
How The New Kinect Makes Entertainment Simpler

OXM UK - "For most of us, multi-tasking is when we successfully manage not to burn the toast while boiling the kettle. With Xbox One's Snap feature, you can be surfing the web through Internet Explorer while setting up your next race in Forza Motorsport 5, or catching up on the football while playing a virtual version of the match in FIFA 14."

Bigpappy3831d ago

Exactly. These features actually make the console seem better without changing the actual gameplay of the actual games.

tristanwerbe3831d ago ShowReplies(2)
kingdip903831d ago

That video seemed pretty damning, they even had trouble selecting the dawn game! I'm not seeing this as the future unless something major comes kinect way...

kingdip903831d ago

I don't want or need simpler entertainment, I want better, more immersion, more innovative gameplay...

KingDadXVI3831d ago

I personally am not looking for total full motion gaming. It just does not interest me. Fighter Within is just not my type of game. I am more interested in the uses they listed in the article and added integration in games to complement the controller. That to me is where it will shine.

It presents a unique tool for developers to play with. I am really interested in seeing what the Indie scene will come up with for it. We may see some crazy fun shit from the Indies.

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