
Firesprite Studio Working On ‘Really Great’ Technology, Will Show How Versatile Their Tech Is

"Back in 2012 Sony shut down it's Liverpool studio and later on formed Firesprite. The team was responsible for helping the Japan team in the development of PlayRoom, a app that shows off the PS4's camera capabilities."

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DA_SHREDDER3860d ago

fire sprite? I wonder if anyone from the Evo team works there too since they merged like 4 years agol

WeAreLegion3860d ago

I would imagine...though at least one of them left to work on Sony's VR headset.

yewles13860d ago

"Sony's Firesprite"

They're indie now...

1nsomniac3860d ago (Edited 3860d ago )

If it's from the Liverpool studio & they're impressed with it themselves it's got to be good!

The dynamic resolution tech they brought in with Wipeout was revolutionary!

torchic3860d ago

their new logo is reminiscent of the Piranha team colours and logo from Wipeout imho

IRetrouk3860d ago

Kinda reminds me of the old playstation symbol

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Sony studio Firesprite has been shedding talent amidst accusations of toxic culture, staff say

Eurogamer writes: "Sony-acquired studio Firesprite has recently suffered high profile exits amid accusations of a toxic workplace culture, Eurogamer has been told, as part of an investigation into the studio begun ahead of the layoffs announced by Sony this week."

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Neonridr148d ago

I hope whatever unannounced project they have going for them is still moving forward. Would hate to see this studio go down the drain as that would be a huge blow to the PSVR2 headset.

Abnor_Mal147d ago

PSVR2 already suffered a huge blow already with the closing of London Studio, anymore closures and the headset will just be good for PC users.

Kane22147d ago

neither studios were making PSVR2 games. so it didn't hurt PSVR2 at all

Abnor_Mal147d ago

@Kane22 While correct neither studio was currently making a PSVR2 game, it still hurts the PSVR2 because now Sony has one less in-house VR developer.

Now we will never get a PSVR2 update to Blood and Truth, which some people were looking forward to hearing some kind of news.

Cacabunga147d ago

Sony has reached an all time low this gen with their management and lack of 1st party games

ModsDoBetter147d ago

PSVR2 is a failure.

No matter what the fanboys in denial say, the proof is there.

anast147d ago

It wasn't a huge blow for VR games.

Babadook7146d ago (Edited 146d ago )

“PSVR2 is a failure.

No matter what the fanboys in denial say,”

No it’s not but your beloved Xbox sure is. PSVR2 is how I play almost all my content and it’s been a phenomenal first year. It’s not a failure yet and if Sony keeps it up it never will be.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 146d ago
purple101148d ago (Edited 148d ago )

Best to always spread positivity mate
Even when times are hard, or news is bad, try

VincentVanBro147d ago

??? you completely misunderstood the comment you replied to lol

senorfartcushion147d ago

That stuff isn't going to ever happen to me so I don't care

Why are you so afraid though?

Anyway, you're ok. This is only something that happens in high-paying jobs. I doubt you have a high paying job

InUrFoxHole147d ago

Whelp... You gave it the old college try. Maybe next time?

CrashMania148d ago

If hope this can get sorted out, seemingly way too many egos and power trip people in gaming.

Duke19147d ago

Seriously - its wild how seemingly big of a problem it is in the gaming industry. Almost every article on the topic seems include some level of toxic culture.

Fishy Fingers148d ago

"While sources say Sony dismissed these complaints as a misunderstanding, Eurogamer understands some of those involved explored legal options to take the matter further, and have since received a financial payout from Sony. "


ModsDoBetter147d ago

Sony dismissing complaints.
Not a good look.

147d ago
mastershredder147d ago

Firesprite not being able to handle their own environment and people is not the good look. Don't pass the buck.

ModsDoBetter146d ago

Pass the buck?
Had this been an Xbox studio, you know fine well what narrative you'd push @shredder.

Have some consistency.

147d ago Replies(3)
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Sony’s Firesprite is moving to an office more than 20 times larger than its current one

The 10-year lease is the largest letting in Liverpool in three years.

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smashman98773d ago

I guess sony wasn't lying about expanding their current studios. I wonder what this will mean for the frequency of firesprite's VR output.

SullysCigar773d ago

That was my first thought too. All signs pointing to Sony being deadly serious about PS VR2. This pleases me.

