
Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD PC Crashes, Bad FPS, Black Screen and Fixes

Guide4GameS: The PC version of Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD may have several issues. Low performance, bad Framerates, black screen, save game load issue and xbox360 controller problems are very known issues.

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Decommissioning of online services for several AC games (October 2022)

"Hello everyone, we have more details to share concerning the upcoming decommissioning of online services affecting several AC titles, including additional information regarding the DLC for these titles."

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CrimsonWing69750d ago

When will you decommission this new one? I’m only asking so I can be happier by not buying it at full price.

bunt-custardly750d ago

The dog Chorizo from FAR CRY 6 has wheelchair legs, so is hardly a decommissioned pet. In fact very useful for digging up dirt.


Assassin's Creed Liberation Delisted & to Be Unplayable Even to Owners Starting September 1 on Steam

Assassin's Creed Liberation has been delisted on Steam, and what's more, "will not be accessible" starting Sept. 1 even to owners.

excaliburps803d ago

Because they can? This makes no sense though. Why damage your rep at all with this and it's so small of a thing to even do.

RaidenBlack803d ago

What if ..... they're taking the 2K route?
Maybe they have some plans for Aveline/Liberation in the near future?
Remake? Strictly guessing here.

Nitrowolf2803d ago


Nah, to my understanding this is due to the type of DRM it has and instead of fixing and removing it they’re just pulling the title

Not 100% I’ve seen a few people mention that

-Foxtrot803d ago

Waiting for those guys who state digital is the future

And this is why people want discs in there collectors editions…

pietro1212803d ago

Even as someone who prefers digital content things like this sucks. This type of practice isn’t very consumer friendly and it’s a rip off. I paid for that license I should be able to download titles whenever I want too.

Profchaos803d ago (Edited 803d ago )

Yeah but lately many games are not coming complete on the disc or with smart delivery you might not get the right version you would want for preservation.

I completely agree I've spent hundreds if not thousands and at any point it could be taken away

Orbilator803d ago

Digital is the future, and it will be soon, DVDs and blu-ray are plastics and eventually it will be illegal to sell them. So you all better get used to digital as it WILL be the only way before long.

And we are talking about PC here in this article, which if memory serves me right in 2018 83% of all media sold on PC was digital. You 17 percent can hang on as long as you want but you are a dying breed, and that's just facts.

Yang_kai803d ago (Edited 803d ago )

They deliver only half of the message
Digital is the future RUIN of video games

The publishers can easily move games to another server/ upgrade the DRM to the newest version but they don’t because it extra work they have to pay for even tho we pay higher prices to keep their investors happy

XbladeTeddy802d ago

@Foxtrot: Having physical media is all well and good but you tend to have to download half the game after you install it. Patches to fix broken things in the game have to be downloaded too.

802d ago
-Foxtrot802d ago


Aww. If you think that’s trolling then you need to explore the internet more

Too bad you couldn’t use your real account rather than creating a new account only 24 minutes old as of now

MadLad802d ago (Edited 802d ago )

This isn't how almost any company works with digital. Ubi seems to be acting like jackasses as of late.

Physical isn't this magic thing either nowadays. Many games still rely on outside downloads via updates.

VenomCarnage89802d ago

What happens when your disc craps out?
I'm kind of tired of people thinking physical means you're set for life. Digital does last longer than physical if you exercise common sense and don't trust scummy companies like Activision, ea, Bethesda, etc.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 802d ago
Mobis-New-Nest802d ago

They are a corporation and saving and making money is their number one priority. We the consumer are nothing more then wallets waiting to be emptied by them.

-Gespenst-803d ago

If this starts becoming a thing, then people need to be refunded. These aren't GaaS games.

Then again, I'll bet there's some clause somewhere saying something like "x reserve the right to make this digital product unavailable at any time."

CoNn3rB803d ago (Edited 803d ago )

They actually are covered in their terms of service, it's a bit shitty but they state the following:

"4.1 General. We do not guarantee that the Services will be available at all times, in all locations worldwide, and/or on all devices. We do not guarantee that we will continue to offer any Service for any minimum period of time. We reserve the right to terminate all or part of the Services at any time."

Very shitty condition but I'm pretty sure they have this condition to cover their asses when they pull stuff like this

ToddlerBrain803d ago

They do not guarantee the steam services are available. That has nothing to do with something you own outright and they shouldn’t be able to remove it from our libraries.

CantThinkOfAUsername803d ago

UBISOFT EULA - Section 8:
The EULA is effective from the earlier of the date You purchase, download or use the Product, until terminated according to its terms. You and UBISOFT (or its licensors) may terminate this EULA, at any time, for any reason. Termination by UBISOFT will be effective upon (a) notice to You or (b) termination of Your UBISOFT Account (if any) or (c) at the time of UBISOFT’s decision to discontinue offering and/or supporting the Product. This EULA will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this EULA. Upon termination for any reason, You must immediately uninstall the Product and destroy all copies of the Product in Your possession.

