
Xbox One sells 2 Million Units in 18 Days

Xbox One sells 2 Million Units in 18 Days

Some solid numbers coming out of the global Xbox One launch last month:
2 Million Consoles sold through in 13-markets in the first 18-days
Over 83 million hours in games, TV, and apps on Xbox One since the system launched
39 million Xbox One achievements unlocked
595 million total Gamerscore achieved on Xbox One
At peak demand, customers were ordering the Xbox One console at over 1000 units per minute on Amazon.com

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kataloni103880d ago

congrats to MS ... its a good things for us gamers that both ps4 and xbox one sell is a succee :D

Naga3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

Yeah, with the news of 2.1M sold on the PS4 side, I was getting pretty curious about the Xbox One numbers. These are some pretty high-flying numbers for both sides.

Things will get really interesting several months from now, after the initial launch pool of customers have dried up. When each console's staying power is put to the test, then we might start to see a winner emerge. At least for now, this one is far too close to call.

Lalanana3880d ago

Only in 13 countries ..over 2 million sold.. That is pretty damn good. congrats Ms

DeathOfTheFanBoy3880d ago

We as gamers are the winners, doesn't matter which money hungry corporation sells the most units.

Charybdis3880d ago

Its good to see that the competition isn't one sided hopefully Microsoft and Sony will keep trying to one up each other.

Eonjay3880d ago

Question. Major Nelson says it sold through 2 million in 18 days. Others are saying its over 2 million. I think we should go by Major Nelson's statement as he does work for the company.

Naga3880d ago


... was there actually a question in there?

Eonjay3880d ago

@onagao Lol yes I like exact numbers for my calculations Lol. I guess we know now that it wasn't sold out. If they had 1.5 sold as of 11/30/2013 that means that 500k sold over the last ten days. Unless they have an immaculate supply chain it can't be sold out.

DeadlyFire3880d ago

PS4 will win sales in the long run. Its cheaper, has stronger brand, and its matching everying XB1 can do and then some.

Still though sales numbers disprove Nintendo's theory of people not buying into next generation due to cost and bad economies.

PS4 sold 1 million in 2 countries at Nov. 15th launch. Euro launch landed Nov. 29th. They state on Dec. 1st 2.1 Million sold.

XB1 sold 1 million at its launch in 13 countries Nov. 22nd. Now on Dec 10th we hear XB1 sold 2 million.

Both Microsoft and Sony are heading towards outpacing WiiU by March if their sales don't pick up. Nintendo still has the price advantage.

JeffGUNZ3880d ago

@ Deadlyfire.

How can you say that? Right now it's $100 cheaper, but what will the prices be 4 years from now? Will their be a "slim" version of these consoles, different models, etc. It's very premature to make a statement like that less than a month after launch. All we know are these systems are selling much better at launch then we really expected. Kudos to both of them.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3880d ago

But N4G told me MS and the Xbox One are dead. And nobody was going to buy one that expensive and less powerful with Kinect.

LMAO at all the people eating crow on this one out there across the webz. Console gaming and the X1 are far from dead.

NewMonday3880d ago


everyone said the PS4 will outsell the XBone and it's happening, 5-3 in the USA and about 4-1 in parts of Europe, better to stay grounded instead of setting yourself up for disappointment.

DragonKnight3880d ago

@Lalanana: "only" 13 countries? Do you even math? 2 million in 18 days in 13 countries is not "pretty damn good." It's ok.

abzdine3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

let's see how much truth there is into that knowing MS they do everything to show they're doing well.
PS4 sold 2,3 million in 14days, just for info, and i think X1 numbers are waaayyy too coincidential.

PS4 sold 1million in 2 countries, X1 1million in 13countries first week.
curious to see how much PS4 sold since release

4Sh0w3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

lol, NewMonday yes it is pretty damm good because all the blog hype and BS fanboys were predicting 4-1 crap, some still saying stupid predictions but here we are with the FACTS all proving different. That's exactly why I never believe n4g and those ridiculous blogs.

Congrats to microsoft.

loulou3880d ago

Dragon knight

So, if 2m in 13 countries is just OK, then what is 2.1m in 30 countries??????

Help me understand your reasoning please

gaffyh3880d ago

Pretty good numbers tbh, now though is when you see the difference. When the pre-order's have been fulfilled, and you start to see whether the price is sustainable.

