
XB1 Software Outsells PS4 Software In US, Ghosts and Battlefield 4 Sold Better On XB1 And More

GearNuke: "People might argue about PlayStation 4 having superior ports but it seems like the general public doesn’t really seem to care much. Microsoft’s Aaron Greenberg has revealed software sales figures for several of the first party Microsoft titles."

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Gazondaily3804d ago

I'm quite surprised about the third party stuff selling better on the X1. The first-party titles not so much because the X1 has the better launch titles but why third party party titles? Maybe its because of the two week lead? Not sure.

DarkLordMalik3804d ago

Since Xbox 360 was the best selling system in US and many people used Xbox Live and had friends there, i think it has got more to do with the transition from Ghosts 360 to Ghosts XB1 and same for BF 4.

PS4 has sold reasonably well but its predecessor, the PS3 wasn't really much popular when it comes to these third party ports.

The next COD and BF game sales will shed a better light on this situation.

Kayant3804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )

Edit -

"The next COD and BF game sales will shed a better light on this situation." - This

Actually this is rather interesting didn't see the part about both being combined..... That would mean it sold quite a lot in december to catch up because PS4 had quite a lead in november ---> http://venturebeat.com/2013...

Not sure about numbers just using chart positioning here.

US is going to be really interesting to watch going forward.

Chris_GTR13804d ago

I think it might have to do with killzone 4 or w.e number they're on now. might not have been the best game but it's a fps so it competes

GarrusVakarian3804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )

It's quite obvious why X1 games sold better in December, the X1 sold more units than the PS4 in the month of Dcember, it's only logical that people are buying games with those consoles (duh).

For example, let's say the X1 sells 1 million units in December and the PS4 only sells 500k, then let's presume people buy one game with each system, you have 1 million games sold on the X1 and 500k on the PS4. It's not rocket science, whoever sells the most BRAND NEW consoles is obviously going to have the most BRAND NEW game sales to go with those consoles.

GarrusVakarian3804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )

Double post, damn, what is up with this site today?

NewMonday3804d ago

The numbers are for exclusives and 3rd party combined and the XBone has more 1st party games right now

This is Greenberg talking he can't help but spin, and from his info we can tell games like N4S, FIFA, Lego and AC4 sold better on PS4 or he would have mentioned them, and it is no surprise Cod and BF4 soldslightly more on XB1 because of exclusive maps and heavy advertising

Prophet1123804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )

Just curious but does this include digital sales on SEN?
There where a lot of Christmas Specials for the PS3 versions during Christmas and I know a lot of people who bought the PS3 versions(mainly BF4)online and then paid for the PS4 upgrade because it was cheaper.

mewhy323804d ago

Darklord is right about the xbox live thing. Since many were already on live they just bought xbox one to play with their friends that had live. that makes since.

fanboybeatdown3804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )


LOL your post makes absolutely no sense at all.
Sony has stated that they remain the cumulative sales leader for Nov+dec in NA.

Also, Sony was only barely outsold in December, which would mean that the 1 for 1 attach rate would not make a big difference to games sold for ps4 and xbo in dec.

According to your logic, Sony should have sold more games as they cumulatively have more consoles sold and their numbers in Dec were not far behind.

They didn't, though. (duh)

You are just fumbling for excuses, aren't you?

GarrusVakarian3804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )


More consoles sold = more games sold, that's basic logic. Not my fault if you have top deviate away from the topic to try and prove a point.

"According to your logic, Sony should have sold more games as they cumulatively have more consoles sold and their numbers in Dec were not far behind. "

Sigh, that's not my logic at all. We aren't talking cumulative game sales and the NDP numbers aren't reflecting cumulative game sales either.....so why are you talking cumulative? In the month of DECEMBER ONLY, the X1 outsold the PS4.....hence the X1 had more game sales in that month. Duh. Try sticking to the topic (December sales only).

You're just fumbling for off topic points and non existent arguments, aren't you? :) You should change your username.

