
Are Next-Gen Re-Releases Like Tomb Raider A Bad Idea?

Dealspwn writes: Last week at the VGX Awards, Square Enix finally admitted they would be re-releasing Tomb Raider on the PS4 and Xbox One. This ‘Definitive Edition’ comes with a handful of visual upgrades including TressFX technology for Lara’s hair (like the original PC version), a remodelling for Lara’s face and better leaves and branches on the trees. And presumably better explosions, because that’s the next-gen dream right?

There’s even more packed in though! Like the extra skins, weapons and eight DLC maps for the multiplayer that everyone plays so much! Making of documentaries that you’d otherwise have to look for on YouTube! That really shitty digital prologue comic! And there’s an extra artbook in the Special Edition of the Definitive Edition for those of you wanting more than the Standard Edition of the Definitive Edition! What!

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ZodTheRipper3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

To me at least, yes.

I want developers to focus on new projects, I couldn't care less about last years Tomb Raider that I didn't even finish on PS3 just because it's on PS4 now with better explosions and hair physics. Especially not for the full price, what is Square thinking? I wouldn't even pay the full price for GTA5 or TLOU on PS4.

Kingthrash3603877d ago

u didnt finish it? wow. well imo its coo great games get a pass, just as long as they dont port rmember me or somethin

ZodTheRipper3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

Yes I didn't, it was part of my huge backlog and I just didn't have the time to go through all "ok" and "good" games and focused only on the "great" ones. I think Tomb Raider belonged to the "good" but after so many similar games this gen I felt like having played that before - that's the reason why I want developers to focus on new stuff instead of rehashing lastgen.

It's not only graphics ...it's primarily the gameplay that was limited lastgen due to the hardware which resulted in many games feeling the same. Just take a look at Dying Light, Titanfall or The Division which bring something completely new to the table.

Conzul3877d ago

I missed both, but I'd rather play next gen Remember Me than tomb raider.

In principal, no, it's not a bad idea. It really does not take that much extra work to release a next gen port, since in essence that's already what was running on devs computers and downscaled for current gen.

GuyThatMakesSense3877d ago

I think it's fine as long as the make a considerable visual/technical upgrade. I would pay (not as much as $60 but still I'd pay) to have LBP2 on PS4 with the technical upgrade of more on-screen because of RAM. Though I wouldn't pay for a game I already paid last-gen (unless it's LBP2!)

Mikethejew3877d ago

Just another money grab, they couldnt sell enough on current gen so they port over the pc version. This is why square isnt what they use to be.

Imalwaysright3877d ago

It sold more than 4 million copies.

WildArmed3877d ago

It sold well, like mentioned above.

Now, I know devs have to cook up a next-gen engine for PS4/Xbox 1, and if they decide to fund their next-gen engine R&D via these methods. I'm OK w/ it, no one is being forced to buy it. And let's face it, next-gen could use more games right now.

Tomb Raider was a darn good game.

Mikethejew3877d ago

Actually if you morons understood more than just video games youd know that the company said it sold below expectations. So 4mill may be a lot to you the company thought theyd sell a lot more. Go spend some time getting educated.

Imalwaysright3877d ago

Since when, selling below expectations means that the game wasn't a comercial success or profitable? CD is already working on the sequel and there is only ONE reason why SE gave CD the green light to do so.

I'm surprised that you haven't figured out what that reason is, seeing that you are oh so much superior than the rest of us common mortals but don't worry, I'll give you 100 years for you to figure it out on your own.

ground_beef3876d ago

Ok, yes, SE DID say that the game sold below expectations, but at the time SE was saying that, the game sold about 2 mill copies, they said the same about sleeping dogs and hitman, and again both games sold about 2 mill at the time they said it. But after a few months there was a surge in purchases for all three games, especially tomb raider. In the end it sold 4 mill +, and SE even released another statement saying that the didn't expect such a late surge in sales for all three games, especially tomb raider, and that SE was overall happy with the outcome, even though it took more time. They said that at the end all three games met their sales expectations. You can follow all these stories here or at any other vgames news site in their archives. All in all tomb raider was a freakin awesome game, I don't know why people hate on it, for me it was amazing in every way. An example of how to successfully reboot a dying franchise.