Saigon3880d ago

I am Sorry, Not trying to hate because it is good that MS did this but am I the only one that truly does not believe this. I mean it is possible, but with everything officially reported, the numbers do not add up. I am sorry MS and Major, but these numbers do not add up. I suspect that these numbers are shipped, since MS can track those numbers. This is not the defense force trying to down play these numbers, I am just being logical especially with everything reported.

zero_gamer3880d ago

Actually Xbox One is doing so damn well for a console so controversial and hated. It did much better than expected. You can at least give MS some credit for that.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3880d ago

Nope NewMonday.. people might of said that as well...but people doomed the X1 to fail, and that nobody would buy it with Kinect and a 100 bucks more.

If the more powerful console and less expensive console didn't outsell the X1, then there's a big problem for you Sony guys. Bad enough that the sales are this close when MS didn't release in as many territories as the PS4... plus the better overall launch games that the X1 has over the PS4.

pyramidshead3880d ago

I agree! Congrats to MS indeed.

Although it may be short lived come 2moro's article.

Should be a fun read ;p.

MorePowerOfGreen3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

Look at the replies I was getting LOL


Xbox One sells this much with less time being on the market compared to PS4 and way less countries than PS4. NA historically buys Xbox products at Christmas time like hotcakes, XB1 will prove "experts" & "Analyst" wrong.

Too many people and media falling for the anti XB1 smear campaign and infestation of PS4 fanboys in forums, blogs and comment sections.

Now off to see if IGN will even report on it.

Correct this if it's wrong. No funny numbers from PS4 fanboys.

Xb1 - 2mil in 18 days (13 countries)
Ps4 - 2.1 mil in 18 days 11/15-12/3 (32 countries)

Allocation to the bigger markets was smarter, even more so if both companies have made around the same amount of consoles. I have a feeling MSFT is making more consoles faster.

gaffyh3880d ago

@MorePOG - We don't know PS4 numbers. So those comments you were getting could in fact be quite valid. You should wait until all the numbers are out before talking.

NewMonday3880d ago

@4Sh0w & miDnIghtEr20C_SfF

the reality is we now see XB1 fans lowering the bar adjusting to the new status quo.

it's not even close the 2.1m PS4 number was a combination of the first 2 day stats in USA+Europe, comparing numbers from different time frames looks desperate.

the PS4 IS outselling the XBone by 7-2 in some countries and 5-3 in the USA.

talk about eating crows

buynit3880d ago

At deadlyfire

The ps4 can not do everything the xb1can do especially not out the box...

ziggurcat3880d ago

@ loulou

"Dragon knight

So, if 2m in 13 countries is just OK, then what is 2.1m in 30 countries??????"

2.1m... with a 2 week gap between launches (NA on november 15, EU on november 29), and it hasn't even launched in japan yet.

karl3880d ago

well the xbox fanboys are finally coming out.

congrats to MS.. thats a great number

imt5583880d ago

Microsoft said that XO sold in 2 mil 10 DAYS AFTER Sony annouced they sold 2.1 mil. PS4's. Question is : HOW MUCH SONY SOLD PS4'S AFTER 2.1 MIL. ANNOUCEMENT?

Some people thing they are neck and neck in sales. I don't think so.

mikeslemonade3880d ago

Those numbers are shipped and funny how Major Nelson brings up the zombie stats again to back it up just because they are losing right now.

So we know from conclusive reports that PS4s can't stay on shelves while X1s are staying on shelves for some stores. Major Nelson can only be positive about how much they shipped but not sold.

nukeitall3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

I actually find this hilarious!


I would like to say I told you so that the sales figures will be much closer than all the made up numbers of 5-to-1 ratio between PS4 and Xbox One.

Fact of the matter is that both consoles sell out as soon as they are available.

However, I remember last generation when people were using revenue (i.e. the amount of consoles sold times the price) to try claim this and that.

This is just the beginning, and the battles doesn't start until the console moving games start rolling in March, and the system matures more.

Right now, it is just the launch and holiday hype selling consoles.

However, this proves that PS4 and Xbox One is neck in neck sales wise even with the Xbox One being a $100 more expensive.


