
Shiftlings – An Exciting New Wii U eShop Game Revealed

The game is currently in development at RockPocket Games for the Wii U eShop, with the aim to release sometime this Spring. Shiftlings stars a pair of Space Janitors who are not the smartest guys in the Universe which leads them into crashing their flying saucer all the time. It doesn’t help that they are the main attraction of an interactive TV Show, which they are not really aware of. During one of the crashes they lost all their air supply and are now forced to share the remaining air while being connected by an air cable and exchanging air back and forth. Your task is to not only guide them safely through all the challenges but help them repair their ship so they can go on their merry ways to fix and collect stuff.

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BlackWolf3838d ago

Well, this is one to watch.

3838d ago
deafdani3838d ago

This looks stupidly fun. And it looks like it will be hilarious in co-op.


Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Details 14th-20th August 2018

Neil writes - "When you team the Xbox Live Deals With Gold sale with publisher sales from the likes of Team17 and Bethesda, it's pretty hard to find something to top it. Well, that's what we've had the pleasure of reporting over the last few weeks, with bargains galore hitting the lives of Xbox One and Xbox 360 players.

But hey, that's all in the past and the latest sale is now here. But what Xbox discounts can be found in the Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale for 14th-20th August 2018? There are a ton - How do this lot sound to you?"

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Shiftlings - Explosive Let's Play

Alex & Steve try to control the gas, work together and make it to the end in a game that demands teamwork. Oh god, what have they got themselves in for!

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The Worst Box Art Of 2015


Each and every year, we like to subject ourselves to a special form of torture: diving headlong into a pool of abhorrent box art. Like Scrooge McDuck, we paddle through this bottomless vault of crappy imagery and incoherent portraits, searching for the absolute worst of the bunch. And let us assure you, dear reader, we've found the most repugnant cover art 2015 had to offer. These pieces of "art" turned stomachs and burned the eyes of all who beheld them - and according to Amazon, the majority of this shovelware was released last year. Hey, if it's the reputation of Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos on the line, who's to argue?

They say you should never judge a book by its cover, but when that cover makes you burst out laughing uncontrollably, there may need to be an exception. We're not saying that's definitely going to happen here, but… Well, actually, it probably is. Sorry.

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DirtyPete3121d ago

lol the comedy with how true this is hahaha When you think about it, games cant afford to have bad box art, that's what catches someone's attention x)

Skate-AK3121d ago

So true but it didn't seem to affect Megaman haha.