
Did Xbox One Really Beat PS4 in December 2013 Sales?

Did the Xbox One really sell better than the PS4 in December? While all the NPD data is claiming other wise, we look at those numbers a little more closely.

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Kayant3790d ago


OT - What's so hard to believe here? PS4 beat XB1 in november, XB1 beat PS4 in december but sold enough in november + december to be the leader in sales in US. Not hard to understand/believe.

Mega243789d ago

the problem is fanboys stuck with their winning mentality, it's like they worked on the consoles or something, who gives a flying F*** if Xbox won, or Playstation won what month, no one really cares anymore, the consoles are here, that's what matters.

AliTheSnake13789d ago

Xbox sold more because You couldn't find PS4 anywhere.

Pogmathoin3789d ago

Thought Sony launched in more than 2 countries.... I got one of each... thats all that matters to me....

georgeenoob3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )


Did you forget it released a week earlier in U.S.? This, AND it's $100 cheaper. Good job, Microsoft.

nukeitall3789d ago

Fact of the matter are, MS:

* released one week after PS4 so it stands to reason that Sony sold more in November.
* MS sold more consoles in the US, because they have bigger stock in the US. Likely, significantly better than PS4 due to stock shortages
* PS4 sold better worldwide, due to being out in almost 3-4 times the number of countries. So the lead of one million consoles would average out to roughly thirty thousand consoles sold in each region to make up that gap.

So the bottom line is, yes PS4 outsold Xbox One worldwide, but the margin is a lot smaller than many think. Nor does MS outselling PS4 in the US matter much in the grand scheme of things.

It is just a play on numbers!

Oh, and NPD is pretty darn good source used by industry analysts. You don't getter better numbers than for multiple manufacturers.

Plasticgearsolid3789d ago

@Nukeitall but PS4 still leads in sales in U.S.

Mr_Writer853789d ago


"PS4 sold better worldwide, due to being out in almost 3-4 times the number of countries. So the lead of one million consoles would average out to roughly thirty thousand consoles sold in each region to make up that gap. "

Supply and demand my dear boy.

Sony have a bigger demand in euroland. If MS found the demand was higher in euro surely they would of released in more countries.

However if the demand isnt there why take product from a country that has high demand (example USA) for a country where they know they wont sell?

So your argument is meaningless.

Skip_Bayless3789d ago

Lol at people who can't get there facts straight like Nuke and this article.

dantesparda3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

People keep saying that PS4 launched a week earlier, but forget that X1 released a week earlier in EU, so they've both been on the market the same number of days. And the rumors are that Sony sold 900K in Dec in the US vs 908k for the X1, meanwhile PS4 is around 1.2 million ahead (and probably growing) as of Dec 28th

doolin_dalton3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )


"Xbox sold more because You couldn't find PS4 anywhere."

Straight from the Yogi Berra school of management.

Kind of like "Nobody goes there anymore because it's too crowded".

saber000053789d ago

@nukeitall, you seem to forget that retailers are the ones who bought a HUGE majority of the Xbox Ones. I could go to any walmart, meijer, best buy, etc. and find Xbox Ones in stock. PS4 were completely sold out. Also, these numbers are in-correct since there are TONS of other "News" articles (not opinion ones) that states that Sony out sold Xbox in the US every month.

But hey, believe whatever you want. The numbers are there clear as day. Do your research.

JokesOnYou3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

This is exactly why I usually ignore blogs with these type questions in the headlines but I thought this time, "what the hell" lol so the author writes a sensational headline as if he has something mindblowing to share and then goes on to offer nothing new to suggest anything contrary to NPD. We already knew every sales figure he regurgitated...I cant believe I wasted my time reading that.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3789d ago
AngelicIceDiamond3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

According to this. http://metro.co.uk/2014/01/...

Unless its lying or something.

EDIT: @Life That's what I'm saying. I understand the writer is trying to find some logical explanation (for some reason)

But MS simply bested in December that's the facts.

lifeisgamesok3789d ago

Lol Yes it sold more in December

Can Sony fans let this go already

Both will sell

MasterCornholio3789d ago

World wide PS4 sold more but in the US microsoft sold more Xbox Ones.

Thats the truth.


Oh World > USA

AngelicIceDiamond3789d ago

@Master Yeah I know that? What's the point of bringing that up?

Did I say the U.S mean't the world? Your fanboyism is getting the best of you.

Don't go there.

MasterCornholio3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

We both accuse each other of being hardcore fanboys and we both claim that we are not bias in our choices.

