
Crystal Dynamics: Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition On PS4/XB1 Features More Visual Upgrades Over PC

Scot Amos (Crystal Dynamics): "The work that went into the PS4 and Xbox One versions started at the end of the X360/PS3/PC versions. They were our foundation that we then built on top of. The amount of extra work - 3 studios and a full year of development - have pushed the boundaries beyond just TressFX and upgraded textures. We now have a new particle system, new lighting work and enhanced shadow-casters, tons of more visual storytelling elements (more debris, more details on walls, more density in the environment for vegetation), upgraded characters (Lara and main story NPCs), and we've also put all of the DLC materials into this version for PS4/Xbox One. We are very happy with the PC version we released and felt these new additions and changes were something custom just for next-gen consoles at the moment"

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mikeslemonade3874d ago

"look at me I have a PC!" haha

Stsonic3874d ago

Why all the hate towards the PC?

It's really childish and happens all over the internet. I am currently enjoying PS4 more than PC. It's a relief not to have to brag I own a PC now. Smhh

BitbyDeath3874d ago (Edited 3874d ago )

PC only gamers just can't handle when console games look better, should get used to it though console and pc power has never been so close before so this probably won't be the last time this occurs this gen.

decrypt3874d ago (Edited 3874d ago )

So 60 usd for a 11 month old game which most people played anyways.

60usd for slightly better graphics over the PC sounds like a sour deal specially since the PC version can be had for as little as 5usd now.

Still just 30fps in the end lol, some improvement that is lol.

This is an epic attempt to rip console gamers over and over again lol.

Next gen consoles = getting ports of last gen games.

Gamer19823874d ago

"PC only gamers just can't handle when console games look better," Console games will NEVER look better. Thats the sad truth. Forget what developers say because first of all the Xbone cant handle 1080p and neither console can handle 4k. Thats not to mention PC can go upto and over 60FPS on any game. But frames doesn't effect visuals. Devs will say it looks better perhaps to sell another copy for those who have bought the PC version and also they are probably comparing this to the average PC user. The average PC user will have played Tomb Raider on medium settings with no Tress FX meaning the console version (ps4/xbone) will look slightly better. As not all PC gamers can afford a £600 machine. They prefer a £450 machine with a £40 a year cost and a £20 per game premium instead.

FATAL1TY3874d ago

Uncharted 4
infamous second son
Deep Down
The Order 1886
Tomb Raider: true next gen edition
Next gen NBA 2K..
Next gen Fifa..

PS4 forever
R.I.P PC -_-

BZNCAPONE3874d ago


did you just really say PC power and consoles have ever been so close? Thats a load if i ever heard. I am loving my PS4 but lets be real my Gaming PC smashes consoles period. i5 4670K running crossfire 7970s & 16gb of ram.

Yeah there really close in power :)

Somebody3874d ago


"PC only gamers just can't handle when console games look better"

Well the same is true about console gamers. They snickered about the lack of DX11-capable PC games. When DX11 finally took off after BF3 suddenly they said it's not that important.

Here something interesting from the article : "these new additions and changes were something custom just for next-gen consoles at the moment"

At the moment. Which means PC gamers will get to see those same effects, sooner or later. The only obstacle would be the publisher's decision to lock down that particular game itself. The effects though would be used in other games or replicated by other devs. Do you really think AMD would leave it exclusively to the consoles knowing that Nvidia will offering a competing design for the PC?

LonChaneyTV3874d ago (Edited 3874d ago )

"Crystal Dynamics: Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition On PS4/XB1 Features More Visual Upgrades Over PC"

..........and in a couple months, "Crystal Dynamics: Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition PC bound!!" , just like Deus Ex Director's cut.

.......I'm just going to wait for the discounted Steam version of this. I just hate when SE and Capcom pull off stunts like this.

BitbyDeath3874d ago


I did not mean in overall power, obviously PC's are further ahead. Devs however have limitations in how much power/spec can be used in a game and if they want to sell a good amount of copies they will need to ensure the average PC can at least play the game on high settings if not maximum.

Consoles do not have this issue, games are made to fit one architecture type.

