
Final Fantasy III Coverage by the PS Vita Review Network

In a countdown celebration towards the release of Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster, the PS Vita Review Network has given their thoughts on Final Fantasy III (PSP).

"All in all, the PSP version of Final Fantasy III is a good way of experiencing the game and preparing for the release of the Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster. While the game doesn’t look as polished as it should and the load times are lengthy, Auto-Battle more than makes up for it making every grind session quick and easy. If you’re a Vita fan who loves Final Fantasy and grinding, this game will be something to be enjoyed."

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knifefight3911d ago

"Final Fantasy III is a good way of experiencing the game and preparing for the release of the Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster."

FFIII isn't very similar to FFX apart from the series and some names and the fact that they're JRPGs. I don't see how this helps "prepare" for the second release of FFX.

Still a fine game though. Kinda grindy, but OK.

Reviews2Go3911d ago

We're reviewing all main games of the FF series available on the Vita in preparation for the release of that collection. When a new game comes out, some go back to the other games and have a marathon of playing them all again as a countdown towards that game's release.

That's where the preparation comes in. Our site is reviewing every main series FF game available on the Vita in preparation for it.

Cryptcuzz3910d ago

I did not even know that FF III is coming to the Vita.

What other games in the series is also coming to the Vita the I am unaware of other than this and FFX/X-2?


knifefight3909d ago

Cryptcuzz - it's playable on Vita because of the PSP version (on the PSN store).

3909d ago
ninjahunter3909d ago

Back in mah day you played as Cecil and you had to hold 'PWN' to win. Ah yes, the good old days. And before that you did the same thing, but with red mage.

Reviews2Go3909d ago

Knifefight is right. All of the other main series games before it are available via backwards compatibility.

FF Origins (I + II) - PS One Classics
FFIV: Complete Collection - PSP
FFV - PS One Classics
FFVI - PS One Classics
FFVII - PS One Classics
FFVIII - PS One Classics
FFIX - PS One Classics


'Final Fantasy III' – An 8-Bit Odyssey

Final Fantasy III is an adventure unlike any other, but one worth going back in time to experience.

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15 SNES Games That Still Hold Up Today

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Jiub1075d ago

I spent so much time working on my farm in Harvest Moon

LiViNgLeGaCY1074d ago

Dude same here. One of my most favorite childhood memories.

MadLad1074d ago

Harvest Moon is goat.
Always will be.

ArmorOfGod1075d ago

Nice job putting Contra 3 in the thumbnail twice 😂

Petebloodyonion1075d ago

Why do these sites always go for the obvious top 10 best Snes games?
There are tons of Snes games that are never mentioned and are still fun to play today.

Games like :
- Super Punch out
- Axelay
- Demon's Crest
- Saturday Slammaster
- Run Saber
- Sunset Rider
- Out of this world

1074d ago Replies(1)
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