GarrusVakarian3804d ago


More consoles sold = more games sold, that's basic logic. Not my fault if you can't understand that are have to twist it into Sony vs MS to prove your point.

"According to your logic, Sony should have sold more games as they cumulatively have more consoles sold and their numbers in Dec were not far behind. "

Sigh. We aren't talking cumulative game sales though and the numbers from the website aren't reflecting cumilative game sales either.....why are you? In the month of December ONLY, the X1 outsold the PS4.....hence the X1 had more game sales in that month. Duh

You're just fumbling for off topic points and non existent arguments, aren't you? :)

nightsurge3804d ago


Ok so all those people that bought PS4 and Xbox One in November bought 0 games in December... glad we have your "logic" on here.

You even directly contradict yourself! "More consoles sold = more games sold" and yet the Xbox One has more games sold in December AND total 2013 than PS4...

TheGreatAndPowerful3804d ago

@Kayant So COD and BF4 didn't sell better on Xbone. I'll take Venturebeat over a little site like the one above any day.


GarrusVakarian3804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )


"Ok so all those people that bought PS4 and Xbox One in November bought 0 games in December... glad we have your "logic" on here."

Lmao.....what?! How did i even remotely say that? Some people have serious reading comprehension problems on this site....i don't even.....

I didn't contradict myself because im talking STRICTLY ABOUT DECEMBER, not cumulative 2013.....what is wrong with you people? NPD is strictly referring to December, im talking strictly December, everyone else is talking strictly December....apart from you and fanboybeatdown.

"More consoles sold = more games sold"

It's pretty obvious i was talking about December, given that the NPD numbers and these articles are talking strictly December too.

My logic would be wrong if the topic was cumulative sales.....but it's not. Word of advice to people, if you're going to try and sound smart and argue a point, at least stick to the topic, read and re-read the persons comment who you are replying too. Unless you purposely are trying to make yourselves look like fools.

truefan13804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )

I'm not gonna lie, I love when articles come out like this and it makes all the ps4 fanboys scramble for their excuses. What they should also notice is that it's not some XB1 gloating party either, a few fanboy comments, but nothing to bad. now if this article was reversed it would be ridiculous with all the ps4 fanboys. All in all go XB1, just imagine the spike in sales when Titanfall comes out in march and Halo 5 holiday 2014. The $100 more expensive is selling better and more people are buying more games with more choices, I LOVE IT. PS I'm American, so really I only care about the English speaking countries just in case we end up in the same lobby on live. Lastly, so much for resolution gate, the so called lesser version of BF4 and COD sold better on XB1.

nightsurge3804d ago

@Lukas it is just sad how you keep failing so hard... trying to pretend you are more intelligent, yet you still keep arguing under the false assumption that those who bought a console in November did not buy games in December.

We understand your comment is talking strictly NPD December. It is you that keeps failing to understand our comments. Console sales that occurred in November = more game sales in December! That is where your "logic" keeps going wrong and what we are trying to get through your thick skull... Sony had ~200k console lead for November. That's a lot of consoles that people could buy games for in December, yet Xbox One still took the edge. From the talk of how close the December console sales were, Sony should have been much closer or maintained their software lead but they did not.

Death3804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )


Click the link. COD and BF are YTD numbers. According to NPD both are selling better on the Xbox One. First party games are also selling much better on the Xbox One according to the story. Keep in mind this is NA only. Impressive still since the PS4 has sold more consoles in the States.

I understand your logic about console sales creating more software sales. The two consoles sold pretty much the same amount in December according to NPD. Microsoft can claim victory in December, but it's by a few thousand units. The software totals don't even come close though.

Kleptic3803d ago (Edited 3803d ago )

listen to you guys with 'Xbox Live' being the reason for anything...XBL equipped machines have been the least played systems for BF4 from the get go...