I owned consoles from Sega, Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony and Atari in the past. The trick is I'm a fan of the system that gives me the best experience at the time of purchase.

Just so you can understand me a bit better. In the beginning I had an Xbox 360 and I bought it to play games like Condemned Criminal Origins, Perfect Dark Zero and BioShock. I had a trurly fantastic time with the system but then I got rid of it when Microsoft started to focus on Kinect. After that I got a PS3 and I still have the console even though I own a PS4?

In short words, I'm a fanboy of good gaming. Nothing more nothing less.


Round and round it goes where it stops nobody knows.


AngelicIceDiamond3789d ago

@Master I know that's true. But specifically that comment was pretty fanboyish.

You try to make it sound I was doing the usual "Xbox sold in the U.S equals the world" stuff. When I did no such thing. No trace of that existed in my comment.

"We both accuse each other of being hardcore fanboys and we both claim that we are not bias in our choices."

Just because someone makes a choice between the two consoles doesn't mean they're biased.

This site and many others don't use the word preference anymore. Its not always out of spite because someone chooses one console over the other. The price, the games, and this is a new one what the console is centers around. Some like an all in one box some don't. Some prefer exclusives over the other platform.

Some prefer apples over oranges. (btw I'm using that as a real term not a analogy)

Fanboyism is never going away. But as industry we have the tools to minimize fanboyism (if we choose to, but this site chooses not to).

This site in particular uses fanboyism as a marketable ploy for hit seeking articles.

AndrewLB3789d ago

Cornholio- I'm a fanboy of good gaming as well. Which is why I refuse to purchase either "next gen" console based solely on the fact that neither have the power to run ALL games at 1080p, the HD standard that has been around for more than half a decade. So I spent the $400 I had saved for a PS4 and bought a second GTX 680, giving my PC 7.4 tflops of next-gen graphical power. So roughly 4x more powerful as the GPU in the PS4 or 6x more powerful as Xbone.

Now if the PS5 and XbonER don't do 4k... i'll skip that console generation again.

People need to understand that the only way you'll get these money grubbing corporations to stop selling you half-a$$ed products is to NOT buy it. But until that happens, they'll sell you outdated laptop hardware and laugh all the way to the bank.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3789d ago
truefan13789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

XB1 fans are not celebrating victory or anything like that, we are just looking at the numbers and saying where is the drubbing 4:1 type sales you fanboys predicted. The fact the a console $100 more expensive is still enticing cutomers to purchase is the beauty of it all, especially considering the bad pr from the Internet.

QuickdrawMcgraw3789d ago

truefan1...when you say "you fanboys"..you are including yourself right?

truefan13789d ago

I'm a realest, I admit areas where ps4 is better than xb1, but I also can't stand hearing the ps4 is perfect crap I hear everyday on this site. Most of you ps4 fanboys go out of your way to praise everything ps4 and down everything XB1.

QuickdrawMcgraw3789d ago

You say tomato I say tamato...So tell is truefan of all the areas the PS4 is better then the Xbox1.

DigitalRaptor3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

The 4:1 "prediction" was on a demand basis. Obviously...

Trying to make fanboys look stupid because common sense indicates that demand has to deal with supply, is idiotic in itself.

PS4 has a far higher demand, and it's up to these companies to match this demand. There was no way Sony was ever going to produce 4 times as many PS4s as Microsoft could provide Xbones. No chance, ever.

And your cover story is laughable. You're not sick that people are saying that "PS4 is perfect" (which they're not, cause it's not). What you are sick of, is the fact that Sony made mostly good decisions, and Microsoft made godawful, anti-consumer ones, and are paying for it. It hurts you that the PS4 is a better dedicated gaming console and that their actions and focuses are driving console gaming into a brilliant space. And your reply to me and others earlier today proves that you are a fanboy who cannot deal with Sony being on top, and Microsoft facing legitimate criticism for their actions.