About that "something you own outright" Ubisoft has this to say:
Section 1:

CoNn3rB803d ago (Edited 803d ago )

@ToddlerBrain I agree, they shouldn't be able to remove something that you paid for from you but as @CantThinkOfAUsername pointed out they can.

Unfortunately a lot of companies believe that when you buy a game you don't "own" it you are merely renting it for for an undisclosed amount of time.

I'm not defending Ubisoft in this regard though, if I pay for a game I wholly expect to fully own it especially if it's a non-online game where I have no obligation to sign into a server to use it and I don't really understand why Ubisoft is removing it.

If updating it is an issue then just abandon the game and let the modders fix it, fully removing that option by terminating the game outright is just a dumb move.

Then again there is always piracy so if Ubisoft won't allow me to buy something anymore or remove my access to something I've bought you'll be damn sure I'm going to steal it

-Gespenst-803d ago

I'm only realising now that they are removing Liberations HD, which is the console version of the original PS Vita game. Liberation Remastered, which comes with AC3 Remastered, can still be played if you own it. So, that's not AS bad as just making Liberations in any form inaccessible, but still. It's insane that they can take back the game they gave to you, but you can't take back the money you gave to them in turn. This really shouldn't be legal. Either they shouldn't be allowed to do this at all, or they should be forced to refund owners of the game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 803d ago
Mr Logic803d ago


That is not what companies "think". That is how it is in law. Nobody here "owns" a single game, song, movie, etc. that they "bought" digitally.

ocelot07803d ago

So does this make the PS4 Remastered version unplayable as well? The one that came with Assassins Creed 3 Remastered.

BlaqMagiq1803d ago

Nope only Steam. But if you own it physical they can't take the game away from you.

VenomCarnage89802d ago

What if you own the disc but everything else about the game, ie the patches and dlc, are accessed from steam, and they've blocked all access?

BlaqMagiq1801d ago


Patches aren't blocked off, but DLC can be since that's tied to DRM. If that gets walled off, then it could ruin your save I think. Not 100% sure about that one.

RedDevils803d ago

NEVER will buy a Ubisoft games ever again!

Petebloodyonion803d ago

Will you buy a Sony PlayStation product again?
Cause they are exactly doing the same thing

snake-OO803d ago

Studio canal products have nothing to do with Sony, so what you should have said is, will you stop buying studio canal movies . just like this is a Ubisoft issue, not steam.

VersusDMC803d ago

Studio Canal is removing their Movies from the Playstation store.

It's like saying Valve is taking down Liberation from Steam.

shinoff2183803d ago

You didnt read it good enough there pete

Petebloodyonion803d ago (Edited 803d ago )

Is sony offering compensation to ppl who bought the movie from their Storefront?
Same with Steam?

Last I check Studio Canal arent delisting movie
but they are only removed from PS Store

pietro1212803d ago

How is that on Sony though, they didn’t pull the movies the studio did. Studio Canel should be responsible not Sony. Just like this situation falls on Ubisoft and not Valve.

Petebloodyonion802d ago

It's funny how everybody dismissed the: "
The move comes a year after Sony’s PlayStation group stopped offering movie and TV show purchases and rentals, as of Aug. 31, 2021, citing the rise of streaming-video services. At the time, Sony assured customers that they “can still access movie and TV content they have purchased through PlayStation Store for on-demand playback on their PS4, PS5 and mobile devices.” But clearly, that didn’t mean forever."

Again Studio Canal didn't delist movies all across the board they couldn't negotiate a proper deal with Sony thus only the removal on PS store.
But never mind Ubisoft said the game would still be playable across all stores.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 802d ago
Chocoburger803d ago

Welcome to the club, I've been the founding member for the past 7 years, there's always room for more people who've finally realize what a shit-stain blight Ubisoft has willingly become.

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Celebrating Gaming's 8 Best Black Characters for Black History Month

Ethan writes: "For the first Black History Month of the new decade, let's have a look at some of the best black video game characters of the 2010s."

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Silly Mammo1687d ago

Adéwalé from Black Flag was a badass. I enjoyed being able to play him in the DLC.

KGEthan1687d ago

Such a good supporting character. Didn't expect him to become playable, so it was a pleasant surprise.

Chaos_Order1687d ago (Edited 1687d ago )

You're forgetting the OG black video game character.

Mr. Game and Watch

Bigman4k1687d ago

You could even throw in there mafia 3 Lincoln Clay he wasnt loveable but he was a strong black character

KGEthan1687d ago

Yeah I was debating adding him in because he seems cool, but didn't have enough personal experience with his character. Didn't play Mafia 3, so I think it wouldn't have felt as genuine as the ones I chose.

Tetsujin1687d ago

Honorable Mentions:

Tiger Jackson (Tekken 3)
Mike Tyson (Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!)
M.Bison/Balrog (Boxer, Street Fighter 2)
Elena (Street Fighter 3)
Teshin (Warframe)

Tross1687d ago

Tiger’s so great he overshadows Eddie and Christie in spite of rarely being in games.

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