"@Lalanana: "only" 13 countries? Do you even math? 2 million in 18 days in 13 countries is not "pretty damn good." It's ok."

I guess according to you, it's just ok for Sony too?

Especially since the Xbox One cost a $100 more....

mikeslemonade3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )


Who said 5 to 1? 3:2 and then 2:1 later.

Yes they're "neck and neck" in the time allotted 18 days. So you don't care who finishes a race first huh??

If I finish a 20k marathon in one hour while the other person finishes the 20k marathon in 3 hours, who is the better runner?

If PS4 sells out in a couple days while the reported X1s are still in stock in most stores but eventually sells out in 18 days, which is the more successful system?

Ju3880d ago

PS4 is 2:1 in Europe and a little bit less in the US. But all in all in the US sales for both are so strong that supply bottle necks in fact evens out any advantage; well, it's still in about 500K over all - which is quite significant during relative low absolute numbers so far. It was clear that both will sell out what they can build. Sony can't really pull ahead - with theirs sold out in days what take MS longer; but basically both sell whatever they can make before they can restock.

Overall, this is a typical MS game. Taking a number we are familiar with (2M), removing some attributes (what's the cut in date?), adding some others ("18 days") and make it look like we are actually talking about the same thing. But in fact we are talking about different things.

Sony is ahead, MS isn't too far behind, so much I agree. But they are in fact behind in all markets. This is also a fact. And I doubt it's because MS can't make more than that - they have the cash to swamp the market if they have to.

ShinMaster3880d ago

PS4 = 2.1M over a week ago.

XBO = 2M in 18 days to date.

PS4 numbers haven't been updated for this week yet.

ToyboxDX3880d ago

So... PS4 2.1 million on Dec 1st whereas XBone up to 2 million on Dec 10.

There's a gap of 10 days meaning PS4 could be at 2.9 million by now?

AndrewLB3879d ago

Deadlyfire- Sony a stronger brand? Are you crazy? Microsoft is a FAR more powerful company than Sony.


Triella3879d ago

MS cannot be trusted with these figures, first of because there is no way they have manufactured  2m consoles, their own target shipment figures (not sold, shipped) for end of fiscal year 6.2 m (reduced from 7 m) proves that they can only manufacture an average of 620K a month. Therefore three months of production = 1.86m. And that is if you don’t take into account the problems of component supply they faced in September, the fact that the last two weeks of production are either not yet shipped, on their way, or waiting to be dispatched in distributors warehouses, and that Xbox Ones are still available by many retailers.

+ Show (31) more repliesLast reply 3879d ago
JokesOnYou3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

Yeah good for them. After all the turmoil, doom n gloom predictions and even the real factor with the higher price still managing to sell so close to the competitions impressive high sales is a major accomplishment. Both are doing amazing compared to last gen so far. I and a few of my friends are really having a great time with X1. Keep it coming micro.

Good times for gamers.

Cupid_Viper_33880d ago

Not to say the doom and gloom is ok, but The "Competitor" 2.1 Million units in 48 hours. It took MS 18 days, but 2 million is 2 million regardless.

3880d ago
Twilightx73880d ago


"The "Competitor" 2.1 Million units in 48 hours"

Actually, Sony sold 2.1 million units in ~16 days (the period of time between 11/15 and 12/1, including the international market.)

tigertom533880d ago

it was 2.1 million in 14 days..

snp3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

Actually, Sony sold 2.1 million units in ~16 days (the period of time between 11/15 and 12/1, including the international market.)

... sort of. It's really 'however many were sold in North America' over that full time, plus the number it sold where it was released in the rest of the world in only 1 or 2 days.

GiggMan3880d ago

@Jokes, the "Doom and Gloom" had nothing to do with it. The RROD didn't kill the 360 and it's fans still supported it. I personally don't know anyone who didn't have a 360 die on them, including myself.

Bad press and PR doesn't stop a product (at least in the gaming community) It did however make it a race in the US where MS had the clear advantage. You can't find a PS4 anywhere and if there where more available it'll be more in the lead than what it is.

Eonjay3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

As of 11/30/2014 PS4 had 2.1 Million. That is 15 days. Does it really matter though. Holla at me in one year. The real comparison is to see how long each takes to meet or exceed the Wii U.

