
Slapped Together Rambo Game Trailer is Hilariously Awful

Hardcore Gamer: Rambo: The Video Game is an upcoming game based on the first three movies, which were based on the three books, which surprisingly enough were based on the breakfast cereal Captain Crunch. A trailer was released for the game today meant to show off multiple gameplay segments, and I have to think at least three people are getting fired. This is a coordinated effort of mistakes from someone at the company warning us not to buy this game. Think of all the things that a trailer can do to get you excited for a game. Then watch instead what this trailer put together and remember that they are probably trying to actually sell you on buying this. Maybe. I’m not even sure of that anymore.

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DeadMansHand3901d ago

It looks like that game I used to play at Chuck E Cheese when I was a kid.

yellowgerbil3902d ago

this looks like a crappy rail shooter. Hopefully Mad Max won't be this god awful. Where's the next movie license game to be as good as Warriors?

minimur123902d ago

well these developers I remember reading they are in the works to getting the Terminator license.... so beware

MajorLazer3902d ago

A better trailer would have been a video of someone passing a kidney stone and screaming 'Rambo' everytime it hurt too much

JohnnyTower3902d ago

Are you sure this isn't a cell phone game? ;)

Robearboy3902d ago

kind of reminds me of operation wolf lol

snookiegamer3902d ago

I knew this would turn out to be truly awful. Not only is it based on the equally awful 80's action films, it also seems stuck in that era with it's basic gun-ho ideas.

It's been described as a failure, and laughably bad, but the person who pays full price for this certainly isn't laughing.

Kind of funny to see such a mediocre game even get funded. Someone, somewhere has lots of money to waste.

ChaosKnight3902d ago

Who doesn't like First Blood?

snookiegamer3902d ago

I don't like First Blood...is that okay by you? ;/

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3 Great and Terrible Movie-Game Tie-Ins

Movie tie-ins were a staple of the video game industry not too long ago. Only within the last few years, movie studios figured out that unless you can commit the finances and time to make a good game, a movie tie in could do more harm for the brand than good. Game Guider Oscar Giggins takes a look at the top 3 best and worst movie tie-in games and looks at what made them either a memorable part of gaming history or a notorious mistake destined for the trash.

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Famitsu Review Scores: Issue 1430

This week’s Famitsu review scores are in.

Enter the Gungeon (PS4) – 7/7/8/8 [30/40]
The Genius of Sappheiros V (PSV) – 7/7/7/6 [29/40]
Rambo: The Video Game (PS3) – 6/7/6/7 [26/40]
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution (PS4) – 8/7/8/8 [31/40]
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution (PSV) – 8/7/8/8 [31/40]

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That Naff Rambo Game for PS3 is Getting Some Free DLC – Baker Team Incoming

PP: A while back there was a Rambo game released for PS3 that used the PS Move. It didn’t go down too well with most who played it, so we’re actually quite surprised to be sat here writing that it’s getting a free DLC update tomorrow in the form of Baker Team.

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NarooN3081d ago

That's incredibly bizarre but okay... I guess that's great for the three masochists who still play it!

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