
US Denies Visa To German ‘League of Legends’ Pro Gamer,Forced Out of America

A German League of Legends pro player Marcel “Dexter” Feldkamp was searched, detained and turned back by US border control on his way to an eSports tournament in California.

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SynGamer3913d ago

Ouch...that sucks. I almost had that happen to me when I was working in the US, but had recently moved to Canada.

Drekken3913d ago ShowReplies(2)
caseh3913d ago

It's the only way they can win titles these days, refuse access into the country for the best players. :D

YellowTempes3913d ago

Win by denying the adversaries access to the competition. Quite an effective method apparently.

cleft53913d ago

If you read the article you will see that his Visa wasn't completely approved yet. So most likely some out of touch agent didn't understand what he was in the country on business for and just refused him entry.

This has nothing to do with the US wanting to win anything, this is just clearly assign of an out of touch agency fucking up. My heart goes out to the guy and his team, but while LoL is a famous Sport it isn't that well known in the US, so the people denying him access just didn't understand the extent of what they where doing and thought he was trying to pull some sort of scam to get illegal work in the US.

Cueil3913d ago

your not understanding cleft5... they did this to a professional baseball player... they've done it to NFL and NBA players as well... you got to have your shit in order or you're going to the boot

Wenis3913d ago

You really think the US government cares that much about video game competitions?

YellowTempes3913d ago ShowReplies(1)
il-JumperMT3913d ago

There is no such thing as League of Legends Pro Gamer.

They are just baddies who are unable to handle DOTA2 or HoN

SniperControl3913d ago

"His athlete visa needs to be approved before he comes back however"


Oh Please....

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Knightofelemia87d ago

People can be pretty stupid when it comes to money. I mean there was an article on here about a moron who spent $1 million on a skin for a gun. And look how many suckers feed Star Citizen cash as well. So I would not be surprised if some dumbass was or is dumb enough to buy this skin. $500 for a skin nah I would rather use the money towards something tangible like food, rent, gas, bills.

Vits87d ago

I doesn't matter if we boycott or not. This Skin was never meant for the western market. Korea and China are the true targets and they will buy it like there is no tomorrow.

Chocoburger86d ago

You don't need to give us reasons why to boycott the skin / game / company. We already know to do so.