By the way anyone looking for a PS4 or XBO can get it Sunday @ Gamespot. YOU MUST BE THERE WHEN THEY OPEN TO STAND A CHANCE.

HiddenMission3880d ago

To all above who don't understand the 2.1 million in 48 hours it was in fact just that.

On the US/Canada launch they sold a million units in 24 hours. They sold all of those units so no sales until the next launch. You can't those days if there were no product on shelves to sell.

Next up came most of the rest of the world and another 1.1 million units sold on the that launch day.

That's a total of 48 hours of actually being in stock and on shelves.

So that's how you get 2.1 million in 48 hours.

With XB1 it had a global launch and did 1.25 ish in the initial 24 hours. There was still stock on shelves which did not sell on launch day.

The XB1's that were on shelves and did not sell took an additional 17 days to hit the 2 million mark.

Both numbers are great but the perspective is that one product actually ran out of stock and thus could not sell higher numbers while the other was in stock and continued to sell over 17 days but at a much slower rate.

This simply tells you about which is in higher demand by how fast a product sells out of stock.

snp3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

del. got convoluted.

DoubleM703880d ago

Why do many disagrees on your comment. Nothing negative was said...SMH

JamieL3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

Wow Hidden that was one hell of a spin. Did you apply this same formula to MS's sales?

This is to get you heated up and lose sleep tonight, "Sont sucks". There you go, now get mad and spin that, then get back on here and teach me a lesson.

JeffGUNZ3880d ago

@ HiddenMission

Stop. Just stop. You count those days. Some logic on this site blows my mind. Both are selling very well kudos to that.

ABizzel13880d ago

@EE against Cupid_Viper_3

His numbers come from the fact that the PS4 launched to over 1 million in NA, and launched to over 700k in EU, which brought it's total up to 2.1M between the 2 launches.

You guys are counting November 15th (NA only launch) - November 29th (EU launch) as the time frame for sales (aka 14 days).

He's counting the fact that the PS4 total sales came to 2.1 million from the launch weekend alone November 15 - 16 (48 hour launch for NA), November 29 - 30 (48 hour launch for EU), which is why he said 2.1 million in 48 hours. Which to be honest is actual way to look at it, since Sony couldn't sell more because they were only in NA at the time.

XBO on the other hand launched in all it's territories and it took them 18 days to get the same results.

Whatever spins your boat is up to you, but congrats to both.

ape0073880d ago

WOW the all in one approach worked wonders, which is the opposite of what i expected, MS is in better place than sony right now, they can introduce a kinectless X1 which will bring potential buyers, while the 500$ full xbox one still has great demand

they really done it

mrmarx3880d ago

i dont believe those numbers.

rainslacker3880d ago

Both systems sold good. Actual release dates don't matter this early in the life when they're so close.

If they both sold 2 million we can expect them to maintain that through the holiday and probably sell most of what they can supply.

In the end, it means both systems will be supported by third party, and neither is likely to fail unless there is a huge drop off of sales after initial launch demand dies down.

ALLWRONG3880d ago

Cupid_Viper_3 is proof that the bubble system fails.

4Sh0w3880d ago

HiddenMission I'm dizzy from reading that, when sony announces 2.1 mil it's everything they sold up until that point, not just their 2 launch days total, that would be as nine for them to not give total sales. So was ps4 scarce after both launches yes but so was X1. Both have sold out and both have had limited restock at bestbuys, walmart, amazon, just X1 has had better resupply it looks like. Either way 2mil sold vs 2.1mil sold doesn't matter the countries or launches both are selling very well.

Ju3880d ago

Err....PS4 sold 2.1M 11 days ago...So, we are thinking they haven't sold anything since?

mikeslemonade3880d ago

"The proof is in the pudding" Why else would Major Nelson say the zombie stats afterwards??

That's the number they shipped. It's conclusive that PS4 is sold out and higher demand while X1 is in a lot of store shelves. This actually disapproves a lot of zealot theory.. The theory that since X1 is doing a better job of supplying when in fact Sony is creating the same amount of supply if not better if you guy the 2 million "shipped/sold" so far.

