
SOE All Access Pass Doesn't Work On PS3/PS4, For Now

If you got all excited about the SOE All Access and wanted to buy it on PlayStation 3/4, sorry, but you won't be able to for the time being.

kaiserfranz3803d ago

That's too bad, I hope they sort it out soon, after all they're both Sony divisions...

Alexious3803d ago

Agreed, it's a bit weird honestly

snookiegamer3803d ago

It basically means this option isn't available for PS3/4 'yet'...suggesting it's in the pipeline.

Maxor3803d ago

Considering the fact that the only SoE game available is DCUO on the PS4...well, DUH.


Planetside IP sold to shell company as it was considered “non-core IP”

Planetside 2’s future is uncertain as the IP was sold for a relatively low sum to a company with no history.

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jznrpg129d ago

They sold the entire company. I did like when they ran Everquest as well. But numbers were declining unfortunately

-Foxtrot131d ago

Watch it turn out to be Amazon in disguise

Duke19129d ago

Was such a cool concept back in the day - shame that it never really took off like it probably could have with more support


EG7 Hints at Plans for New EverQuest MMORPG, Targeting a 2028 Release - MMORPG.GG

During EG7’s Capital Markets Day stream earlier today, EG7’s CEO Ji Ham discussed several in-development projects including a potential EverQuest 3 that is in an early “ideation phase”.


DCUO Development Update - August 2023

If you do not read this whole update, here's what you need to know:

* Episode 46 is Justice League Dark Cursed
* PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X launch this holiday season

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