In this way consoles ARE really close to PC power. I do not believe it has ever been this close before.

gamernova3874d ago

More visual upgrades...so does that mean console gamers can play at 1400p like I am? Lol How is stating facts bragging? Sure, some of us do it arrogantly but they are facts.

vishmarx3874d ago

you do realize visual upgrades aren't limited to resolution?

let me see your face when they announce a gta v pc definitive edition a year later.if anything thats exactly what half the pc games get.people like you then go about defending it saying you got 20%more pixels,characters sweat,hair are shampooed etc etc so it was well worth the wait

@every pc gamer on the price
pray tell,how is it that when you have the cash to spend$2000 on a gaming rig ,you call us peasants and yet you make it obvious that the LAST thing you actually wanna spend your fortune on is GAMES.its bad when the console version is $10 extra,its fine to spend a$1000 extra to play it cheaper though.im not saying that devs are fair with the whole price point but you guys are the last ones i expect to nag about the COST of gaming.since thats exactly how you judge your supeiority in the end.

decrypt3874d ago


Go on build us a rig for 2000usd and dont end up using parts like Titan or extreme edition Intel CPUs.

I gaurantee you, most PC gamers build rigs within the range of 600-800usd and that rig typically tends to last 4-5 years easy. Even after that time period upgrades to extend life can cheaply be had infact money saved on games pays for the upgrades.

vishmarx3873d ago (Edited 3873d ago )

you aint a pc gamer unless youre extreme...
then i can post those bleh specs in my signature...
extreme is where its at,mid range is eww..
it aint real shit if your cpu aint hot as the sun and you need rocket engine coolants to stop your apartment from melting.
and that my friend ,is the general consensus here

decrypt3873d ago (Edited 3873d ago )


"you aint a pc gamer unless youre extreme... "

Sure bro, check Steam stats then tell that to the 65 million+ users just on that network alone lol.

Most of them have 600-800usd rigs they can run games maxed out at 1080p.

A well designed PC rig never uses high end parts, its always the parts that are few notches down which are used. Specially when it comes to CPUs, since mid range parts are so overclockable they tend to perform like high end parts.

Same pretty much applies to GPUs, by the way both the PS4 and Xbone as of today are pretty much low end PC parts, hence anything well designed mid range easily runs circles around the new consoles. Stop deluding yourself about PC gamers spending 2k on rigs lol.

Computersaysno3873d ago (Edited 3873d ago )

Sorry bitbyDeath you make me laugh a bit though when you think the consoles are closer than ever to Pc performance.

They in fact have never been further away. Not in the sense where new consoles used to be able to compete with high end PCs being built as the new consoles launched.

Xbox one is pitifully slow compared to a midrange PC for any multiplatform you care to mention now and into the near future.

PS4 is better but it still has no real hope against cards now considered high end. Cards that will actually NOT even be better than midrange, when the new generation of graphics cards roll around in something like 3-4 months. By then even stuff like R9 290/GTX780 which obliterate the new consoles will NOT be considered high end, just upper midrange. I can promise that now.

PC runs away with it as usual.

You can claim a few things and argue about costs and take it down to nuts and bolts, but essentially the new consoles have nothing on a decent gaming Pc and never will performance wise in theory OR in the real world on any game you care to mention.

Dunno why people still try and bother claiming this every new console generation. Let alone one where the latest consoles are distinctly built with tight budgetary constraints and their reduction in performance relative to a modern PC is evident.

slayorofgods3873d ago (Edited 3873d ago )

the PS4 and xbone are new and shiny so its going to be hard to make arguments for the PC for a while. Yes, the PC is keeping up with the consoles more than it EVER has to start a console generation. But, consoles are finally on par with "average" pc gaming and they're new and exciting as PC's are where they were a few months ago.

Who cares who games on what... Face it, right now everything is more even then they ever have been, hell, the architecture in all 3 is so close to identical. So just choose what you want and enjoy it. It's a good time for gaming.

The93Sting3873d ago


I can't stand at the amount of "lol"'s you are throwing here and there, it is supposed to be written ONCE not 1,000,000 times.! SMH..

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3873d ago
GarrusVakarian3874d ago

I'll take better textures, lighting and particle effects over....3D. Lol.

decrypt3874d ago (Edited 3874d ago )

For 60usd(face palm)... and people say console gaming was supposed to be cheap lol. At least thats the propaganda everyone chants around here.

DejectedJeff3874d ago

would you also take 30 frames? and for 60 dollars when the pc version doesn't cost anything?

kevnb3874d ago

Read the comment again, textures were already upgraded on pc, they went beyond that with new particle effects and lighting.

Computersaysno3873d ago (Edited 3873d ago )

I doubt it will look better than the PC version, or run at the high framerates and resolutions I enjoyed on the PC version many moons ago. PS4 might manage 1080p and 30FPS but if it does then the Xbox One version will probably be turned down and less than 1080p.

Tis a good way of getting money out of console gamers but when you can get the PC version for about 6 or 7 pounds then its pretty much an irrelevance to PC gamers.

Its more for those wanting to step up or missed the PS3/360 version a year after the game came out.

