
Sony to Use “Well Known DRM Solution” For Multimedia Apps on PS4, PS3 and PS Vita

While most users share a (at times a bit exaggerated) dislike for any use of DRM, it’s no mystery that platform holders are always on the prowl for methods to protect the intellectual rights of those that publish on their consoles.

Apparently Sony Computer entertainment is looking into implementing a “well known DRM solution” for multimedia applications.

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maniacmayhem3890d ago

Interesting, what kind of DRM could be implemented for apps?

I'm guessing this will have to do with their upcoming TV and Music features that will be across PS4, Vita and PS3.

GribbleGrunger3890d ago (Edited 3890d ago )

I'm going to keep track of this thread! Watching people get the wrong end of the stick is often amusing ... and you're right. Bubble for being a sensible first post. What follows won't be though. I might just pop in to watch the MisterX show occasionally for that extra giggle. Could one of his fans please inform him of this, I hate to be disappointed.


cleft53890d ago

I am sure some people will overreact, but I would rather people question how far this DRM will go for "multimedia" applications than to just blindly accept it. Right now I love the direction Sony is going in, but to get into a habit of just blindly following a company without questioning them can have disastrous results.

I remember how everyone kept saying if you pay attention to what Microsoft is doing (this isn't being said to pick on Microsoft)that the direction they are moving in was no surprise. If more people had questioned them then, than maybe everything would be different now.

maniacmayhem3890d ago

The only ones who will take this article out of context are the super obvious trolls on this site.

The ones we normally roll our eyes at and just pass over.

dedicatedtogamers3890d ago

I'm curious too. What sort of DRM would be applied to multimedia apps that isn't there already? Netflix - for instance - already requires you to log in and register the device to your account, yes? That's DRM.

gamer20133890d ago

It's just too bad that some of us can't be sensible when it comes to other systems.

awi59513890d ago (Edited 3890d ago )


No people are right to overreact Sony has been total aholes/dictators on any of their music products the last 20 years. They have all kind of crap drm software that will limit how many times you can burn a cd or copy a song, or will try to log onto the internet to see if this music is a legit copy. I stopped buying anything sony related back in 98 that played music because of all the the BS you have to put up with. When it comes to music sony is a total nazi.

Many-hat53889d ago

Hi GribbleGrunger. The "wrong end of the stick" comment makes the assumption there is a right end of the stick, doesn't it? DRM, as you know is an emotive issue, it's not something I think you should sit on the fence about, don't you agree? However, I will certainly take the challenge and amuse - enjoy!

gaffyh3889d ago

Will probably be something like Cinavia, which Sony already uses on their Blu-Rays

Rageanitus3889d ago

Overeact or not..... DRM is always not a good thing IMO. The problem with all these DRM schemes is companies do not take the effort advise how it works in detail.

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Abriael3890d ago (Edited 3890d ago )

Lol. Actually the first thing I thought when I saw this is that PS Vita TV may be coming. It's a machine strongly based on multimedia apps, so it would only make sense for Sony to optimize their multimedia DRM before bringing it around here.

Of course don't take it as granted. it's just personal speculation. I'm not Thuway lol.

GribbleGrunger3890d ago

Yes, that's definitely a possibility, especially considering the 'slimmest' invitation IGN received just recently. They have to secure content and in order to do that, they have to convince potential partners that it's secure.

cleft53890d ago

I am assuming this is for their TV stuff as well, because it is for multimedia applications.

GribbleGrunger3890d ago

It could also be to do with offering people more outlets for streaming or even uploading videos. Sony wouldn't mind 'Let's Plays' of their games being uploaded to Youtube, but they certainly wouldn't want whole films uploaded too.

Abriael3890d ago

One of the commenters on the article mentioned a very good theory. Since they're removing HDCP recording restrictions from the PS4, they'll need a new DRM system that prevents recording streamed movies via HDMI, and since they're at it, they may be looking into applying it to all platforms.

Hicken3890d ago

So you really think mrpsychotic down there wouldn't have made his comment without mine? You think Belking or greenpowerz wouldn't have similar remarks unprompted?

Rather than pay ANY attention to the actual subject of the article, they'll do EXACTLY as I said. Will you correct him or mark him off topic like I'm sure you did to me? No, you'll stay true to form and say nothing.

The subject is only mildly interesting to me, because it's not going to impact my gaming. But there's no shortage of people on this site that will ignore that to push their agenda. And no shortage of individuals like yourself who pretend they don't exist, so long as it suits your needs.

Muffins12233890d ago (Edited 3890d ago )

Ha if this was xbox one you all would be so pissed, I like it how you say "interesting,what kind of drm-" theirs only one kind of drm dipshit

ifistbrowni3890d ago (Edited 3890d ago )

"they" wouldn't be pissed..

I think you mean, "they" would try to spin it into something bigger than it really is. News like this, sadly, would excite some of the ppl on this site if it was Xbox One news (that way, they can blow it out of proportion).

As far as im concerned, whether this be related to x1 or ps4, it's no big deal.

