
Xbox One Was a Train Wreck, But Microsoft On The Right Path' Says Dev

NowGamer: "Indie developer Vlambeer has been critical of some of the terms of Microsoft's ID@Xbox programme, but the developer does feel that Microsoft is taking steps to fix the "train wreck" that is the Xbox One."

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Gazondaily3840d ago (Edited 3840d ago )

To clarify:

"If you look at the Microsoft announcement of the Xbox One, that was a train wreck if I’ve ever seen one," Vlambeer's Rami Ismail told VG247."

And yes, it was a train wreck. But boy was it interesting. The industry was more alive than I have ever seen it, gamers bandied together and revolted against the policies, MS started to become more and more transparent as the pressure on them increased greatly and we all let these corporations know that we would not just keel over and be railroaded.

I think they're on the right path but I'm intrigued as to how they will try and catch up with Sony and the PS4 which is gaining more and more momentum than The Juggernaut.

TimmyShire3840d ago

It's interesting to see the shift really, with Microsoft on top of its game for it suddenly to lose it all to Sony. I don't think they're down and out, but they certainly have a lot of work to catch up now (not in terms of sales, but public opinion maybe).

cleft53840d ago

The best thing to come out of the train wreck that was the Xbox One was how empowered gamers became. For the first time gamers spoke with not just words but with their wallet. The Xbox One controversy will stand as a testament to what consumers can get done when we vote with our dollars and words. That's a great thing for consumers/gamers and a very dangerous thing for corporations.

TheGreatAndPowerful3840d ago

Oh sweet jesus. lol

"It was impressive. The amount of stuff they did wrong was just frankly amazing. I think that will be in handbooks for students for the next hundred years as one of the biggest disasters in management."

n4rc3840d ago

Except it didn't really do any of what you say..

The massive outcry and horrible public image didn't stop them from pacing Sony and selling 2m+ units..

Its like everyone was saying all along.. The massive outcry was from those that weren't potential customers to begin with.. They made their choice and weren't going to change regardless

Demand was high even before the reversal.. And with tons of digital downloads, it doesn't seem people really cared that much about DRM after all.

gaffyh3840d ago

@n4rc - Except they're not pacing Sony. They're behind in almost every territory, even there most loyal ones.

UnholyLight3840d ago (Edited 3840d ago )

It had and will continue to have direct effects on Sony as well! That's what was kinda crazy, is that Sony was smart enough to realize the outcome of what was on it's way and adjusted as well.

Note how Sony has become so consumer oriented as well...making sure voices are heard immiediately such as the crash report system on the PS4 where we can tell them what is wrong and they push out a patch within like the next couple of days of us saying something isn't working.

That's the beauty in all of this, and I do firmly believe that Microsoft will regain it's position of being neck and neck with Sony down the (probably semi-long/long term) road sometime here as well.

n4rc3840d ago

Last reports were 2m each..

Its fair to say they are keeping up.. Demand may be higher but one is 25% more money.. Its a push as far as I'm concerned..

But when comparing to how everyone said it was 5:1 or higher and Xbox was going to fail.. They are forced to eat their words no matter how you spin it

rainslacker3840d ago (Edited 3840d ago )


Except you're leaving out the part where MS took away all the things that made it so people wouldn't spend money on the system. Thus making it into a console that people actually wanted again.

MS would be hurting real bad right now if not for all the 180's. There is no way they could have gone 6 months saying, "we're right, you'll love this", with an entire community of people hating on them with such animosity.

Before the 180's, MS saw that people were not pre-ordering the system. They knew they had reconsider their policies or truly be left in the dust on launch.

gaffyh3839d ago

@n4rc - I think you'll find that most people expected both consoles to sell out of their initial stock. But it looks like Xbone has not sold out in certain major territories, but has in others, whereas PS4 has sold out pretty much everywhere.

n4rc3839d ago

Except you two miss the most important a facts..

You have no idea what demand was like before.. And you have no idea if Sony's problem isn't excess demand but insufficient production..

People were all swearing up and down that they had sources saying preorders were 5:1 yet reality showed they were full of shit..

And now you choose to believe that sony sold 2m in one day and hasn't managed to produce a single unit since.. Yet Xbox sold 2m and more stock shows up weekly..

So what's the problem? Silicon is made by the same manufacturer so how can ms have stock but Sony doesn't?

Its not demand obviously.. Its more apparent sony held off on production until revenue started streaming in.. They blew their liquid assets on the initial run.. Imo

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3839d ago
pyramidshead3840d ago

Damn right. Has been a most interesting 'console war' up until both released, definitely. So much global drama and back lash it was an interesting period to spectate.

Vegetarianshark3840d ago

Its moments like this that makes me proud to be a gamer. The crusade against MS this gen is a big reminder to these corporations that consumers keeps them alive and not the other way round.

ShwankyShpanky3840d ago

MS may have altered policies, but I hardly think they became any more "transparent."

kenshiro1003840d ago (Edited 3840d ago )

n4rc: Uh, last time I checked, the PS4 was beating the XB1. Maybe you should take a course in Mathematics first before making a statement like that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3839d ago
stuna13840d ago

That's the thing, we as gamers hold so much power, but instead we bicker amongst ourselves not realizing that our actions have dire consequences! Just look at the media site like this where supporters of differing consoles are at each other throats, yet we never take into consideration consoles makers and developers use this as fuel to try to slip us mickeys, because they think we are pre-occupied with fighting the battle for them. But like Septic said, I don't think anyone expected the response and outcry that came after Microsoft reveal! For the first time in a long time, there were no sides, there were just gamers.

For all anyone knows, the response that Microsoft recieved is what prevented Sony from following the same path! Who's to say? In the long run I think what has happened in the past months will make all parties better for it, but it is up to us as gamers to keep them on their toes! This is for all of them.

rainslacker3840d ago

Too bad that feeling of community didn't last long. I guess we can give MS credit for bringing the community together in such a way that only articles that say games cause violence can.

demonicale6663840d ago

i won't comment when they call it the idiotbox

DarthJay3840d ago

"If you look at the Microsoft announcement of the Xbox One, that was a train wreck if I’ve ever seen one"

Talk about taking liberties with a quote to create a catchy headline. Yikes.

infectedaztec3840d ago

The moderators of this site are pathetic. How was a headline like that allowed. Such Sony propaganda from some basement website that wont be getting any traffic from me.

If it wasn't for Septic people would have to check out the site to see the actual quotes and rewarded dishonest 'journalism'

OC_MurphysLaw3840d ago

The twisting of words is pretty par for the course with a number of sites that regularly post on N4G.

frostypants3840d ago

N4G is run by junior high kids. I'm sure of it.

hankmoody3840d ago

The same way Sony did everything possible to get back on track after the dismal launch and overall performance of the PS3, I have no doubt in my mind that MS will do what they must to win over any of their naysayers.

Convas3840d ago

Yup, they have no choice but to rectify the ship, and frankly I'm happy. Just as they forced Sony to change and become better last gen, Sony has forced MS to change and become better this gen.

KakashiHotake3840d ago

The only problem is Microsoft's 1st party isn't very strong at all. Sony dug themselves out of the grave PS3 was in by making epic video games. Games that helped differentiate the PS3 from the 360. Microsoft doesn't have that kind of talent. They rely on buying there way out of problems but some things can't be brought with money like loyalty and trust. Microsoft lost both of those when they chose the DRM route. Even though they did a 180 we still haven't forgot.

ShwankyShpanky3840d ago

"MS will do what they must to win over any of their naysayers."

So when does the dis-Kinected SKU come out?

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ScorpiusX2971d ago

No thanks but good luck ...