Death3880d ago


Both are obviously selling as many as they can make. Both are hard to find, but the PS4 is harder to find. We won't know how long the demand can be sustained until both are readily available. Time will tell.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3880d ago
joeorc3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )


Exactly, when both are selling this fast, it means a very good incentive for Developer's to keep support, Nintendo also with its 3DS are showing a very healthy mobile game console sale through number's, with the xbox360 and the PS3 also showing very strong number's. Game console's are showing strong market demand despite the massive market demand for Mobile and Tablet Smart devices.


100% agreement, with number's that all three console companies all having great sales through number's for the systems, there is good number's that keeps developer's interest in development for the platforms they release.


this is something they could get into quite a bit of trouble, if they are not telling the truth to the investors. while Microsoft has not really been fast stating the sale through number's as fast as other companies may have had the number's faster, than Microsoft, its very doubtful that Microsoft is going to lie about these numbers. Really with the start of both Microsoft and Sony's start for this new generation of release system cycle barely shy of of the start of being on the 3 weeks from release, to just Lie about these number's when its just starting out. Long in the tooth sale through number's are really the goal in this whole thing to have sustained sales over time.

there is always good to have great sales number's off the bat, but its more important not having to pull a product off the shelf early like the PSPGo or the Zune before the company wanted too.

vigilante_man3880d ago

Taking whether I believe MS on their sell-through numbers or not to one side for a moment I just gotta say it is amazing to be a new console owner!

I got my PS4 and waited a week till patches to open it. It is amazing! So fast, so sleek, so quiet (sometimes I only hear the HDD reading/writing) and it switches back and forth between tasks quicker than my heart beats.

The controller is from another planet and I even played with the vita as a controller and it rocks too. The videos in the store load so quick. It is better in nearly every way. What a massive difference.

And I guess you XB1 owners are feeling the same too. Yes, there are niggles that will get ironed out such as no MP3 support, Blurays movies do not play as good as PS3, and no money left for more games - it is christmas soom!

I have so many great games still to play on the PS3 but this PS4/Vita experience is so far ahead that I love next gen already!!!

beerzombie3879d ago

We are going to get some kick ass games because of this. Developers are going to be super charged and ready to make great games. The rest of the community can see that the Gamming Media are lazy liars who do not care about truth and gamers.

badz1493880d ago

source is majornelson.com?

major LOL! not saying he's lying or anything, just waiting for PS4's numbers from shuuheiyoshida.com!

HighResHero3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

The PS4 numbers will be more interesting in a month or so because of its' current unavailability.

Edit: What I stated is a FACT, we won't know the real demand for EITHER console for several weeks after the current demand is met and official numbers are released.

Volkama3880d ago

Yes, the source is essentially Microsoft. The only source with complete and valid sales figures.

I don't see how it's funny, but I may just be getting too old to appreciate this line of humour :|

SonyKong643880d ago

it's funny because major Nelson has been caught lying numerous times over the years and yet desperato Microsoft slaves still take his word as gospel.

it's the definition of gullible..

what's more gullible, believing major Nelson or buying a picture of an Xbox for your 4 yr old son?

insomnium23880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )


I agree. MS is also the only console manufacturer to have been caught channel stuffing by their own official financial statements.

Not saying it's not true but people should really take everything outside official financial statements with a huge grain of salt. Especially from MS. Let's see what they report in their following quartarly reports shall we.

Jazz41083880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

That man claimed the ps4 had no pulsing red light for overheating when the next day many people video taped it happening and he tweeted a major lie. I would not believe anything coming from Yoshida as the proof is easy to see. I am very happy to see both consoles selling as the industry as a whole depends greatly on this.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3880d ago
showtimefolks3880d ago

early on whatever sony and ms can produce will sell out quickly and that's a very positive sign

it took wiiu a long time to sell even one million

Volkama3880d ago

The moral of the story is:

Sony and MS have pretty similar manufacturing capacity for their respective consoles.

The end.

