
151 Japanese Devs Name Best Games of 2013: The Last of Us Dominates, Nintendo Games Shunned

151 Japanese developers expressed their preference on the best games of 2013, and DualShockers compiled a full ranking. The Last of Us dominated, followed by Dragon's Crown, Grand Theft Auto V, and Final Fantasy XIV.

Some results are fairly predictable, others are surprising, like the fact that Nintendo and Wii U games have almost completely been shunned.

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Majin-vegeta3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

TLOU everyone that i know that has played it.Love the game and call it their GOTC.

Sad to see no mention of NI no Kuni :(.

@Below oh crap your right.I'm thinking of U.S relese xD

Abriael3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

There can't be a mention for Ni No Kuni. It got released in 2011 in Japan :D

Cloudberry3864d ago

It would be nice to write the name of the developers who's liking what game too.

(Yeah, it might've been a pain to write most of them, but still...)

Abriael3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

Lol there's 151 of them. It'd be basically impossible to list them all in a chart.

I might actually go back and check out the most prominent names that voted for the "winning" games, I guess :D

Army_of_Darkness3864d ago

Someone picked minion rush as their game of the year?! Wtf?! That game is nowhere near goty quality.I'd go with dead trigger or anomaly 2 over that crap any day.

abzdine3863d ago

PlayStation is very strongly represented in this list.
Ni No Kuni is gorgeous game, but unfortunately not as huge and deep as the legendary JRPGs.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3863d ago
showtimefolks3864d ago

GTA5 was no doubt great but this year we had a clear winner in the last of us when so many publications are not giving it to TLOU

And this is coming from the biggest GTA fanboy, GTA5 was excellent in so many ways but also it had a lot of shortcomings, biggest being the story was all over the place. We were promised Heists yet so little was actually delivered. I wanted half of the missions to be Heists and more planning,more strategy,more player choices and just more overall options

Plane missions still sucked for me personally and were just not that much fun.

Ni Nu Kuni deserves so much credit for being an excellent game too, after years of bad or just average JRPG's, we finally got an excellent one, so i believe the developers deserve a lot of credit

one game that was,is and will be the most over rated game of 2013 is Bioshock Infinite. So much was promised yet so little was actually delivered. Everyone talks about the ending and how great it was yet overlooks most of the game which at best was good

shooting felt great
bosses were more frustrating than fun
last boss and ghost boss battles were no fun
in demo's they showed Elizabeth could open new worlds yet none of that was ever really explored

There are only so many games that leave a lasting affect on us, everyone has their own choices and emotions.

MGS3 was epic and till this day the best bosses in a game ever!
Yakuza 3 when kazuma's young follower takes the bullet for him, really brought tears to my eyes

These are the games which have left a lasting affect on me for past 20 plus years of gaming.

TotalHitman3864d ago

Best game of the year is your opinion. Don't let reviewers make their opinion your belief.

showtimefolks3864d ago


i agree but sometimes developers should get credit fort their work and that's all i am saying

last year journey and walking dead

few years back demon souls won and that made me so happy lol. Sony i want demon souls 2, oh wait its coming in shape of dark souls 2 thank you lol

oIITSBIIo3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

I didn't like TLOU I give it 5/10 simply it is an overrated game .

GOTY 2013 will go to Bioshock and Game of the gen is for Batman AC easily .

S-T-F-U3863d ago

That's your opinion. Mine is that TLOU was a brilliant well made well executed game that deserves GOTY. Bioshock Infinite IMO wasn't anything at all special. I would give it 4.5/10.

RedDevils3863d ago

Bioshock and Batman AC lmao

I_am_Batman3863d ago

I played and loved it. I always have trouble to name a game of the year though. Especially in such a strong year like 2013. Needless to say that it's impossible for me to name a game of the generation.

There were just too many great games that delivered completely different expiriences.

Drithe3863d ago

TLOU is the most overrated game in the history of games. Dragon's Crown was waaaay more fun and has waaay more replayability.

Magicite3863d ago

Naughty Dog alone is enough to beat all of the competition!

s45gr323863d ago

I was surprised to see that too, is a good game

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DCfan3864d ago

Glad to see Dragon's Crown get some appreciation. I think its the most fun i had all year next to P3 FES

Dreassic3864d ago

Says everythign about japanese devs

Xof3864d ago

Like what? 'Cause all I'm getting from that list + your post is that someone's probably a bigot, and it's probably not anyone who contributed to that list.


Tlou is the worlds most ovverrated game

LOL_WUT3864d ago

He's just salty Nintendo's games got shunned its good to see TLOU get recognition over seas. ;)

Joseph2253864d ago

No it's not. In fact the most overrated game ever is Red Dead Redemption.

