lot cheaper than the other guys even

PhillyDonJawn503d ago

102 games aww that's cute 🤭

Petebloodyonion503d ago

Well technically the best deal remains by far EPIC games free offering since well it's free but aside that it's a hell of deal :)

andy85503d ago

Its funny, a few months ago this would have got so many down votes but it probably is now, the Extra/Deluxe service is flourishing. Even a day one game this month is added

andy85503d ago

@phillyDonJawn that's games added, not total. PS sub has more games on it than Gamepass but keep reaching 😂

potatoseal503d ago

@ PhillyDon, lol there are something like 534 games on PS Plus Extra right now. That is not including PS Plus Premium

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 503d ago
ModsDoBetter503d ago

Seriously didn’t even realise how good the PS offering was.

I’m on the highest tier but the only things I gravitate toward are the two monthly games.

It was only recently that I found how to properly browse the PS+ section on the dashboard and there’s a ridiculous amount of high quality content on there.

I own a good amount of them either physical or digital but still a great selection.

Crows90503d ago (Edited 503d ago )

Yup. Ps extra is cheaper than gamepass ultimate as well...until those quality Xbox 1st party start actually kicking in ps+ is the most affordable and highest quality service.

I'll be trying out legion and humanity for sure.

MasterChief3624503d ago

So how does it work? Are these all available now? Or is it a rotation system? I literally only got my PS5 today and am a bit of a newb of this console generation.

potatoseal503d ago (Edited 503d ago )

These are all available right now I'm pretty sure. But I will post the actual lists of games. You will know in advance if anything was to be taken off this list too. A good time in advance.

PS Plus Essential (lowest price) - is the normal PS Plus and you get games every month. Here are the games for this month...

PS Plus Extra (mid price) - Is same as essential, BUT has all these extra games from this list, except for the PS1, PS2, PS3 and PSP games, (there aren't that many). More releasing every month. Here is all the games from PS Plus Extra

PS Plus Premium - same as essential and extra. But has all the PS1 and PS2 and PS3 and PSP games. More games releasing every month. Here is the list of games from this one...

Glad you got a PS5. It's a good investment. So much to play and so much to come. Have fun man

Ps5conehead502d ago

These are available may 16th

meanmallard503d ago

Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin Is fantastic, I can't recommend it highly enough.

Even though you have never heard of it it went on to sell well over a million copies.

meanmallard503d ago

If even one person reads this and plays it and has half as much fun as I did I'll be super happy.

jznrpg503d ago

I own a physical copy good game

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Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy Leaked Through Microsoft Store, Includes All Bonus Content

Microsoft Store has a listing for a Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy that comes with all three Tomb Raider reboot games and every bonus content.

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CrimsonWing691297d ago (Edited 1297d ago )

So what I should’ve done was pass this up on the 360, pass these up on PS4, and now get them? makes sense.

LOGICWINS1297d ago

I personally never played Rise or Shadow, but I loved the OG reboot on PS4. One of the few 1080p/60fps games at the time. I may pick this up if I see it for $20 on a sale.

seanpitt231297d ago

The first 2 was good I finished them played the 3rd one as it was free on psplus but lost interest after a couple of hours.. don’t have that much time on my hands like I did before and the game wasn’t pulling me in

Mr Pumblechook1297d ago

Not to be pedantic but the Blood Ties mission isn’t listed.

jznrpg1296d ago (Edited 1296d ago )

The Reboot was great but the two after just didn’t do it for me at all and I just stopped playing after a bit

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1296d ago
Sonic-and-Crash1297d ago

i played Shadow of TR ...It s a very good game indeed ..they ve done ton of work on it...Extremely good environments /visuals/models etc (comparable to Uncharted 4 and very simlar gameplay ..it s a solid AAA

LOGICWINS1297d ago

Based on that recommendation, I’ll pick it up!

nevin11297d ago

Shadow of TR(and UC4) sucked big time. Just walking, climbing and boring cutscenes.