PS3 and Ps4 still lead BF4 player counts daily in console terms (with the PS3 often topping PC), and have since release...the xbox one has averaged the least amount of people playing bf4, with the 360 not doing a whole lot better...

currently the xbox one only has ~27k players...while the PC, PS3, and PS4 all double that (or at least nearly in the PS4's case right now)

dig around the site, you can find more averages month to month...just saying, many are aware of BF4 player counts plummeting because of piss poor service from both DICE and EA...and if that happens...its pretty obvious that the xbox one will be the first to have the bottom fall out...


3803d ago
ABizzel13803d ago

Congrats MS, but stop with the spinning.

You have more exclusives on the market than Sony, so exclusive software sales you should win, as well as the PS4 being out of stock nearly most of December due to the EU and Korea launches.

When people buy their new consoles they more than likely buy at least 1 game with it. XBO was in stock all of December so that means they're sales were going to be up in the US, compared to the PS4 which was down and up a each week due to stock issues.

When you look at the Worldwide numbers you lost EVERYWHERE. Don't spin it for you to feel better. You did good, and if you take out Kinect you'll do even better with a lower price, and being able to ship consoles to other regions much faster like the PS4.

dedicatedtogamers3803d ago

Since the 360 sold nearly double what the PS3 did in the USA last gen, the fact that the PS4 and X1 are neck-and-neck (or slightly ahead, or slightly behind, depending on who you believe) should be making Microsoft sweat bullets right now.

With the supply issues, it was a long shot that PS4 would outsell X1 in the USA, specifically with Microsoft diverting stock to the USA. And yet, PS4 is still sold out while X1 is available everywhere. And yet yet, PS4 has matched the X1 in North America.

Obviously, early sales mean very little, but instead of declaring this a "win" for Xbox (which sold nearly double what PS did in NA last gen) this should be correctly interpreted as a sign that Microsoft is losing their foothold in their last strong territory.

Death3803d ago (Edited 3803d ago )


No offense, but you are the one spinning. Sony and Microsoft sold approx the same amount of consoles in December. It's a difference of a few thousand.

Microsoft has 30% more retail exclusives selling almost 300% more than Sony. They are also selling more third party games. This is being done with a smaller install base and a $100 higher console price. That is not an easy feat to accomplish. The $100 higher price should be cutting into game sales. Instead customers are buying more games.


Sony doesn't have supply issues. They choose to spread the supply they have over a much larger area. This is their marketing strategy and not a supply problem. There are less PS4's in North America because Sony sent less to the region by choice. In my opinion that was a mistake since almost half of the sales in North America occur in the fourth quarter, but that is what Sony wanted to do.

SilentNegotiator3803d ago

It's just US numbers...why should this be a surprise to anyone?

Skip_Bayless3803d ago

Zombie statistics and spin here. Stupid Aaron Green burg says "these numbers are not only December since the X1 launched in late November so these numbers should have LTD". That's just spin there. And no the NPD did track the one week of X1 in November.

X1 is losing, end of story.

JokesOnYou3803d ago (Edited 3803d ago )

"Last #NPD fact : 1st/2nd party (exclusives) SW sales for #XboxOne 1.5M units vs. 599K for PS4. Led by Dead Rising, Forza 5 and Ryse."

hmmm, So not only did Xbox One outsell the ps4 in terms of consoles sold for their *1st full month head to head in the worlds *largest single market the US but Xbox One also has a higher attach rate for you game sales with higher totals but even beat ps4 with more 1st party game sales.....lol, so much for all those "tv, tv, tv" comments. Looks like my fellow X1 gamers are *gaming more than the ps4 folks. Actually I think digital is a huge factor this gen for full retail games, more so on X1 imo....I know myself and others prefer conveniences of all digital so far.

Skip_Bayless3803d ago

^Nice Spin

In JokesonYou's house the X1 outsold the PS4 by 1:0. And the games for the month of December in JokesonYou's house is 3:0. Therefore Sony's PS4 must be faltering.