Nicolee3880d ago

No !!! i won't accept it. we can't get along

end of story .

ps. just kidding lol

JackISbacK3880d ago

wow ,this news realy made my day,this shows how great the consoles are selling,both companies got it may be they both havent thought that the numbers will go this high after the stupid predictions of pather,first of all where is this patther shit is hiding,some body deliver my message to him that console gaming is not duying any soon but has only rysen,we gamers are not gona die so soon and more people are about to become gamers,yaha go gamers go make this stupid pather to bent on his knees ,its realy amazing ,i was realy sceared that at what amaount these xb1 is selling,it also could have been more people turning to buy ps4 so thats why the numbers may have rosen,but this news is a relief that bot are selling great and so far console sales,only of xb1 and ps4 combined may have crossed 4.5 and stupid pather was pridicting the sales of xb1 and ps4 to reach 5 millions combined and they both alone have crossed 2 millions in less than a month and these are the numbers when freat games have not launched on any of the consoels,and just imagine waht will be the numbers when games like titanfall,infamous ss ,quantum break,order 1886,project spark,fables legends,halo 5 and the 2nd wave of great multiplats will land on both sides and 70% gamers are waiting for games to land on both which all arev ready to buy in upcoming months what about those who will land on next gen at the late 2014 and 2015? future of gaming is bright.

DeadlyFire3880d ago

Now its Sonys turn to reveals numbers again.

Ghoul3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

please condider one thing.

no publisher or manufacturer in the world can tell you how many units the customers bought. They simply lack the data, since most retailers dont hand them out.

what they can though is tell you how many THEY sold to the Retailmarket (every unit shipped to retail is a +1 in sales for the publisher even if it gets returned by the retail market).

same with sony and nintendo so dont bring up any famboy bullshit please

Every number about sales from the mothercompany is allways the units sold/shipped to Retail NOT how many units are at the consumers .

rainslacker3880d ago

System sales can be tracked by tracking how many they sold to retailer, and when the user registers the system, so they can usually tell within a pretty small margin of error how many sold.

It's also very possible that they can assume how many are sold, since the big retailers will let MS and Sony know this information upon request, and it's safe to assume that since we know at least that the PS4 is on back-order that they can assume what is shipped is all but sold.

Otherwise, yeah, all companies used shipped numbers. For all intents and purposes, a shipped unit is sold to them.

Ghoul3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

you are right, but not every system is registering or going online. Its as you said a rough but kinda accurate assumption.

i do share your point completly and i didnt say that theses numbers are not valid, hence i started with "please consider".

i just wanted to remind people that these are not official numbers even if its pretty close.

sorry for playing the nitpicker :D


Death3880d ago

Retailers do not give up these numbers on request. That is why NPD exists. They are paying for this information and then sell it back to the various manufacturers. Walmart is one retailer that refuses to release their sales numbers. As for the registration theory, it would work better if this was not the holiday buying time with many consoles sitting under Christmas trees. You also have to take in consideration unauthorized resellers that are buying units to resell for higher amounts. Are you counting these as sold units also?

The bottom line is both are selling very well which is to be expected for this time of year. What was unexpected is the Xbox One selling this close to the PS4 with all the BS leading up to launch and the added retail price which places it $100 higher than the PS4. It launched a week later, has a higher price and is in less markets. That's impressive.

3880d ago Replies(5)
QuickdrawMcgraw3880d ago

Why is it a good thing that both PS4 and Xbox1 succeed?

Mosiac773880d ago

The more Sony and Microsoft sale the quicker developers will start concentrating on the new generation

callahan093880d ago

At this point it looks as though the PS4 + XBO combined have outsold the Wii U, already. Just a couple of weeks into launch for the new machines and they have already outsold the Wii U which has been out for more than a full year and gone through an entire extra holiday season than the PS4 and XBO have. Why combine PS4 + XBO to compare to Wii U? For the reason you should combine PS3 + 360 to compare to the original Wii. Given the huge divide in hardware specs between the PS3/360 and Wii, and now the PS4/XBO and Wii U, developers look at these platforms as targets for their games in terms of either developing a Wii title or a PS/Xbox title. Games like Battlefield 4, they get made for the PS/Xbox series of consoles, the ones with the more power and fully-featured online capabilities, and they are not targeted to the Wii series of consoles. There's a reason for that, and it isn't just power of the machines and features available. It is also combined install base. Targeting PS/Xbox actually DOES have a larger combined install base than targeting Wii. There is also a higher attach rate for PS/Xbox than there is for Wii. And finally, you have the extra power and capabilities. The fact that the new generation of PS/Xbox machines is still doing so well compared to the Wii means that developers still have incentive to target those more powerful machines for their projects, which means we're locked in for another generation of having tons of third party content coming to the PS/Xbox that are left totally behind on the Wii U. Good news for anyone who bought a PS/Xbox.