ActualWhiteMan1297d ago

@Nevin what were you expecting… a first person shooter? 🤣

Neonridr1297d ago

I mean eventually everything comes in a collection or remastered set. Gotta take the plunge sometimes.

stiggs1296d ago

Hey everyone, CrimsonWing69 has already played these games so the Survivor Trilogy is cancelled.

Sorry everybody else who has interest in this release. Sorry.

CrimsonWing691296d ago (Edited 1296d ago )

Or y’know, you could freaking do what we used to do and just buy them on the console they were released on. Geezus how did you survive any generation before the PS4?

I’m definitely in the camp of releasing new games on a new console instead of revisiting the games over and over again regardless of whether others played it or not. If you missed out, relive it on the platform it was released on.

I didn’t complain when I couldn’t play NES games on a SNES or PS2 games on a PS3. These are simply cash grabs. Why can’t we just get a new Tomb Raider game instead?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1296d ago
-Foxtrot1297d ago

For a split second I thought this was like the original games, I got super excited.

Jls11297d ago

Not sure this was needed both rise and shadow were free ps plus

LOGICWINS1297d ago

Paying a monthly or yearly fee to maintain a game in your library isn’t “free”.

Jls11297d ago

Ps plus is the cost of 1 game. How many months are there in a year, do the math.

rdgneoz31297d ago

$60 or around $40 on sale / black friday and it is needed for multiplayer, and you don't have to worry about Sony trying to double the price (and whether they'd backtrack like MS after the outrage). Though you don't need it for F2P multiplayer games, unlike Gold.

hectorius1296d ago

Paying a monthly or yearly fee to maintain a game in your library isn’t “free”.***

So online gaming is free then.. Gotcha.

badz1491296d ago

come on, LOGIC. that argument has been beaten to death already and it's already 2021. nothing is FREE on consoles except F2P games, so just give it a rest.

you know what he means by that. no need to remind us each time that they are "technically" not free. we get it

Spartacus101296d ago

@ Jls1
Here is the math:
Free = £0
PS+ = £50 annually
Is £50 greater than £0? Yes
Therefore PS+ is not free.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1296d ago
Amplitude1297d ago (Edited 1297d ago )

Why does the price of the game matter? or the number of months in a year? Lol

I see what you're trying to do but it doesn't make sense. The actual cost is the cost of Plus, multiplied by the number of years you're alive.
So let's say 60 more years before your mortality takes a turn for the worse. You're looking at about $4,800 to keep Tomb Raider in your library vs owning a physical copy.
Not to mention that these are remasters.

PS Plus is a sick deal but by definition you really don't *own* your games with it

Jls11297d ago (Edited 1297d ago )

Obviously your too dumb to figure it out. If i have to explain it to you its not worth my time.

Ridiick1297d ago (Edited 1297d ago )

Control, FFVII remake and mostly Fall Guys that is always there to play with friends, PSplus is nice for me and other several millions of gamers. Your words sound me that you are having a tantrum :), guy enjoy your platform and dont worry about others gamers

LOGICWINS1297d ago

@Ridiick Lol, whose throwing a tantrum? No one said PS Plus wasn't a good deal, but "good deal" and "free" aren't interchangable.

Amplitude1297d ago (Edited 1297d ago )

Yeah I love PS+ lmao. I'm just saying it factually isn't free, the cost does add up, and PS+'s existence shouldn't mean that actually owning games becomes abnormal.

I buy lots of games that I already have on Plus just so I'll always have them

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1297d ago
badz1491296d ago

All 3 were free on PS+ actually

Father__Merrin1297d ago

Shadow of tomb raider was really good but had extreme pitiful performance in hub areas

UnbreakableAlex1297d ago

Bring out OG Tombraider 4K 120 FPS Version already!

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Get Shadow of the Tomb Raider for $30, Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition for $10

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition is on sale for $9.95, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider is on sale for $29.99. Both sales are for the PS4 version of the game.

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