JokesOnYou3803d ago (Edited 3803d ago )

Skip nowhere did I say or imply ps4 is "faltering" or doing poorly. I just think it's sort of funny that so much of n4g is filled with how sony is crushing micro *in between* the announcements of official data....which is why I don't even bother commenting on so many of the hit seeking headlines amymore to give context to the BS so many crap sites like cinemablend and n4g member bloggs write to post here.

This is worth commenting on since its an official source and when sony announced ps4 was at 4.2m vs X1 at 3mil? I said congrats to sony but also no one wanted to hear that X1 sales were very impressive in comparison with only being on sale in 13 markets vs sony sales in 43. That's a huge distinction even if you believe ps4 would still outsell X1 in every single one of those markets only a extremely delusional sonyfanboy who sleeps with a ps blanket would believe 30 more markets wouldn't lead to alot more sales for X1's overall total WW.

Yeah so call me what you like but this is why I like whenever official numbers are released from either side because it makes all the fanboy talk of "a" killing "b" look stupid. Im proud of the fact I predicted long ago after the reveal of the X1 and the following months that all the BS polls wont matter much once the console WITH GAMES launched and folks get their hands on it...lol wheres all those scary NSA stories now?

I mean it's the same old thing the n4g analyst right now swear X1 sales are poor in other news but they conveniently ignore all the facts and just go off ps4 beating X1 in Belgium or Netherlands or whatever countries X1 isn't on sale....or assume they know actual #'s for territories they are both sold but have no links with up to date sales.

SITH3803d ago (Edited 3803d ago )

The problem was there were no battlefield 4 and call of duty games available on store shelves to match or exceed xbox one sells.


+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 3803d ago
a08andan3804d ago

Well Americans are really conservative and brand loyal so I always doubted ps3/ps4 would outsell the Xbox brand. But the race is much close so far this gen than previous gen!

a08andan3804d ago

Probably should have said: "..outsell the Xbox brand in the US" as that is what I meant ^^

BX813804d ago

Americans... conservative?.... How dare you sir!

extermin8or3804d ago

Last I checked stock aklowing ps4 was still ahead console sales wise in the usa... after all it sokd a million just in the usa in its first day-the xb1 sold a million split between usa and eu, in total xb1 sold 3.something million and ps4 is on what like 4.5 so since launch if xb1 sold say 2.5 million approx and ps4 sokd another 3.5 split mainly between the usa and eu.... unless xbox sold almost all of that in usa they would at the very least be about even? Even if there was like a 60:40 split usa:eu for xb1 and vice versa for ps4 then they should still be even. It seems more likely that as ps4 has kz as a launch title ps4 pkayers only pick up one of the two fps' s mentioned above. Xb1 has no fps launch title-so their owners are buying both cod and bf4. Makes sense?

Death3804d ago

Americans conservative and brand loyal? Typically blanket generalizations like that are never accurate. Check the PS1 and PS2 numbers by region and you will see Americans bought a significant portion of those consoles. If Americans were brand loyal like you seem to think, there would be no Xbox One.

As for conservative, I would love to see it here in the U.S, but unfortunately we have become a much more liberal nation in the last decade or two.

ALLWRONG3803d ago

"Well Americans are really conservative and brand loyal"

America has more consumer brands choices than anyone, everywhere.

Nice try though

a08andan3803d ago

@allwrong: Obviously I was talking about consoles. Not brands of all types and products.. The US has always been the nr 1 area for the Xbox brand.

SITH3803d ago

You have no clue what Americans are. Brand loyal my ass with so many things made in China, and so many people buying foreign made everything. Conservative my ass.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3803d ago
pompombrum3804d ago

I don't think it's that surprising that FPS games sell better on Xbox One. The X1 controller is far better suited plus all the dedicated servers talk of X1 would be enough to make serious FPS gamers choose X1 over the PS4.

pompombrum3804d ago

Honestly I don't even know if PS4 has dedicated servers but for me, that would be the biggest deciding factor if I was buying a console for FPS games. EA run their own servers so Battlefield wouldn't be a problem but I'm not sure about COD.