3880d ago
kewlkat0073880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

Wow..I gotta say after..

-Damage controlling
-New restructuring within the company
-$100 more than competition
-Launched in 29 less countries than competition

I'm somewhat surprised.

Games_R_Us3880d ago

Its great to see people supporting the consoles. Whether its PS4 or XB1, buyers make my day. Now only wish people would pick up a Wii U so Nintendo doesn't exist the market lol.

Well done MS on a great turnaround and achievement.

Bigpappy3880d ago

Wow. These people prefer the VGcartz numbers. Lots of negative wishes here for X1 to fail. I think M$ is in a very, very strong position and will only get stronger as more people see the console in action. It will attract more than just core gamers, and that is a huge plus for M$ and developers.

We are going to see some new concepts come to X1 because it has all these included features in every box. Kinect and the second OS with the ability to run apps in a separate window, is going produce some things no one was expecting. Some developers are going to play around with this stuff, because its there, and find some really cool things to do in that second window, just as they will with Kinect.

ma1asiah3880d ago

I am going to add my congrats MS to this very awesome news.

Very awesome to hear that both consoles have started off with a great such a great start.

Great news for developers also who may have been afraid of big the install base would be at launch for both next gen consoles.

StoutBEER3880d ago

Wii U is my next purchase just for Super Mario 3D Land. Looks like the killer app has finally arrived!

MusicSurfer3880d ago

I love my PS4 but just picked up an one tonight... NO bias or fanboyism.... The one has blown me away!!!! Wow.... Amazing interface and gaming... I played dead rise for hours... I am shocked how amazing this system is!!!!

otherZinc3880d ago

Sales will be important 3 months from now. That's when the games will begin to sell the consoles as all of the loyalists on both sides will have a PS4 or XBOX ONE.

dj3boud3879d ago

Somehow I cannot believe it

GRiMLiNX3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

To be perfectly honest I'd like to see the numbers of active users, not the one sold, because these numbers could also be referring to the ones currently in stock at retailers worldwide.

Beside that, Kudos for both consoles, its going to be a well balanced fight :)

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 3879d ago
Mikelarry3880d ago

And some say console business is going the way of the dodo birds

HighResHero3880d ago

Now watch them pretend they never said what they did.

ltachiUchiha3880d ago

I can almost guarantee that these are shipped numbers but hey leave it microsoft to find a way to keep the hype going. Just kinda odd dont u think when reading in every area the competitor is actually selling 2 to 1 & even 3.5 to one in most areas in sales but the xbone is at 2 million all of a sudden lol. Just sounds fishy but ill tip my hat to microsoft if this is true.

Volkama3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

I'm not one of the people predicting doom for consoles, but there is still a long way to go before we can say console sales are not in decline.

Selling 2 million quickly is not in any way an indication that the consoles will still appeal to the other 80million+ it'll take to match last gen.

Still, 10 million sales to actual gamers used to be the golden "this console will get continued support" number back in the days of the dreamcast. If that's still remotely applicable we'll be OK :)

headblackman3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

and taco bell must've helped with the ps4's sales numbers

tigertom533880d ago

ONLY X1 14,000 units at McD.. LOL

joshmille993880d ago

Don't forget Doritos/Mountain Dew

joshmille993880d ago


Their called jokes.

JackISbacK3880d ago

wow man you are realy stupid,n4g must look for these immature people to join n4g

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3880d ago
EasilyTheBest3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

Well done Microsoft, congratulations.

OMG ! I'm getting disagrees for congratulating Microsoft, how sad can people get...

hollabox3880d ago

Trollers who don't have nothing else to do while living in their momma's basement.

malokevi3880d ago

Sad that their parent's will only agree to buy them one console.

"Jealousy is the suspicion of one’s own inferiority."

christocolus3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

OMG....lmao...i dont know why some psfans are upset over this news. This is one of the many reasons i never try arguing with most of them on n4g. I congratulated ms and said they deserved this.. and some fanboy called me crazy ..lol.. i cant stop laughing, i was happy when sony announced their figures and ms has done same now and these guys are pissed? They dont want the xbx to sell or get close to sonys nos..wth..