Its certainly not worth the full price they will charge for it when it finally arrives otherwise.

I doubt it will actually sell very well on the next gen consoles. Most people who wanted to probably already played it on their choice platform ages ago, have no desire to pay full price to upgrade if they are likely the same people that bought new consoles they want genuine next gen console games not old ports. Its a good game ok, but not an amazingly mind bogglingly fantastic one you must buy on a new console.

Nobody wanted them old ports when PS3/360 launched either really. This is a good game but this news is hardly worth getting a froth over

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3873d ago
trywizardo3874d ago

except no one use the 3D feature ... i have 3D TV and i use for movies not games .
anyhow PC is not master race even when it comes to current gen because PC have graphics and consoles have games and for every gamer games > graphics

Volkama3874d ago

Use it for games. It benefits them more than it does movies imo.

cartman3133874d ago

I used it. Tombraider was incredible in 3d. I would often catch myself ducking while crawling through some of those tight spaces.

nirwanda3873d ago

Trine 2 on the ps4 looks so much better in 3d, so much so I bought it after playing the demo.

LOL_WUT3874d ago

Agreed these bums say those games are cheap on PC but yet they go out of their way to pirate these games so much for supporting the master race! Exposed ;)

TheDevKit3873d ago

Both factions have the potential to act foolishly.

Volkama3874d ago

Don't forget the PC version can be had for about a fiver whenever there is a Steam sale on.

SephirothX213874d ago (Edited 3874d ago )

This is done for the purpose of marketing. CD could release a PC version of the game next month that runs at 1440p native resolution at 60fps with full AA and dynamic global illumination and for the hell of hit, they could quadruple the number of objects being rendered per frame and a GTX 780ti would still easily handle it. Consoles can never match PC and that's not a bad thing because it would defeat the purpose of consoles if they could. Consoles are there to provide a standard set of decent hardware to gamers that performs well at an affordable price for the average game consumer. The power of consoles determine the scope of games because developers need to have their game run well on the lowest common denominator. PC is the premium platform but consoles have their uses, especially for exclusives. PS4 gpu has 1.84 Teraflops while X1 has 1.4. GTX Maxwell launching next year is expected to have 14 Teraflops. That's what we can expect from PS5.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney3874d ago (Edited 3874d ago )

my intel x3100 graphics owns!! pcftw! Can't wait to get ps4 though so I don't have to play minecraft on my crappy lappy.

Yourpapa3873d ago Show
Back-to-Back3873d ago

PC Master Race? Yea I think not. More like console master race.

Murad3868d ago

Dude, honestly, there's no reason for you to bring anything like that up right now. You're just trolling, and being a PC/ Console gamer, I just can't appreciate your post.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3868d ago
aquamala3874d ago (Edited 3874d ago )

they can sell this "definitive edition" to console gamers because it's a big difference over the ps3/360 versions.

but the differences is so small compared to the current PC version that no one on the PC side is going to buy this upgrade or "definitive edition", it sounds more like a patch lol

Neonridr3874d ago

well the person at Crystal Dynamics did say that it wasn't just a simple upgrade of textures. New particle effects, lighting, etc.

Not saying that this isn't something they might be able to patch in the future for PC owners, but it sounds like it's not a simple resolution or texture upgrade.

allgamespc20123874d ago

and you believe them? besides the new lara face, theres nothing that stands out that makes it look better than the pc version, considerin gthe xox is a weak console. you can only run it at 1080p and it wont be 60 fps again, so not much of an improvement if you ask me.

MadLad3874d ago

To be honest, when they showed the release trailer, I saw nothing, outside of the face, that stood out or had me thinking it wasn't available in the first place.
The differences really didn't seem to be there, and I feel they are more pandering to console gamers than anything at this point, especially considering they didn't exactly confirm or deny that the changes will, eventually make it to PC.

Truth is, they are just double-dipping and re-selling a year old game they put a little bit of polish on to those who may not have played or simply got stuck with the gimped version that was on 360 and PS3. Hell, the game still runs at 30 fps even.

Neonridr3874d ago

@allgamespc2012 - oh don't get me wrong the PC version will always be superior, which is why I question why they wouldn't update the PC version with all these new enhancements. The fact that the rep said that these new changes and enhancements were for next gen consoles only made no sense since everything the XB1/PS4 can do the PC can do (sometimes better too).

I was merely reiterating what was said. I was just saying it wasn't just a higher resolution or better textures. They claim it's using some new particle effects systems, etc.

kevnb3874d ago

what upgrade of textures? that was already done on pc, they went beyond that with new particle effects and lighting.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3874d ago
jc485733874d ago (Edited 3874d ago )

The difference can be small or drastic to some. It's like when girls put makeup on.