Kayant3804d ago


COD atm is using their hybrid solution they announced some time ago on all platforms.

GarrusVakarian3804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )

The PS4 controller is perfect for FPS's now. The handles and triggers are perfect. I think you are mistaking the DS3 for the DS4.

UnHoly_One3804d ago

The DS4 is not perfect for any genre of game if you prefer the left stick in the primary position like most Xbox gamers do.

VENOMACR12273804d ago

Bubble for you sir.

The 360 and X1 controller have been the better controllers for FPS because of the stick layout. The PS4 controller is an upgrade, but the X1 I still like better, just feels more comfortable and natural.

The dedicated servers, we havent seen them yet. Hopefully Titanfall will use them.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3804d ago
3804d ago Replies(2)
lifeisgamesok3804d ago

I guess resolution difference ain't the end of the world huh N4G ;)

Prime1573804d ago

Because most us ps4 buyers bought their stuff in November.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3803d ago

Boy so much for all you Sony fanboys telling all us xbox fans on this site how nobody would buy a console 100 bucks more and less powerful. Looks like people want the console with the better launch games.

So two months in, and MS already takes back the USA. I remember the first month of November when Sony fans 180'd and started to like NPD numbers again... and now...well.. ha ha ha.

ifistbrowni3803d ago (Edited 3803d ago )

perhaps it's because x1 users actually play games instead of sitting on N4G all day waiting for xbox news to beat down?

Honestly, im tired of the ps4 crowd 'round deez parts. Xbox sold more games, great. No reason to be upset/make excuses. Who cares...? I can't believe console wars continue to go on after both consoles have released. I participated a few weeks before they launched, but now that they're out... i've been playing the games.

Congrats to Microsoft. I own 2 games for x1 and 4 for ps4. So i contributed to both stats. Good for me.

@lukas, the article link isn't working for me right now. But, using your theory, the ps4 should have more games sold. Simply because it has sold more, all-time. Now, if the article is only basing this off of the month of december, the title is misleading and im sorry for cutting down your theory (which would then, make sense).

norman1233803d ago (Edited 3803d ago )

I had to log in and thumb up this post. good LOL for first paragraph.

Sony fans spent more time on here to knock down any Xbox negative news than playing the actual games. or they spent more time to stare at pixel count.

There is a thread on Neogaf complaining no good game to play on PS4.

Delive3803d ago

Did anyone take into account the free games for the ps4?

scott1823803d ago (Edited 3803d ago )

Better first party games on x1 is opinion that can't be backed up with metacritic at this point, better thid party ports is a fact. Seeing as how resolution is hard to debate...

Congrats to Microsoft on great sales.

3-4-53803d ago

People by more 3rd party titles when there aren't as many good first party titles.

Hence why more are bought for the XB1.

I'm probably getting a PS4, but as of now, neither are a must have until there are more games.

SaturdayNightBeaver3803d ago (Edited 3803d ago )

Well here says otherwise..



Also lol what are they thinking with this? What if xbox even somehow outsold ps4??? Huh? Does it make more people turn to and buy Xbone? I don't even....

Gamer19823803d ago

This is about attach rate not about sales as its about games sold (not one game ALL). Also shooters selling better on Xbox? Really?? It only just outsold PS4 in the US (COD and battlefield sales) and this is a place where MS DOMINATED last generation selling nearly twice the amount of games. So that explains the numbers..

You can make facts tell any story if you find the right facts.

Lets also not forget PS4 bundles were so hard to get hold of in the USA as Sony focused there stock worldwide where as MS pushed it in US. We can argue until we are blue in the face about sales of consoles but does anybody else think these numbers are ironic??

I mean MS claim they want and all around console not just a gaming console yet PS4 is obviously getting used for games less than xbox one meaning its used as more of an entertainment device right now. Weird twist of events..

