
Backgammon Blitz Review | Gamestyle

Backgammon is the oldest game in the world. Archaeologists found sets when they excavated the ruins of ancient Mesopotamia. Five thousand years old. That’s older than Jesus Christ… Their dice were made of bones. Two players, two sides. One is light, one is dark.

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Backgammon Blitz Review | GameSpew

Jamie at GameSpew writes: "1,500 years ago if you wanted to play backgammon you’d actually be playing tabula and you’d need to get yourself a board, an opponent and a comfy spot somewhere in the Byzantine empire to settle down and enjoy a few rounds. 40-odd years ago you could play against a decent computer AI if you had a spare room or two to fit the mainframe computer in. Ten or so years ago you could play against other humans, remotely, for the first time online (on a server which, incredibly, you can still play on today – check it out here!). Now, though, you can do all of that with Backgammon Blitz on Steam – and you won’t need a converted bed-sheet toga to do it in."

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Review - Backgammon Blitz | TerminalGamer

One of the oldest board games known to man has arrived for the PS4 in Europe and is slated to hit the North American PSN store this Tuesday (April 15th). We rattled the dice and took a few turns on the board. Is it worth the pain of a pinched nip or is it better left to the ages?

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knifefight3708d ago

No chance in hell.

...Chinese Checkers for the win.

randomass1713708d ago

What are you, crazy? Tic-Tac-Toe is my jam!

Muzikguy3707d ago

@random Jam?! You just reminded me of toeJAM, and Earl. That could be GOTY be it re-released!

andibandit3707d ago

looks like it's running 1080P

shouldn't that be an automatic 9/10???

ftwrthtx3708d ago

IDK about GOTY for 2014 but it may have won back in 5000 B.C.

Muzikguy3707d ago

Family Guy the quest for stuff /s


PlayStation Store Sneak Peek: April 15th 2014

Final Fantasy XIV, Eufloria Adventures, Conception II, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows, Trials Fusion and Backgammon Blitz cap off a busy week on the PlayStation Store.

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Mankey3709d ago

We could always use more PS1/PS2 Classics. Any word yet on Megaman?

Skate-AK3709d ago

Forgot about TMNT. Might have to get that.

Clown_Syndr0me3709d ago

Why aren't the ps1 classics available on the PS4? There are loads on PS3 :(

Lazyeye793709d ago

I believe the reason is because all PS3s are backwards compatible with PS1, while the PS4 is not.

chuck8263709d ago

I hpe DeadNation come to vita