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twinspectre3877d ago

100% agree
a REMAKE like RE Rebirth would be great

TopDudeMan3877d ago

Meh, We played them this year, do we really need to own them on every console?

Anon19743877d ago

I want it. This game slipped my list somehow and I missed out on it first time around. I think it'll be great to have a crack at this on the PS4 (once I finally find one).

I have nothing against ports. A good game is a good game, no matter when it came out. Looking forward to this one.

justSumDood3877d ago

Some people will.
There are also those that didnt get to play it the first time around.

Either way, i think these re-makes are ALL perfect candidates for the "upgrade" deal that some companies have been doing recently.
Or better yet, the FREE cross-buy deal that has been so popular on sonys machine.

0ut1awed3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

If you like pretty games with a bit more functionallity then sure, I guess it's okay. It ultimatley comes down to you purchasing it anyways so if you are then you obviously think it's okay.

As someone who owns a gaming PC and a PS4, I have zero desire for these because they will still won't quite stack up to the PC version that I played months ago.

As Zod said, I would much rather them concentrate on awesome console exclusives. But that's just me I guess.

DealWithIt3877d ago

I am actually waiting for GTA5 and TLOU on PS4 (with updated graphics taking advantage of next-gen power). Tomb Raider would be awesome as well.

ZodTheRipper3877d ago

Yes I am too somehow but as I said, I won't give them the full price (69,99€ in Germany at the moment) for it. I think 39,99€ would be my pain threshold.

SoulSercher6203877d ago

GTA 5 may happen. But I believe Naughty Dog shot down the possibility of TLOU coming to PS4.

AngelicIceDiamond3877d ago

Imo, its just an money grab. I know some will buy it for next gen for the visual flare but like I said its just a simple money grab.

Irishguy953877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

Haha, sony fans lopped up the 'HD remakes'. The only difference now is that Sony have even less of an excuse for the remakes. Because 720p doesn't look like **** on HD tv's. Its just a simple ->

"No you can't play Ps3 games on Ps4. Tough ****. You must buy them again, and when we implement our cloud system you must pay a fee to play them again."

Or you could just keep your Ps3 and stop feeding the habitual cash grab HD remastered games

Lucky for me I'm a PC gamer. So last gen I could play all PS2 games in HD through PCSX2.
PC > Consoles

Edit- Cared enough to comment that you don't care. I just thought I'd let you know that Sony's advanced next gen PS4 doesn't play PS2 games. And my PC does.

Oh don't worry infected, I loved uncharted and the last of us. I didn't say i'm only a PC gamer. How was all those strategy games? Total war? Sins of a Solar empire? Oh wait -> Consoles don't do strategy games.

3877d ago
3877d ago
guitarded773877d ago

It takes far less resources to port over from PC to PS4/XBOX One, so it's effect on new development is minimal. I have no problem with it. The game's prices drop fast so it's not like we have to wait long to play them.

I've already played Tomb Raider, so I'll pass, but if they get Batman Arkham Origins on PS4/XBOX One, which could likely happen, I'd get it when the price drops. I do think they should have an entry point of $40 for a game that has been out for a year on last-gen.

turgore3877d ago

Not everyone played it on last gen consoles. Also, it is a good opportunity for developers to get to know the new consoles.

isa_scout3877d ago

You had me all the way up until you said TLOU. I would gladly pay full price to play TLOU on my PS4 with upgraded visuals.
In the end I'll probably still buy Tomb Raider for my PS4 on the 28th. It's not like anything else is coming out, and I'm getting bored. Where are those indie games that were supposed to keep us busy after launch?
If anything this is a blessing. I don't know about the rest of you but I've beaten Resogun so many damn times I'm starting to see it when I close my eyes at night. At least this is something different to play.