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3803d ago
snookiegamer3804d ago

This has got to be good news right?

Well done Xbox. You'd expect the system to flourish in its own territory. I'm happy both systems are doing well :)

Bigpappy3804d ago

Reading all of these post analyzing the good news is making me dizzy.

snookiegamer3804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )

I'm into PS3/4, but as far as this Xbox news, I give credit where it's due.

Curiously, some people have given disagrees for congratulating Xbox, doing well in it's own territory, and for hoping both PS4/Xbox One do well.

Like REALLY?? Lulz ;p

medziarz3804d ago ShowReplies(7)
mhunterjr3804d ago

It's pretty strange, but Xbox 360 had a slightly higher attach rate despite the ps3 having the better exclusives when it was all said and done.

For whatever reason it seems like Xbox folks are more into buying things....

I think the fact that several free and f2p games were available to ps4 owners also played a part in this.

mcstorm3804d ago

I think its more to do with the type of gamers and also xbox live.

People who bought a 360 tended to get it for online play and because there mates had it so they would go out and get the same games as each other like BF, Halo COD ect.

A lot of people who got a PS3 tended to get different types of games and play more SP and if you look at the numbers for games like FF, MGS, UC, LOF, GOW you can see that.

I think it all depends on the gamer but last gen live was the better service for online and the 360 had over 3 quarters of its users as a gold account.

I don't know what PSN is like on the PS4 as I don't own one yet but it will be interesting to see what happens this time round for the 3rd party games like COD, BF ect.

extermin8or3804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )

Psn is drastically improved. Really the improvement Is noticeable only issues are that DICE are morons and have no party system for joining lobbies together, they even acknowledge the OS based cross game oarties but dont allow you to use them.... AC4 has its owb party but also has some intergration with the OS one and killzone has done the great job of just intergratingnrhe cross game party into its multiplayer but as a first party game I expect nothing less.

mcstorm3804d ago

@extermin8or good to here its improved but Sony now need to show users it has and even though it has improved has it improved enough to match Xbox live or even be better than it?

Like I say ive not used PSN on the PS4 so I cant say it has or has not but good to here it has improved.

whitefang19883804d ago

I think this will be the trend for casual gamers. I know a lot of people who bought the x1 solely because they had the 360.
And why not if your friends game on it too?
For me I did get both but I saw it as a chance to have my main console the ps4 (if true free backward compatibility was their it would have been a different story)
So far I prefer the PlayStation been in the uk the TV and streaming doesn't really effect me, I only have Netflix. But I'm excited for titan fall and halo 5 on xbox.

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Battlefield 1, Hardline, BF4 Servers Are Being Taken Offline by Cheaters; EA Silent on Issue

Cheaters & hackers have been causing grief on Battlefield 1, Hardline & BF4 servers, with nonstop DDoS attacks among other things. Unfortunately, EA has remained silent about it.

-Foxtrot811d ago

Course they are silent, they are hoping people flock to 2042

gamesftw250810d ago

Maybe it was a inside job then haha.

jeromeface810d ago

wouldnt be the first time, titanfall 1+2 anyone?

PapaBop810d ago

Not even if they paid me.. EA always do this with old games with less money potential, if this was Ultimate Team, they'd address and sort it faster than stories could spread. Why invest time in their products when they will just dump it in the following years? Then again EA never could see the forest for the trees.

Inverno810d ago

I imagine after those games were given out for free a couple months back through Amazon, anything that makes people go to 2042 is a plus for them

XiNatsuDragnel811d ago

They want people to go on 2042. My theory

excaliburps810d ago

Nah. I think they can't do anything about it or they want to sink money into fixing it.

Pudge102888810d ago (Edited 810d ago )

EA owns all BF servers so yes, they can do something about it but they refuse to because they dont want ppl playing their old games instead of the new one. Its EA we’re talking about here

pr33k33810d ago

if this happened in 2042, they'd have something to say. which is weird, considering battlefield 1 has more players on steam right now.

