
Do You Want Games to Be More Cinematic? And Will the Wii U Recover? Sessler's... Something

This week on Sessler's ...Something, Adam continues to answer your questions! Today he's tackling the idea of gaming becoming more "cinematic", and pondering whether the Wii U will recover after a slow year.

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lassenwolf3920d ago

I love the game pad , and Nintendo has more controller choices than anyone.Playing a game like wind waker on the pad in another room is cool. Its the games that they need and they are coming, secondly the wiiu is selling now . I think the wiiu will out sell the xbox1 in 2014

LOL_WUT3920d ago

The Wii U will not outsell the X1 nor the PS4 in 2014. People are easily forgetting that these two consoles quickly cut the Wii U's lead in half! Nintendo would most likely end up in 3rd place by the end of this gen ;)

mikeslemonade3919d ago

It's Nitendo's act of desperiation. From the weird designs they are really hit or miss.

N64 controller
C button on the gamecube
D pad in place of the thumb stick on the gamecube

So they hit with the Wii1 but they miss about on 80% of everything else.

There's no saving the WiiU.

BosSSyndrome3919d ago

really? 2014 when wii u is getting a ton of huge exclusives and ps4/xbone are have their post launch dry spell they will still outsell it? i dont think so. 2014 is wii u's year.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3918d ago

that funny I guess Wii really won last gen. Despite haters say it has no games.

Claiming PS3 the real winner lol only cause sales didn't matter til it caught up to 360.

KingDadXVI3920d ago (Edited 3920d ago )

I love the WiiU game pad too but there need to be more games designed for it. It works well when you have a game that is meant for it but it sucks when you play a game that is meant for a controller like the Xbox or PlayStation controllers. A good example of that it Batman Arkham City. The controls are just the shits on that game as the game was not designed with that controller in mind.

As to your other comment, " I think the wiiu will out sell the xbox1 in 2014." Seriously? ROFL, the Xbox one sold 2 million units in 18 days. The WiiU has only sold 4 million in a year. I love the WiiU but seriously give your head a shake on that comment.

dedicatedtogamers3920d ago

There are certainly Wii-U fans out there but it's not going to be a big seller. Nintendo simultaneously alienated their Wii fanbase (with a confusing name, a departure from the Wii-style games, and a complete lack of games) while also failing to excite the hardcore gaming community.

Who does this leave? Die-hard Nintendo fans and that's it. I'm going to get a Wii-U this upcoming year (I won't miss out on the new Xenoblade) but it's a console with Gamecube-style games being unsuccessfully marketed as a Wii successor.

Roccetarius3920d ago

Eh, hell to the no man. Games are already becoming too cinematic, and it shows in the overall quality. We shouldn't strive to become just another Hollywood.


Could not agree more. it's actually turning me off a lot of games. I want more realtime interaction and less scripted cutscenes and all that crap.

especially a lot of the action genre games. gaming is becoming more and more like watching bad B movies with little sections of shooting here and there.

pissing me off.

Joe9133919d ago

Are you kidding me Uncharted 2 and 3 story was better than most of the movies that came out this year lol I hope they do not change anything one of the main reason I play TPS games are for the story.


You pick uncharted 2 and 3 which are (arguably) right at the very pinnacle of excellence in terms of what gaming has to offer from a story perspective....

What about all the other Rushed, low budget, half arsed games that try to copy it's cinematic style without having an excellent narrative to support those amazing cinematic?

my comment still stands... I said a "LOT" of games, I didn't say every single one that has cinematic, just most of them. I didn't mention uncharted at all anywhere in my post

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3920d ago

no they are not movies they are games. Something western developers do not comprehend.

Dannycr3920d ago

Outselling the PS4 or Xbox One will be extremely hard, specially without 3rd party support, however, it won't fail like some people think it will. We will start to see a lot of games soon. Smash Bros will help the sales, same with the usual Mario Kart

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3920d ago (Edited 3920d ago )

Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros. and Donkey Kong will sell more copies than third party games.

Despite them being multiplat.

Dannycr3920d ago (Edited 3920d ago )

Right, buuuuuut, they need to sell consoles. Nintendo didn't capitalize on his year head-start and that's the whole problem. The Xbox360 did take advantage of the head-start.

The problem the WiiU is facing is not lack of good games, it is just that the consoles are not selling. I see Mario Kart 8 selling consoles like crazy, Smash will do that as well (but not as much as MK8) and I don't see DKC: TP pushing console sales.

This is not about game sales, but console sales. With a smaller userbase, a game will sell a lot less than what it could potentially sell.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3919d ago (Edited 3919d ago )

the console is selling
Those two games are Nintendo biggest system seller why do you think people say they will get one when these two games launch

Evilsnuggle3920d ago (Edited 3920d ago )

Bu bu but The x1 is sold out yeah right wii u out sold x1 last week worldwide. X1 is doing horrible in Europe only 60000 consoles sold.WiiU 319,860 x1 307,366. Another price cut or great Wii u bundle and wii u and x1 could have a dog fight. The PS4 is King 3.4 million sold . 1 million more than x1 and counting. http://www.vgchartz.com/#em...

Dannycr3920d ago (Edited 3920d ago )

Games are going to be the factor here and Nintendo has better games in the horizon. Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Zelda vs Halo. The rest is unknown, however, Nintendo has the advantage 'cause Nintendo sells great worldwide and on the other hand, the Xbox is mostly niche to USA.

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jznrpg222d ago (Edited 222d ago )

I don’t think so but here it is. I did enjoy it originally I wonder what they changed.

SimpleSlave222d ago

No, and the new graphics are sad. Should've at least kept the original painterly style and just make it with better shaders, effects, lighting, etc.

As it is, this is unnecessary.

SyntheticForm222d ago

Never played it, so I'll be picking this up.

InUrFoxHole222d ago

If its a Sony game you know it's getting a remake... asap

jznrpg221d ago

This was made during the PS3 gen but Sony had nothing to do with making it.

InUrFoxHole221d ago

I know man I'm just throwing out static

FinalFantasyFanatic221d ago

I thought this only came out on Xbox and PC at that time.

QuantumMechanic221d ago

I played and finished it on Xbox One.

jznrpg221d ago

It came out generation before though

QuantumMechanic218d ago (Edited 218d ago )

Yes, but years later it was re-released in one of those bargain hybrid 360/One cases.

BrainSyphoned221d ago (Edited 221d ago )

It was a one month Xbox 360 exclusive during the 2013 Summer of Arcade.

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