Jughead34163874d ago

Crystal Dynamics clearly said everything was redone for next gen consoles, and not just a patch. This isn't some slightly downgraded PC version of Tomb Raider, this is a next gen Tomb Raider.

It always sounds to me that PC elitists try to justify spending thousands on a high end PC by talking down to console gamers. I'm sure PC is awesome, but console exclusives are the best games out there.

anticlimax3874d ago

"console exlusives are the best games out there"

Don't want to hear about pc elitists? Then don't provoke 'em!

Gotta wonder though how many people out there willing to dish 60$ out for this game don't already own it in one way or another.

allgamespc20123874d ago

thousands of dolalrs? hahahahahaha my pc is not even 1k and its already better than your limited consoles that are stuck at 1080p 30fps.

Jughead34163874d ago (Edited 3874d ago )

anticlimax - anytime there's a topic suggesting that a console version of a game is superior or on par with PC, PC gamers get all bent out of shape about it, as you can see in these comments. So, yeah, PC gamers should chill out. Crystal Dynamic made a better version of Tomb Raider that at least for now won't be on PC. It'll look better and play better. And yes I'll be paying for this game, because I've never played any version of it before. And I didn't look at a ton of walkthrough footage either. I'm glad I waited. This will be a brand new experience for me.

How many console exclusives are there that PC gamers can't play? GOW, Gears of War, LBP, Halo, Last of Us, Uncharted, Infamous, Killzone, GTA V, etc etc etc.

MadLad3874d ago (Edited 3874d ago )

You talk about PC elitists, but then you claim we simply try and justify the cost of our tech and claim only the best games are to be had on console.
Seems a little hypocritical to me.

Besides, as ibuypower's $500 Steam Machine shows, you don't need close to the amount you stated for a PC that is competitive, in terms of performance, with current gen consoles. The people, especially now, who spend more than $800 on a rig are the ones, like me, who take advantage of insane levels of AA, extremely high-res monitors or those with 120/144/240hz monitors while trying to max everything the game has.


The ol' here are some of the games that PC can't play as I ignore the giant PC-only indie scene that delivers fantastic games in the thousands every year, both big and small.
Enjoy your rehashed series and shooters.
I'll play them when they, and their accompanying systems, are cheap. I don't feel the need to drop four to five-hundred dollars on a system or two, respectively, for the small amount of exclusives I end up being interested in over a console generation.

Somebody3874d ago

And here I thought console gamers doesn't care about graphics. Just look at the comments from articles from last year and you could see how console fans hammer in how graphical advances in the PC are not important because gameplay is much more important. Every articles about how Crysis 3 or BF4 will have wicked new effects exclusively for the PC will be greeted with derision from console fans.
Console gameplay>PC graphic.

Now, when their next gen consoles will have some form exclusive effects they are defensive when PC fans said the PC will get it too.
Console exclusive graphic features>PC graphic.

chasegarcia3874d ago

looks like you drank the kool aid

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3874d ago
Corpser3874d ago

They really put in a year's time with 3 studios for this? Why not just port the PC version over? To justify the $60 price tag I suppose

KonsoruMasuta3874d ago

Why would they just port the PC version over? Then we wouldn't have these extra improvements that aren't in the PC version.

mike32UK3874d ago

I think he was more pointing to the fact that they should have spent the effort on the next game

Lisica3874d ago

You call this an extra improvements?

The game is beautiful on PC. There wasn't any need for a makeup. They should have used that time for a new game.

Maxor3873d ago

"Extra improvements" LMAO!! All they did was port PC high res textures over. Well, 1080p resolution textures that is. Anything higher than that get cut out.

Lets face it, they're gouging nextgen gamers for another $45. But it could've been worst, it could've been like the GoW collection in "high definition" that Sony released a while back. It's a great way to recycle content and push them on nextgen console gamers who are starving for any new...even when it's not new.

KonsoruMasuta3874d ago

Release the butthurt PC fanboys!

TwistingWords3874d ago

I paid £5 for it the other day. No butthurt here.

KonsoruMasuta3874d ago

But you don't have these improvements. I'll play the superior console version.

TwistingWords3874d ago (Edited 3874d ago )

I don't have those improvements no, but then again I'm not willing to pay a premium to play a year old game.