Boody-Bandit3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

My vote goes to GTAIV as most over rated game. At least in the past several years.

On topic:
TLOU is far from over rated. The game couldn't receive enough praise IMO. TLOU is my overall 2nd favorite title on the PS3. Uncharted 2 is still number one for me. Both were simply amazing but UC2 had the luxury of coming out earlier so the TLOU wow factor was slightly lessoned by the bar being set so high by UC2. Than again I guess that would make Naughty Dog my overall favorite developer.

rambi803864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

i though i was the only one who thought that, and i love westerns. It was weird to not like it

Joseph2253864d ago

Boring story, boring characters and a world that has nothing interesting to do, after discovering all towns and speaking to all strangers. It has the minigames, but it gets old after a few times.

Knushwood Butt3864d ago

I thought the world was very well done; a great sense of immersion.

The script and voice acting are also very good.

However, I too got bored and haven't played it for months. I got up to the bit where you sail down the river and go to Mexico (?) and shoot at vultures. Then I put it down and started to play something else.

fenome3864d ago

personally, I had more fun playing GUN on the ps2 than I did playing Red Dead on the ps3. Just couldn't get into it.

Silly Mammo3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

@knush- funny, that's where I stopped too.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3863d ago
goldwyncq3864d ago

Not even close. Journey is.

sonic9893864d ago

journey was PERFECT nuff said

goldwyncq3864d ago

It's an ICO rip off, nothing more.

sonic9893864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

i wont disagree with you but it was a very much needed breath of fresh air after all the cinematic hollywood style stuff took over our gaming
some people love it and some like me dont like it so for me journey was what i wanted to have plus the game is emotional much like ICO which is cool in a unique way btw if you try to think of a story for the game using your own imagination it will be super fun give it a try
note: i didnt disagree

DigitalRaptor3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

It's absolutely nothing like ICO.

If you can prove otherwise, i'll be happy to admit I was wrong.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3864d ago
sonic9893864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

your comment holds hatred toward the game .
i am not a fan of the game nor i played it but some people like it and i respect a great work when i see it whether from nintendo Sony or MS
for me i like imaginative games not the ones the involve real world or near real world settings too much .

Wizard_King3864d ago

I didn't like it at all, I found it to be a story driven hallway with many faults and weak gameplay. Am I a troll to? TLOU IS OVERATED it's the new ps3 fanboy battle cry game

kenshiro1003863d ago

How is it overrated when its a new IP?

Are you kidding me...-__-

andibandit3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

It's Uncharted with Zombies..
...even though i know theyre not actually zombies.

scott1823863d ago


"it's the new ps3 fanboy battle cry game"

Yes, you sound very much like a troll with a favorite system bias.

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stragomccloud3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

No it isn't. It might not be the best game ever, but it's certainly not overrated. It is appreciated exactly as much as it should be.

Halo. Halo is overrated.

ProjectSeoul3864d ago

Hmmm, well which Halo are you talking about?

stragomccloud3864d ago

Halo in general I guess. Don't get me wrong I think they're all pretty good games. I've played all of them except 4, but they're not the end all games that many make them out to be.

Like Final Fantasy VII. It really is a very very good game. But good gravy is it overrated.

Bill_Willson_CIA3864d ago

Let me guess... you have a 360 and only play dudebro shooters,right?


This is the idiotic response I always get when I put down tlou. No I am not an xbot shooter fan. I play mostly adventure games and jrpgs.

ftrain3864d ago

Come on Luffy, I love one piece but you can't be like that. TLOU is amazing.

SoulSercher6203864d ago

You mean the one you haven't played?

showtimefolks3864d ago


when was the last time Nintendo did a new IP that deserves so many awards or anything? making the same games for last 2 Decades is getting old really fast

wiiu not selling well hopefully will open nintendo's eyes a bit

BullyMangler3864d ago

yep, your fact will hurt some, but others who have not played TLOU will think you are just butthurt with no facts or proof with your statement.

lol @ TLOU more of a movie than its easy no challenge gameplay.

I mean I dont know if youve played TLOU, but if you have, compare that whole games difficulty to one of the levels in Donkey Kong Returns for Wii called (1-K PLATFORM PANIC) hahaa . just this one level in DK Returns located in the first part of the game has more challenge, more imagination more talented and inventive brainwork than TLOU whole package. < fact

TLOU, great game but deff overrated like GTA V < factoid .

let the buttt hurt attacks begin (:

Tito083864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

bullymangLer is a very known obvious troll < fact.

bullymangLer is always butthurt < fact.

bullymangLer is nothing but a delusional fantard < factoid.

