
Two Tribes’ Next Game Is A Side-Scrolling Shooter

It’s only been a week since Two Tribes revealed to the world that their company was starting over following a financially difficult 2013, but they’re already hard at work on a new game.

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11eleven113905d ago

I hope you guys nail it big time this time.

wonderfulmonkeyman3905d ago

I would pay so much to see an indie make a parody of Megaman with that name...

Having said that, I eagerly await their new project. I can't help but envision something hectic like Metal Slug...


Two Tribes 2001-2019 Mega Pack Unveiled By Super Rare Games

A Two Tribes 2001-2019 Mega Pack physical edition for the Nintendo Switch has been unveiled by Super Rare Games, a company specializing in bringing indie titles to physical media on Nintendo Switch in limited collector editions.

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Swords & Soldiers Review (The Gamers Lounge)

Today we are going to break out the poison darts and throwing axes for a bit of friendly skull-splitting with Swords & Soldiers for the Nintendo Switch a side-scrolling Real-time strategy game from Two Tribes’ and Ronimo Games. Let's see how this stacks up against the classic ideas of an RTS.

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RIVE: Ultimate Edition Coming To Switch With A 15% Discount

Find out how Two Tribes is making good on an old promise with RIVE: Ultimate Edition, coming soon to the Nintendo Switch.

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