truefan13789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

@DigitalRaptor I'll go ahead and give you my last bubble. I honestly don't care about what Sony does as I don't own a ps4. The ps4 fanbase is what annoys me, Ps4 has had the blue light of death, a horrible quality controller, bluray playback issues, wifi connectivity issues, and other issues that the ps4 fanbase refuse to acknowledge. Don't try to back track now that the XB1 is selling just fine despite the efforts of you and your fellow n4g friends/lames. Both Microsoft and Sony are about making money and who does it better, i'll wait. The Xb1 is making more profit per console and selling more games. You brag about Sony and caring for gamers, blah blah blah, they are a for profit company that is a few years away from the tank. Pornstation has been around for 4 generations, why would I be upset that it is the top console, it doesn't bother me one bit. Keep playing knack and resogun that you beat in 2 hours. I'll be playing several games from the impressive list of XB1 exclusives, while also playing the multiplats that ps4 players are looking forward to. All in all the XB1 is selling fine and fanboys like you are eating crow, accept it. You guys have been talking since June 2013. PS I owned you guys earlier as you guys couldn't dispute what I said. Sony is making the same business decisions as Microsoft you guys are just blind. PS Now is a service that will charge you to play games that you will not own and must always be online, basically a DRM service. Of course success is based off a Sony network that I could probably hack, its so terrible.

QuickdrawMcgraw3789d ago

Should read truefanboy1....not that there is anything wrong with that.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3789d ago
sobotz3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

Hey look! a company which doesn't really care about me except my money is selling better than your company. Yay.

Lol, It's 5 year old all over again. Can we just move on and be happy with the console that we have right now and enjoy it?

And let's be happy that both consoles sold well, I mean 4.2 million and 3 million?? well, we must be thankful that the competition is fierce between Sony and MS... because we're the one we who will gain benefit from their competition.

Sayai jin3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

Sobotz...shuuush it. Your making to much sense. (sarcasm)

On topic, it's getting old saying this...but here is goes...enjoy your console(s) and enjoy your games; theres nothing wrong with having a preference or a fan, but leave the immature babbling at the playground.

Evilsnuggle3789d ago Show
liquidhalos3789d ago

Who cares, they both NEED to sell well in order to keep us away from a south african Telkom style monopoly (google it) where the customer gets nothing but ripped off bad support and abusive customer service.

We should be hoping that both do well

ZombieKiller3789d ago

I keep seeing all these articles about the Xbox trying to beat the Playstation and I keep thinking of that Chapelle Episode where the internet was real. I feel like the xbox is trying to sneak in there every 5 seconds trying to convince me they beat PS in sales like that guy that keeps trying to get Chapelle to increase the size of his ding dong.

Just like those pop up ads used to do....
"Hey bahdee bahdee bahdee, we beat teh Playstations..." (I don't care, I bought a Playstation...)

3789d ago
Bdub20003789d ago

My brother heard from this guy's cousins friend that his uncles ps4 stopped working. X1 just won the console war.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3789d ago
Eonjay3790d ago

It doesn't matter. The Xbox sold something like 908k. The PS4 sold about 900k. So, the Xbox One sold more. but only about 1% more. Thats why the PS4 still leads in the US. So its an effective tie, but PS4 has a lead of 75k so the Xbox would have to sell that on top of what the PS4 sales to match it. This is very possible - they have the stock - but if it does happen it wont be until March when Titanfall releases. By then Japan will enter the fray and then that will seal the global deal.

caleyforsythe3790d ago

agreed. if that 1% was maybe about 10% then we'd have something to talk about :)

AceBlazer133790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

Lol 8k? That's what the xbox fans were bragging about?

Anyway 4.2m > 3m

Death3790d ago

I'm pretty sure Xbox fans are just happy the PS4 didn't outsell the Xbox One by the 40:1 ratio Playstation fans claimed in October.

GTgamer3789d ago

@Death do really think if Sony didn't Run out of stock Xbox would of Won December Be completly honest with yourself.

Death3789d ago

To be completely honest, I think people were buying PS4's because they are hard to find. The PS4 was the must have gift for the year. Almost half of a consoles sales occur in November and December in North America. You can say Sony ran out of stock or you can say Sony allocated stock to too many regions without being fully prepared. I don't think Sony is stupid, I think they allocated what they were confident would sell.

LeCreuset3789d ago


Come on. Stop that. You know there was nowhere near a consensus of PS fans claiming a 40:1 ratio. Why do some of you feel the need to play the underdog when you find yourselves losing an argument? You just got done trying to argue with me that Xbox has been such a presence, but now you want to revert back to the underdog to downplay the PS4 lead. You can't keep playing the under dog. This is the third Xbox console. Sony won its first generation, hands down. The same with the second. When all is said and done, it may win its third, and the fourth is off to a good start. MS, a company that knows a little something about putting its products on the market, is on its third console and has yet to win a single generation. Stop with the under dog stuff.