Drithe3863d ago

I agree with you monkey. This game wasn't scary. It had no suspence. It was just SHOOT THE ZOMBIE and some girl who may have had the cure.

Most overrated game in the history of games. I personally think Naughty Dog flunkies that work there come on here with 200 different names and start all this crap about how perfect and actual AVERAGE GAME isn't.

MonChiChi3863d ago

Haters make being on top that much more sweeter.

Magicite3863d ago

I see people all around the world agree with you...not!

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3863d ago
Cloudberry3864d ago

Shoji Meguro (ATLUS; composer of Persona games): Sports Champion 2(PS3 w/ MOVE).

George Kamitani (Vanillaware; Dragon's Crown director): Battlefield 4 (PS4).

Suda Goichi (Grasshopper Manufacture; Killer is Dead creator); Hotline Miami (PS3/PS Vita).

Keiji Inafune (Comcept; Soul Sacrifice, Mighty No. 9): The Last of Us.

Toshihiro Nagoshi (SEGA; general director of Yakuza games): Grand Theft Auto V.

Masayoshi Yokoyama (SEGA; producer of Yakuza games); The Last of US.

Gavin Moore (SCE; Puppeteer director); The Last of Us.

Shuhei Yoshida (SCE; SCE Worldwide Studio President); Hotline Miami.

Hiroshi Kondo (Nihon FALCOM; Ys & Trails series); The Last of Us.

Hideki Kamiya (Platinum Games; Bayonetta & The Wonderful 101 director): 3D After Burner (3DS).

Kenichiro Takagi (Marvelous AQL; Senran Kagura series): Grand Theft Auto V.

And nice to see Beyond 2 Souls on the list too.

Abriael3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

Lol Kamitani surprised me too. It was the last game I would have expected from him.

Tony-Red-Grave3864d ago

Hideki Kamiya (Platinum Games; Bayonetta & The Wonderful 101 director): 3D After Burner (3DS).

da faq? This I did not expect lol.

PixelNinja3864d ago

If you like a game, you like a game. lol.

wonderfulmonkeyman3864d ago

Surprised he didn't vote for his own game, because the wonderful 101 was one of the best surprises I've had all year.

Concertoine3864d ago

If you think about it, it makes sense.
Kamiya crams homages to arcade shooter games every chance he gets. Sin and punishment, afterburner, space harrier, raiden, theyve all had their tributes in platinum games...

Yui_Suzumiya3864d ago

I don't see B2S above? I'd like to because it's my favorite behind TLoU.

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Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail Took a Risky Gamble With Wuk Lamat

With the release of Final Fantasy XIV's expansion Dawntrail, its main character Wuk Lamat has been polarizing among the fans.

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GTA 5 DLC: Parts of Canceled Project Made Its Way to GTA Online

A Former Rockstar dev has revealed that they were making a GTA 5 DLC, but it was scrapped since GTA Online was such a "cash cow," though it wasn't a total waste as parts of it made its way to GTA Online.

shinoff218317d ago

What a damn shame. Sinfmgle player dlc could've been so dope but nope fk you single player guys.

Perfect reason why I'm against single player games having multiplayer attached. Eat up more resources

17d ago
Rebel_Scum17d ago

Honestly sucks they couldnt do something for SP dlc. It wouldnt hurt their bottom line at all to do.


Why I Believe GTA 5's Story Mode Isn't As Bad As People Think

GTA 5's story mode deserves more attention.

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Ezio204819d ago

Sure the story mode which got a 97 metacritic isn't as bad as people think. Stupid ass article.

GamerRN18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Who actually thought it was bad? Personally, I think they should have finished the Story DLC to at least gauge sales and if it was worth it vs GTO.

Terry_B19d ago

I think I did not see even one thought out piece by this site named tech4gamers yet. Nope..no approvals for this nonsense from me.

isarai18d ago

Ive never heard anyone really complain about the story mode 🤨

cloganart18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Just some people who didn't like that the story was split between 3 protagonists and kinda had weird pacing because of it.

Rebel_Scum18d ago

I didnt like how the heists consisted of 3 preparation/fetch quests which were dull as. Also there should’ve been more heists and more assassination missions.

It was pretty good apart from that.

But yeah some folks didnt like the character switch on release.

gold_drake18d ago

ehhh who exactly thinks the story mode is "bad" ?

Dudeson18d ago

The only bad about it is that there isn't any more! Cancelled story dlc to make online stuff... But hopefully gta 6 will be a great adventure again.

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