Pudge102888810d ago

Its so obvious that EA is doing this or hired ppl to mess up the games so that we’d be forced to have just 1 Battlefield working.

FPS_D3TH810d ago

Honestly it’s probably the devs themselves. They did an update to bf4 way back that kinda made assault rifles doo doo in hopes that people would flock to BF1 cuz BF4 was too perfect

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5 Great Shooter Games on Xbox Game Pass

The shooter genre is one of the most beloved videogame genres in the gaming community, and rightfully so. From DOOM Eternal to Battlefield 4, passing through The Outer Worlds, the Xbox Game Pass has a lot to offer when it comes to amazing shooter experiences. Come check out some great shooter games available on Xbox Game Pass!

Read Full Story >>
MadLad825d ago

There's a bunch of great shooters on gamepass; both legacy and new.

A recommendation I have is a work in progress preview title called Anacrusis. It's a lot of fun, and has a cool aesthetic.


All Call of Duty Games Ranked from Worst to Best

BLG writes: "Call of Duty has to be the most recognizable franchise on the planet. They didn’t get that way by only making a handful of games.

COD has a long and storied career. Launching as a PC WW2 first-person shooter, Call of Duty has gone through numerous makeovers and been on just about every system. The series has gone through some serious highs and tragic lows. I’ll be looking at each Call of Duty game, the good the bad, and the ugly."

Read Full Story >>
UnSelf851d ago

Vanguard better be at the fkn bottom. Can’t believe ppl haven’t eviscerated that game with all its lacking

Minimoth851d ago

Yeah, it's close to the bottom. There are a couple of worse ones. Infinite Warfare definitely deserves its place.

KyRo851d ago

There's a number a lot worse than Vangaurd. It's also a lot better than that car crash Treyarch released before it.

XbladeTeddy851d ago

World at War is my favourite. Didn't know the N-Gage had a Call of Duty.

MadLad851d ago

Same for me.
I was never huge into Call of Duty, but I sunk a lot of time into WaW.
Both the campaign and the multiplayer are on point. Wouldn't mind a remaster.

I quit on CoD for a long while. Though I'm the odd man out that actually really enjoyed the campaign for WWII, being I got it through Humble monthly way back when.

TheLigX851d ago

I really enjoyed the Infinite campaign. Multiplayer... not so much.

Yppupdam851d ago

I agree, The Infinite campaign feels more like it's own thing that they slapped the CoD name on. If it stood on it's own, (sans the CoD name) I think it could have been it's own scifi franchise. And a damn good looking game, to boot. I never bothered to play the multiplayer.

victorMaje851d ago

MW 2019 apart from the desastrous file sizes is way better than AW.

MadLad850d ago

That was one I grabbed for Playstation because it pretty much just came out during the Redbox purge of videogames, and I got it for dirt cheap.

It was great coming home to an update every night, and watching one game eat up almost half my console's memory.

Amplitude851d ago (Edited 851d ago )

Will get disagrees but Infinite Warfare campaign was really good. Decent story, set pieces were amazing and if it didn't have the CoD game on it I'm sure people would have been more into it. Advanced Warfare was alright too. Titanfall 2 was just 1000 times better than both but I enjoyed them for their campaigns. I literally barely gaf about the story I'm in it for the set pieces and 5 hours of being stoned watching cool nonsense happen if I'm in the mood to play a CoD campaign. If I'm looking for a deep plot I'm gonna go somewhere else.
Ghosts was the worst story-wise though lol that cliffhanger ending was so bs.

Also MW 2019 was sick and is one of the best CoD games in yeeeears not sure why it's so low on this dude's list. Campaign was great, multiplayer was great and Warzone was fun for a while. Over it now but shrugs.

Beat the Vanguard campaign too but I can't even remember a single thing about it other than that it felt like it was 45 minutes long. Might be the most forgettable thing I've ever played lol just fully erased from my brain

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