Death3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

I don't think you are qualified to know what a win is. If winning in your eyes is selling more consoles, then Sony is indeed winning. If winning is gaining market share instead of losing it or turning a profit, then Sony isn't winning. At the end of the day each company needs to justify the money they invest and see a return. They don't care who sold a few more consoles, they care that they made a couple bucks. So far Sony is off to a great start in regaining market share.

So you are aware, Sony's possible third win in you eyes resulted in billions of dollars lost and going from owning 75% of the market to owning about 30%. Xbox went from owning 12.5% to 30% and has sold over 80 million consoles to date compared to 24 million last gen. That over 300% improvement. Sony sold 150 million PS2's and 80 million PS3's to date, that's a very significant loss.

As for profitability, pull the financials from each company and look. They are available online and to the public. Microsoft is making considerably more than Sony in the gaming market.

Nocando3789d ago

I dont see anyone bragging, at all.Why would anyone brag about something they had absolutely no hand in creating? Wait, that's most Sony fans, nevermind.

MysticStrummer3789d ago

@Death - With the sales as they are Sony is definitely gaining market share.

air13789d ago

They just dont get it death... They dont understand or dont want to understand how much market sony has lost to ms..

To stay on topic with sales, i am surprised at how well the xb1 is doing in sales considering the drm back lash and launching in less countries. Im glad ms is keeping sony on its toes, who else is going to do it... Nintendo?

I hope competition between ms and sony stays close and strong through the entire gen because that is whats going to keep improvements and innovation coming from both sides.

I cant wait for this gen to truly start while im enjoying current games i still havnt played that one game that screams next gen in your face but i know both consoles will give us some amazing stuff this gen... Devs have a huge leap in tech compared to last gens tech..

Now im not trying to get any pc guys angry... I know you are like 3 gens ahead but im a console gamer although, i am really interested in the steam box... I see all those great sales steam puts up for games and if its true that you can up grade the box! im all in...
Imo if steam launches that box with a game to the effect of what halo did for the xbox it would be a major threat to sony and ms.. And i think steam has that killer game with half life, they def. Have the talent and a lot of ppl waiting for hl3

LeCreuset3789d ago

@Death & @Air1

Well, there you go doing it again. Xbox is either such an under dog that only a 40:1 PS4 advantage could be seen as a Sony victory, or it's this market stealing beast, depending on what suits your argument at the moment.

What was being talked about were PS4 and XB1 sales. If you want to talk about past sales, you don't get to just arbitrarily look at it from a point beneficial to MS. If you want to talk market share, the Wii is the leader there, so MS still has not won a gen.

MS fans love to bring up market share as if Sony was just gifted with a high market share starting out. You can't just look at the last gen and go "Oh, well MS gained market share while Sony lost it." You have to credit Sony for gaining the massive market share that they had from the PS1 and PS2. If MS gained a lot of market share, they had a lot to gain after the unimpressive sales of the original Xbox. PS2 had unprecedented dominance, so Sony had plenty of room to go down, and not much to go up. Put another way, the best gen MS fans can brag of is the off one in which they were able to come about even with Sony, and now things are swinging back in Sony's favor. Meanwhile, Sony can talk about the PS1, PS2, and likely the PS4. Once that gap starts to widen, I imagine the "market share" argument will be the next to be abandoned by you.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3789d ago
Bigpappy3790d ago

I think this is a waste of space article. But the question asked does to need an analysis, since there is no "why".

It simply asked: "Did Xbox One Really Beat PS4 in December 2013 Sales?" The only thing missing from that question is where. Globally? no. U.S? oh yeah.

Eonjay3790d ago

Got you. Pretty straight forward. I sometimes think people forget that gaming is a world wide thing. As great as it is to see 4 million next gen consoles sold in the US, we should remember that the rest of the world is anxious to get in the game as well and will inevitably make up the majority of the sales.

kneon3789d ago

I don't understand why anyone would have expected the ps4 to outsell the xb1 in December in the US. By December in most areas you would have had as much luck finding a unicorn as you would finding a ps4.

TheFallenAngel3789d ago

First time I ever agree with you. The real reason xbone outsold ps4 is because Sony doesn't keep up with demand in the US. MS focused on the biggest markets in the world to have enough stock. Sony didn't. If xbone outsold the ps4 by just 8k more units that that's nothing to brag about. Ps4 has been sold out on every retailer online and retail.

MysticStrummer3789d ago

Of course there is a "why".

XB1 is readily available and PS4 isn't.

Case closed.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3789d ago
Axios23789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

Where does the 900k for the PS4 come from?

According to the site you call accurate, PS4 was less than 890k while X1 was over 975k, if one is over tracked than the other may be as well.