ZodTheRipper3877d ago

You really would? I don't know ...I'm truly in love with this game (#1 on my "Best PS3 Games"-list) but here in Germany new games cost 70€ ...which is a lot for a game I finished 3x already. As I've said before, my pain threshold would be at about 40€ for real masterpieces like TLOU, Demon's Souls or God Of War 3.

staticdash223877d ago

I don't understand this. The division, destiny, and dying light have been done before. SEVERAL times this gen. It would benefit you to look them up. There's nothing new about those games, except that new hardware has made the execution better. I've played games that have tried this singleplayer and multiplayer blend, but it didn't work out due to the limitation of the hardware

ZodTheRipper3877d ago

I know what you mean but still these concepts are somehow new and better than the re-release of a game we got a few months ago.

Dying Light has parkour elements which seem to work really well and change up the gameplay of Dead Rising.

Destiny is a shooter/RPG like Borderlands but with larger, persistant online worlds.

And The Division seems to be an open world game with many walkable buildings and a strongly improved presentation overall.

Flipgeneral3877d ago

Its the price point that bugs me. I would easily pay $30, maaaybe $40, but $60 is a little absurd.

Ill just wait a month when it drops to a more appropriate price.

thatgamereviews3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition is not a terrible idea, but considering the game got like no extra DLC or anything (other than for the subpar multiplayer) I don't really see the point of this beyond better graphics. If they actually made some changes like Deus Ex: HR Directors Cut than maybe it would be worth it. Still, it's a good deal for people who haven't bought the game yet and the graphics do look fantastic.

Also @conzul A Remember Me port for next-gen which had better graphics and made some changes to gameplay would be amazing.

Moz3877d ago

I doubt this has detracted much from development of TR2 as all the improvements to the engine will be from the work they are doing for the next game and this will generate extra cash to fund development

Qrphe3877d ago

Just don't buy them. If they flop then they'll learn the hard way. If people buy them and keep them alive, well, there'd be nothing we can do but see more coming.

wsoutlaw873877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

Its no different than all the launch day ports that are out for next gen now. I didnt get a chance to play it yet so ill get this with all the dlc and better graphics. I wouldnt ever re buy it though.

Trekster_Gamer3877d ago

I enjoyed this game immensely on the 360 but there is no way in heck I will be spending 65 for hair folicles! If I could trade up for 10 then sure, otherwise I will wait for a much cheaper price!

dale_denton3877d ago

for a full price of $60 is a problem.. maybe $30 is the right price

nunley333877d ago

There's a lot of great ps3 games I would love to play on the ps4. I bought Tomb Raider on ps3 and it's in the top 5 best games released in 2013,I would buy it again,especially if it had new trophies but it's unlikely.

Thatguy-3103877d ago

I would get a copy for the last of us simply because it's the only game I play right now on the ps3. Would love just having it on the ps4 since I'm only messing with battlefield 4 the most there.

Underworld3877d ago

Tomb Raider 2013 is a great game. Absolutely loved it. You should finish it. I have no problem with it being released on PS4, and I plan on buying it again. I'd also buy The Last of Us again if it comes to PS4.

avengers19783876d ago

Yes they are, devs should be focused on making new games.
From there standpoint though I imagine it wouldn't take much effort to make an old game look better on the new consoles and I'm sure people will buy them again for 60$ so it's almost pure profit. I'd much rather see tomb raider 2 then a remake of tomb raider.

If you never played that "old" version you can pick it up for next to nothing. 10-15$

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Relientk773877d ago

I dont wanna see Next-Gen Re-Releases. I wanna see new IPs, and bring back the classics.

Legend of Dragoon 2
Grandia 4
Syphon Filter
Crash Bandicoot

bggriffiths3877d ago

I'd love another Grandia game, especially as the third one never made it to Europe.

