
World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor hands-on | PCGamer

World of Warcraft is nine years old. If you want to take a moment to let that sink in, that’s perfectly understandable. It has remained the biggest subscription-based MMO in the world throughout that period: it’s still huge, even if the prevailing narrative surrounding it is of an empire in gradual decline.


10 World of Warcraft Raids Fans Won't Be Able to Forget

World of Warcraft's history is loaded with some of the best and most memorable raids of all time. Here's what we think the 10 best are!

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bluefox7552717d ago

Karazhan is the one I most remember, ran it about 1000 times...and ICC, stopped playing after that.

2717d ago Replies(1)

What Blizzard Entertainment Means to Me

With Blizzard Entertainment's launch of Overwatch. Their newest IP in over 17 years. Poli Games host get nostalgic with Blizzard and it's games. Why Blizzard might just be the best in the business.

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Poli_Games3043d ago

What is a developer that means the most to you? Who's your favorite dev? And why? Let's talk about it! :D

Perjoss3042d ago

Long time PC gamer so its pretty much all about Blizzard and Id Software for me.

Relientk773042d ago

In a single word: Diablo

Diablo 4 please

Poli_Games3042d ago

YES!!!! Or a Warcraft 4... A boy can dream! :3


Blizzard Includes Warlords of Draenor in the Base Game Edition

Blizzard are now including Warlords of Draenor in the base game package in preparation for the Warcraft movie and the Legion expansion.

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