There is also a big difference is software sales according to NPD


"December’s NPD sales figures are now out in the wild. According to Aaron Greenberg, Xbox One retail software sold approximately 4.8 million units compared to 4.2 million for PlayStation 4. While he doesn’t give the exact figure, he does comment on how Call of Duty: Ghosts and Battlefield 4 sold better on Xbox One."

"Lastly, Aaron Greenberg drops the last NPD sales figure fact stating that 1st Party titles on Xbox One sold 1.5 million units compared to 599k on PS4."


Yes, both released in Nov. Just looking for the source of the 900k figure, VG, what Eonjay uses shows a spread closer to 90k

kneon3789d ago

It makes sense for the xb1 to have higher software sales in December, even it weren't in first place for hardware sales for the month.

Most of the ps4s sold in the US were sold in November, that's when most people bought their games. I haven't bought any games since November, still playing the ones I have, along with the free games on psn+.

It will be a few months before any of these sales comparisons can be taken at face value.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3789d ago
caleyforsythe3790d ago

PS4 is clearly the leader overall in sales numbers. It's probably too early to split hairs over this - let's look at this 6-8 months or maybe a year down the line.

3789d ago
whoyouwit043790d ago

yea it did, Whats the deal with Sony fans not being able to accept reality? No twist, no spins just fact Microsoft won december; deal with it

MasterCornholio3790d ago

Only in the USA. World wide Sony won overall.


LeCreuset3789d ago

You're talking to one person who authored the article. How does one person asking a question become Sony fans not being able to accept reality? Do you really want to have that argument? I didn't think so. Now let's look at some facts:

1) PS4 has sold more worldwide.
2) PS4 has sold more in the US.

That's really all you need to know, but if you really want to talk about December:

3) Microsoft sold slightly more Xbox One's in the U.S., it's former stronghold, in December than Sony sold PS4's, which suffered from stock shortages.

Now this is opinion, but it's about as close to fact as an opinion can get:

1) Microsoft would much rather be gloating about Xbox beating the PS4 period, or at least in the U.S..

Death3789d ago

Microsoft would much rather have a profitable business model and not really care about Sony sales. They are selling more software according to NPD and sold more consoles in December at a $100 higher price point. When you factor in the 360 they sold half of the consoles in North America. Looking at both companies financials over the past decade, I would think Microsoft is happy doing what they are doing.

LeCreuset3789d ago


That really has nothing to do with the subject at hand, but since you brought it up, how profitable has the Xbox division been for MS?

Axios23789d ago

Xbox division has been operating at a profit every year since 2008 inclusive, so 6 years.

MysticStrummer3789d ago

Yet elements within MS want the XB division sold or spun off, so not profitable enough.

LeCreuset3789d ago


That wasn't the question I asked. I asked how profitable it has been to MS, not what years it has been operating at a profit. Overall, how profitable—give me a number—has the Xbox division been to MS?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3789d ago
Plasticgearsolid3789d ago

Its cause you cant even find a ps4 they're sold out online

pyramidshead3790d ago

It certainly did, but what's more impressive though is the PS4 wasn't that far behind in sales in Xbox's primary and most dominant market. The PlayStation brand is not so lightly shaken off it seems. An amazing feat for Sony considering how supply constraint they are due to overbearing demand. I bet MS wish they had that year head start like last time.

GarrusVakarian3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

I would advise you not to say the reasons WHY the X1 outsold the PS4 in December, i did the same and i got torn apart by X1 fanboys, they only want to hear "X1 outsold the PS4 in December", that's all they care about. If you state reasons why or how, you get labelled as a damage controller or get accused of making excuses for Sony.

The fact it only outsold the PS4 by around 8k units on their OWN hometurf while the PS4 is having supply issues isn't really anything to brag about, if your main competitor isn't at full strength you should be beating them by a way bigger margin, especially in your own country. but i guess a victory is a victory. It's just sad that so many people aren't interested in the why's or how's.

doolin_dalton3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

Such short memories. It's no different than how Sony supporters just want to know that the PS3 ended up outselling the 360 despite Sony previously outselling MS by a 6:1 margin. The U.S. was PS2's hometurf until 360 ripped it away. People weren't interested in the how's and why's - all they cared about was that "Sony won".

Face it, PS3 eventually outselling 360 was like an NFL team needing a last second field goal to beat a high school team. PS3 should have beaten 360 by a much bigger margin considering where they both came from, but I guess a victory is a victory.

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