Eonjay772d ago

For VR in general it's great to see companies continue to invest in high quality content for the medium. And here they are taking a proven studio and expanding it as an inhouse team. The more AAA love VR gets .. the better.

IanTH773d ago (Edited 773d ago )

Wow, that's some almost insane faith in them. Before they've shipped even one game since being acquired, and knowing the only other game they've got to their credit (VR or otherwise) is The Persistence. Given it's just that middling game from over 4 years ago, Sony must be damn impressed with what they're seeing on Call of the Mountain.

lodossrage773d ago

They probably have faith in them because they are aware of the talent at the studio. Most of them use to work on games like Wipeout and Colony Wars for Sony. So the faith probably comes from familiarity

SullysCigar773d ago

The Persistence was one of the best VR games around when it launched - and for some time afterwards.

It was designed from the ground up for VR and only felt "middling" when they re-engineered it for flat screen years later, showing it's age a little.

These guys are proven, but I suspect you're right that they've embedded that respect with Sony witnessing their work on the new Horizon VR game.

IanTH772d ago (Edited 772d ago )

You're right, saying middling was a little harsh. I should have gone with polarizing. Some people really liked it, other's didn't. VR reviews were generally positive, user reviews were kinda all over the map. It currently sits at mixed on Steam, but some of that is probably a move from "mostly positive" down to mixed from flat screen not being the best transition.

That said, I was surprised enough that Sony put one of their biggest franchises in the hands of a rather small, fairly unproven studio to begin with. The Persistence, even after its upgrade, still had some of the stodgier, old school designs and controls of an early VR game. It would have been nice if there was at least one more title after, if simply to prove that they've been able to keep up with the evolving expectations of VR.

The fact they are moving them into such a nice place before CotM has shipped was unexpected. Maybe they're going to give them more staff, and a move was simply necessary. I'm gonna hope this does mean good things for CotM, though.

ocelot07773d ago

I don't live far from Duke Street and the new Sony Office in the old Echo building. They have bumper cars in the top floor lol.

Michiel1989773d ago

either they got a badass studio now or they worked from a basement before this.

S2Killinit772d ago

Give me that PSVR2 goodness.

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Firesprite Limited Completes Acquisition Of Fabrik Games Limited

Newest PlayStation Studio Bolsters Talent Pool with the Addition of Manchester-based Studio

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Darkborn1031d ago

I think playstation is getting serious for PSVR2. They are bolstering studios to accommodate a decent launch lineup in the next year or two. This studio doesn't seem that amazing, but like I said, it's gonna be another game for PSVR2.

Jay7671031d ago

Darkborn@ they not just working on vr games they also have job listing for a AAA game.

Darkborn1031d ago

They might be now but they helped firesprite with the persistence in the past. Firesprite is working on a VR game and 2 non VR games. So who knows where they will fit in.

Abnor_Mal1031d ago

I'm not sure I'm remembering this correctly, but didn't Sony create some initiative that for the PS5 many of their first party games be playable in and out of vr?

Maybe this company along with Firesprite are the ones to make those plans a reality.

1Victor1031d ago

Jay they might be working on the persistence 2

SullysCigar1031d ago

^ @Abnor_Mal, yes you're right, Sony are going all in on "hybrid" games that can be played flat or in VR. Their initiative is designed to make it quicker, easier and cheaper to take a flat game and co-develop the VR elements.

Darkborn is definitely right too, The Persistence is awesome on PSVR and bringing Fabrik under Firesprite could potentially mean a AAA The Persistence 2 for PS5 and PSVR2!

DarXyde1030d ago

I think you assume there will be no AAA VR games.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1030d ago
darkrider1031d ago

Damn, they keep getting bigger. Do they have more then one team?

Pancit_Canton1031d ago

I wish Sony would developed their own JRPG again instead of relying on third party developer. I miss Legend of Dragoon, Dark Cloud, and Wild Arms.

LiViNgLeGaCY1031d ago

Dude, for real. I miss those gems too.

Teflon021031d ago

Dark Cloud 2 is my all time favorite title. 100 agree with this. Absolutely loved wild arms 2 as well. My bro mostly played LoD as a kid while I focused on FFIX, so never had much interest in it, but always respected it

1031d ago
Father__Merrin1031d ago

I hope psvr2 is like oculus ie lots of titles including 100s of cheapies. I hope half life alyx is a launch title

Monkey_Balls1031d ago (Edited 1031d ago )

What's cheap? PSVR has tons of good games under $20.