I actually have no idea what Sony means by this. At first, i thought it just meant that you wouldn't be allowed to use the "Live from Playstation" feature while running apps. Which would make sense. But, reading through the comments, it appears to be something bigger.

I plan to use all the apps "legally" so this news doesn't pertain to me. Though, i do share my HBO GO/Xfinity subscription with my two friends. Hopefully, for their sake, Sony doesn't take away the ability for me to do so (when ps4 gets HBO GO and Xfinity apps).

Justjoined1233889d ago

This is hilarious, just to be clear im gonna get the ps4 this gen even though ive preferred the 360 so far.. But the way some people just seem to suck up everything about sony and the ps4 is absolutely insane haha. Its beyond laughable.

ALLWRONG3889d ago

How ironic

Attack MS for almost using DRM but defend Sony for using it.

snookiegamer3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

@ALLWRONG....and what you've typed really is!

Movie Studios, and general TV/App/Music have far more security implemented than Games. THIS IS NOT THE SAME DRM! ..and if it's 'well known', it'll be nothing we haven't experienced before.

It'll be exactly the same on Xbox One, Or any legitimate Device for that matter, because the license demands it. So UR-ALL-WRONG!

This DRM thing is common place for 'Multimedia'...last time I checked 'Games' do not fall into this category.

None of us work for bloody Sony, so who's defending?!!...it's like some of you wait in anticipation of a bad PS4 article?

I don't blame you fanboys for making a poor decision, you have my sympathy (Worlds tiniest Violin plays.....), anyways, you may continue your protest against (You'll probably reply you have both Consoles) PS4 users now ;/

Blaze9293889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

lol so DRM on the Xbox One, which is similar to DRM on the PC right now - caused an outrage.

but DRM on the PS4 for multimedia, "INTERESTING! I can't wait!"

DRM, "it's about protecting intellectual property!"...so it's not about that for games either?

lol aw man....

Gamer19823889d ago

For apps only though before the panic stations set in here. This might be a good move if it means devs can put there own apps on store. It's a small trade to make to protect developers and Sony alike. I ahve no issue with it as long as it works and usually with something small like an app it does. Games however not so much but this is only apps so its cool.

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Mikelarry3890d ago

meh so far its not my hard copy games i couldn't care less

XiSasukeUchiha3890d ago

Drm for application not bad at least is isn't for hard copy games:)

TIER1xWOLFPACKx3890d ago

Drm used for multimedia apps music and films is generally in place on most devices these dayz

Pogmathoin3890d ago

Sorry to disappoint hicken.... Just yer average drm used on many devices already....

Hicken3890d ago ShowReplies(2)
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pwnmaster30002h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Agreed. I just put in 50 hours of it because I was told to just push through but I think I’m over it.
A shame because I had so much fun with Diablo 3. I bought it twice. Putting 100 of hours into both.
Diablo 3 on the switch saved me from going crazy on a deployment. Oh well hopefully next Diablo will be better.
As long as I keep my gamepass sub I won’t miss a thing

Michiel19892h ago

diablo 4 is actually a pretty good game now, the launch was just terrible, but honestly it was worse for D3 at launch. Farming inferno for 10 hours just to get a bunch of yellows that weren't for your class or 10 levels lower, combined with the rubberbanding and Hydra getting double the bonusses that it should have and the real money auction house. Hardcore was unplayable in D3, in D4 it was fine for me at least. Combined with not being able to log at launch or just getting kicked out. D3 was definitely way worse than D4 at launch, took them 2.5-3 years to turn it around.

If you played D3 once rifts were out, then there was actually some content, but that was YEARS into the game.

Lionsguard2h ago

Have people just forgotten how terrible D3 was at the start? Real Money Auction House? Absolutely abysmal gear drops with stats that make no sense whatsoever?

Brazz3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Bring back Paladin/Crusader or GTFO. The fans never asked for Spiritborn.

Luc203h ago

Look at BG3. Great story, online co-op, couch co-op no micro transactions, no unnecessary seasons. Once you've finished the game you can play again and make different choices that will change the story. What happened to diablo?

Christopher2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

We wouldn't feel like we're missing anything if you made it so people could go back and play through each season rather than miss out on it entirely. But that's not your goal. You want people to feel like they are missing out on things and force them to play when you want them to, regularly each season, rather than just make a game that is more enjoyable to play and with better content.


Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Celebrates 21 Years of Iconic Lightsaber Combat

Celebrate 21 years of Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy! Discover its iconic lightsaber combat, player customization, and enduring legacy in the Star Wars gaming world.

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gurp7h ago

great game, bought it day one on PC
all the Jedi knight series games are amazing

mkis0074h ago(Edited 4h ago)

First star wars game I purchased. Prob my 2nd favorite after jedi knight 2 jedi outcast.

Neonridr4h ago

Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy were so fun for the lightsaber battles. Jedi Knight was a little janky being the oldest of them all.

mkis00725m ago

I just remembered outcast was the first game I ever got a multiplayer mod for on pc. Can't remember the name, but it had a grapple or something.