
Opinion: Publishers Must Find A Better Way To Protect Copyright

This morning's news about extensive copyright claims against a multitude of game-related videos on YouTube has prompted a lot of discussion about the best way for publishers to work with the community. United States copyright law is gray in a lot of places, but there is one thing that is certain. Content creators have a duty to vigorously defend their intellectual property. Failure to do so isn’t a gesture of kindness, it’s the bullet that becomes suddenly and unexpectedly lodged in the foot.

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Malice-Flare3942d ago

too bad they won't. costs too much for them to do so...

guitarded773942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

In today's world, it's pretty much impossible. They need to learn to make money from more places. Bands used to make most of their money through record sales, and being on big labels. Now many are independent, and make most of their money through live performance and getting their names on as many products as possible. That's why we see SO MANY signature edition guitars compared to 20 years ago. The internet makes copyright a losing battle. All anyone has to do is have information in a country which does not respect copyright. Even countries like China say they respect copyright, but don't do anything about it, so you have most of the world's counterfeit goods coming from the same factories that make the legit stuff.

XiSasukeUchiha3942d ago

Yes they should a better, and alternative ways to protect their copyrights

dcj05243942d ago

Twitch seems like the best alternative. I like daily motion but that's mainly just boobs and soft core.

LeCreuset3942d ago

I think they have every right to say that they don't want someone else making money off of their work. Whether that is a smart decision or not is for another topic. It must be weird for some of these publishers/developers whose games get ripped by these critics to see the critics costing them sales making money off of their work. Some will argue that the YT critics put in their own work on these vids, which may be true but they are still making money off of the copyrighted material. If not, this wouldn't be a problem and they could just do a review using their own originality with no copyrighted material.

That said, let this serve as a reminder that publishers/developers are in a business. Can we stop trying to sacrifice rights on our end as consumers to "support the developers." When it comes down to it, they're looking after their own interests. We should look after ours.

MidnytRain3942d ago

Pulling down video game walkthroughs and background music isn't "protecting" anything. Whoever's taking down the vids is a troll.

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How Did You Know Gaming has survived the terrors of YouTube for over a decade

Did You Know Gaming explains the issues of YouTube in the modern day, crowdfunding books and creating a new board game.

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Bethesda & Xbox To Meet Up With Laid-Off Deep Silver Volition Employees

According to a LinkedIn post, Bethesda and Xbox Game Studio representatives will meet up with Deep Silver Volition employees.

shinoff2183377d ago (Edited 377d ago )

That's pretty cool, but didn't they just lay of 10k as a whole. Reportedly some from the gaming division even.

Confused in pa.

Sonyslave3377d ago

Yes they did , it the circle of life in the tech bizz.

blackblades377d ago

Circle of life of meh games

mkis007376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

This is called good PR. And an opportunity to hire veterans over scrubs.

phoenixwing376d ago

Not to call them scrubs but yeah some veteran devs are more welcome than others with less experience

Flakegriffin375d ago (Edited 375d ago )

You can hire veterans all day long but it’s the talent Microsoft lacks.

Zeref376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

It was mostly outside of gaming. Most of the game studios weren't affected besides 343i and Coalition from what I recall

Charlieboy333376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

But of course. Just look at the latest Saint's Row....that is exactly the level of quality and writing that Xbox strives for these days.

Aloymetal375d ago

Nope, like Redfall, Craig infinite

375d ago
ravens52376d ago

There u go. This is way more acceptable than buying up studios. Buy individual talent until you strengthen your already owned studios. 👏🏽

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Google is reportedly bringing instantly playable online games to YouTube

Service currently being tested internally.

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Welshy459d ago

Wasn't this touted as a feature of Stadia previously and never came to fruition? I swear I remember a whole thing about "watching a youtuber play Assassins Creed? Just hit the embedded play button and immediately jump to exactly where they are in the game!"

just_looken459d ago

It was then it came out in beta i tried it then like alot of google stuff poof gone into the either.

Now its back no doubt behind there youtube paywall crap after you buy the game sense they supported stadia so well you know this will get all that support also.

gold_drake459d ago

google should be more focusing on their google play games to function on pcs already.

i dont wanna wait any longer haha

just_looken459d ago

Windows 11 can do that right now

Though yes janky it would be nice if it was from google but like m$ and its xbox pc app these trillion dollar companies take there time on everything.

GoodGuy09459d ago

Makes sense. Youtube is...a very big platform and been around very long lol. If I could go to a game streaming tab on my youtube app instantly, that'd be cool honestly.