A decent return from Crash would be cool too, although Naughty Dog will be too busy. I wasn't a fan of the last one (not a ND game) where you had to hop on the back of other creatures.

twinspectre3877d ago

AMEN Classics are 1000000 better

mhunterjr3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

This game in particular seems like a decent title to re-release. I haven't played it yet, just haven't found the time, and apparently, it was under appreciated at retail, despite being well received critically.

bggriffiths3877d ago

I think it sold quite well, but fell below Square's ridiculously high sales expectations from what I remember reading in one of their quarterly reports. If you've not played it yet though you're in for a treat!

mhunterjr3877d ago

Just read up on it, they were expecting 5-6 mil in one month. That IS ridiculous. They did create a quality title, and had they not let the franchise go stale until recently, it would have probably had enough mindshare to hang with games like Uncharted.

I think a re-release, followed by a proper sequel will do good for mindshare. I'll probably wait for the xb1 version to experience this game.

Bigpappy3877d ago

I like would buy old franchises it the developers are willing and able to change the gameplay and A.I enough to make the game feel fresh. You can uses the same universe but don't just try to continue with more of the same. Make the challenge completely different by making the A.I very unpredictable (attack differently and set different traps); Give the main character different options as to how to approach and modify the ones they already had (change the bullets so they do different things on impact; give the player more options and control over stealth kills). There are a lot of ways to refresh and old franchise. The developer just needs to be creative or get help with new ideas.

Flipgeneral3877d ago

Yeah, I agree with you. Its sad how their main points of interest are graphical improvements

Hellsvacancy3877d ago

Most of us do it now with these HD Collections, I'm actually waiting on FFXHD, can't wait to play it again with sharper visuals

It's hard to let go of good games sometimes, i'd kill for a updated version of Populous The Beginning

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Sonic1881153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

I do agree that Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness was the worse one 😂 I remember playing some of it and I took it back. That game was just awful in every way. I bought it used at gamestop and glad they had that 7 day return policy for used games 😂

Pyrofire95153d ago

Would it be worth saying why?

ZeekQuattro153d ago

Simple. He's been hating on the Tomb Raider reboots for years. I can't imagine seeing them at the top of a best TR game list let alone being on the list in general sitting well with him because of it.

-Foxtrot153d ago



No no, just pointing out how TR mutated into a generic action adventure game losing the appeal of what it once was when it was more about puzzles and platforming over going Rambo, slaughtering waves of enemies

But hey, continue being a dick and speaking about me like I’m not going to see the comment.

MeatyUrologist152d ago

Foxtrot, I'm curious if you have played the most recent games. Sure the 2013 reboot was hugely focused on combat, but each follow up became less and less about combat to the point where outside of a few large scale story missions I don't even remember combat being a part of shadow of the tomb raider. Shadow was so puzzle focused it actually was a bit much for me and I love the TR puzzles.

I still feel like Rise was the best of the series and I was a huge fan of the originals. To me it struck the perfect balance of exploration, platforming, puzzles, and combat. Not saying your opinion is wrong I'm just curious what you think they should have done different. Games do need to evolve somewhat to stay relevant. Would you prefer small linear jumping platform levels like the original?

RavenWolfx153d ago

I would agree Rise for 1 and the reboot as 2. Shadow is a bit high, though.

Sonic1881153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

I think Shadow wasn't even develop by crystal dynamics. I thought it was the worse in the new trilogy

Pyrofire95153d ago

That's right. Shadow was developed by Eidos Montreal who who went and made Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy next. (Great game)
Meanwhile after Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics made Marvels Avengers. (bad game)

MeatyUrologist153d ago

Agrees. First two are correct but Shadow should be around 5-6.

terstomp153d ago

For me, Legend should be alot higher (along with the other two ). Shadow, I enjoyed it, but has too much has fluff, as modern games tend to do. Playing the remastered series, and apart from the controls, is very good.

jznrpg153d ago

I really enjoyed the first 2 games, Legend and the first of the reboots and the rest I didn’t get into so I never finished.

robtion153d ago

Completely subjective list. I really liked Underworld, I preferred Lara's design. That said I loved the horror/uncharted feel of the reboot. I think all the TR games have strengths and weaknesses. None are objectively better in every way.

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