SonyNGP3874d ago (Edited 3874d ago )

Have fun paying $60 for a rehashed port for your brand new $400/$500 (plus the amount you have to pay for XBL/PS+) console c:

Corpser3874d ago

Yeah so butthurt here that I can't pay $60 for ... Improved face and vegetation? And this definition edition is still in only 30 FPS lol

NihonjinChick3874d ago (Edited 3874d ago )

From what I see in the article, It's more than just improved face and vegetation.
Lighting, textures, particles, and shadow-casters have all been improved over the PC version. If they release this for PC, I may get it myself. No shame in admitting these are some nice improvements.

If not, I'll wait until the price is lower on the PS4 version becuase I'm not buying this at release.

wtopez3874d ago

No way. Is it really lock at 30 fps?

sorane3874d ago

One just has to look at your comment history to see who the "butthurt" one is. You're one of the biggest console trolls on this site.

MadLad3874d ago

I bought a supposedly slightly weaker version of the game two months after it released for twenty-something odd dollars.
The game can now be had for around $7 on almost any sale.
It's also not locked to 1080p and 30fps.

I think the majority are less "butthurt" (hmm. I seem to remember calling you out on your immature and liberal use of this term not long ago, actually) and more entertained about how excited you are for changes, outside of the face, that weren't even apparent during the release trailer, yet glide over the fact that the game is still locked at an underwhelming 30fps. You know, something that actually negatively affects gameplay.

Maxor3873d ago

Its obvious who is really butt hurt here.

Murad3868d ago

Umm, you do know, we already have the definitive version for the game, right? Along with mods that might even make the game better? O wait, you didn't, cause you don't check up on these sort of things. I hate to say it, but you offend me, since you're no better than the first poster on this article.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3868d ago
creeping judas3874d ago

I played the game on last gen consoles and quite enjoyed it. But before I buy it for next gen consoles I want to see the difference, I want to make sure that the changes are sufficient enough for me to warrant plobbing down another $60 for the game. I wouldnt mind another run thru of the game.

Shakengandulf3874d ago

I haven't played this yet so these tweaks are very welcome.
Cant wait to try this on the Ps4.

Totoro173873d ago (Edited 3873d ago )

I played the game on the PC and it looks absolutely incredible. That being said, I don't think it'd be enough of a difference for it to merit a next-gen console purchase. But boy is it pretty on the PC:



In-game screenshots :)

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Sonic1881153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

I do agree that Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness was the worse one 😂 I remember playing some of it and I took it back. That game was just awful in every way. I bought it used at gamestop and glad they had that 7 day return policy for used games 😂

Pyrofire95153d ago

Would it be worth saying why?

ZeekQuattro153d ago

Simple. He's been hating on the Tomb Raider reboots for years. I can't imagine seeing them at the top of a best TR game list let alone being on the list in general sitting well with him because of it.

-Foxtrot153d ago



No no, just pointing out how TR mutated into a generic action adventure game losing the appeal of what it once was when it was more about puzzles and platforming over going Rambo, slaughtering waves of enemies

But hey, continue being a dick and speaking about me like I’m not going to see the comment.

MeatyUrologist152d ago

Foxtrot, I'm curious if you have played the most recent games. Sure the 2013 reboot was hugely focused on combat, but each follow up became less and less about combat to the point where outside of a few large scale story missions I don't even remember combat being a part of shadow of the tomb raider. Shadow was so puzzle focused it actually was a bit much for me and I love the TR puzzles.

I still feel like Rise was the best of the series and I was a huge fan of the originals. To me it struck the perfect balance of exploration, platforming, puzzles, and combat. Not saying your opinion is wrong I'm just curious what you think they should have done different. Games do need to evolve somewhat to stay relevant. Would you prefer small linear jumping platform levels like the original?

RavenWolfx153d ago

I would agree Rise for 1 and the reboot as 2. Shadow is a bit high, though.

Sonic1881153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

I think Shadow wasn't even develop by crystal dynamics. I thought it was the worse in the new trilogy

Pyrofire95153d ago

That's right. Shadow was developed by Eidos Montreal who who went and made Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy next. (Great game)
Meanwhile after Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics made Marvels Avengers. (bad game)

MeatyUrologist153d ago

Agrees. First two are correct but Shadow should be around 5-6.

terstomp153d ago

For me, Legend should be alot higher (along with the other two ). Shadow, I enjoyed it, but has too much has fluff, as modern games tend to do. Playing the remastered series, and apart from the controls, is very good.

jznrpg153d ago

I really enjoyed the first 2 games, Legend and the first of the reboots and the rest I didn’t get into so I never finished.

robtion153d ago

Completely subjective list. I really liked Underworld, I preferred Lara's design. That said I loved the horror/uncharted feel of the reboot. I think all the TR games have strengths and weaknesses. None are objectively better in every way.

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