The weird thing about this is that most of them are so ignorant..they feel the majority of xbx fans are those found on n4g, neogaf and reddit.so when these sales numbers are announced they decide its a lie cos all they do is keep basing their figures on the ratio of xbx and ps fans on n4g and neogaf....smh

Stsonic3880d ago

Why is it so hard to believe that people simply don't like a particular brand?

Trekster_Gamer3880d ago

its not that its hard to believe its just childish trolling on Sony fanboy part what do you not understand???

Rainstorm813880d ago

Wait its childish to not like a brand? So all these people that hate EA are childish? Or is it only when people hate MS

In my Opinion people can hate whatever they like, it doesn't affect my likes or dislikes

3880d ago
edgeofsins3880d ago

I disagreed because you make a non discussion post we see too many of in order to be one of the first to comment to get agree's or pluses which is supported by the fact that you edit your post to rage at the disagrees you get. Why do you care?

I for one still don't like Microsoft. They don't listen to consumers until they get insane backlash for it. Even when windows 8 consumer demo was out and everyone hated it they basically didn't fix anything. Now they are slowly getting closer to releasing the classic taskbar which programs fixed after only a couple weeks. They just really don't care. They want to ditch windows 7 by not giving it directx11.2 just because they want windows 8 sales but they don't want to please the windows 8 users that bought into it. It's not even a company anymore. It's like a charity. You just throw money at them for reskining something 10 years old and not fixing the problems in a simple update. There's a huge reason developers are slowly trying to phase out DirectX and even Windows.

But you're more into the console side of the company which is getting to be even worse and I'm ashamed people can just forgive people who wanted to screw you over in the first place. If it happens for there next console and people still buy it then it's obvious that their market is irresponsible.

EasilyTheBest3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

If your reply was too me I really ain't raging as you say about the disagrees I am getting for congratulating Microsoft on their great sales numbers, I'm not raging one bit, I just think its pathetic. Its a load of cry babies really.
You have your reasons for not liking Microsoft that's fine, just like its fine I have my reasons for not liking Sony because of how I have been treated by them in the past...

G20WLY3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

^Maybe some disagreed because they don't feel that Microsoft have done particularly well.

You don't have to sit firmly in one camp to have an opinion on that.

While I'm sure there are some fanboys disagreeing for the sake of it, you're sinking to their level to assume ALL disagrees come from an irrational minority.

H0RSE3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

The only case you have for the assumption for MS wanting to "screw" the console community, is if you have evidence proving that not only they knew their intentions were malicious, but that was their intent, and proceeded as planned - like a restaurant deliberately serving toxic waste to a customer, not due to cutting corners or not caring, but because they know the toxic waste is harmful.

From what I have gathered, they were definitely out of touch with the community with their initial policy reveal, but they they seemed genuine. That is, despite the backlash, that wasn't their intent. It was a mixture of a bunch of things - they revealed their polices at the wrong time, they didn't explain them in-depth enough and had poor communication with the community, they simply were not expecting the level of backlash they received.

They may have had horrible polices, but I don't think they deliberately made them horrible, and then proceeded to force them down our throats.

Besides, if you want to screw someone over, you don't usually announce your plans publicly. Didn't you watch James Bond movies? That is like the classic bad guy mistake.

edgeofsins3880d ago


Their DRM policies were already leaked. They also revealed everything in interviews when asked questions about it. They couldn't hide any of the policies if they tried.

The evidence that MS doesn't care to do things the way consumers want to do it is in their history and that goes for everything, not just their console history. It's been going on for Windows users and Microsoft takes years to address anything even when they are still working with the same software for over a decade. Windows 8 is just Windows 7 with an update and a changed UI. Windows 7 is just Vista with an update. All their OS packages are overpriced, 32 bit and 64 bit is practically a scam just like XBox Live's subscription fee that doesn't even add anything to the service. Also, look into some PC experts review of Windows Ultimate versus basic. It's practically useless to upgrade to it and the scheme is that naming it something that sounds better and telling the average person that it gives more functionality, which it practically doesn't, gets them an extra bit of undeserved money for the same experience but at a higher cost. This money grabbing technique even translates to consoles. They try to make Live sound like it has extra functionality over PSN when in reality PS3 exclusives had been hosting more reliable game servers far more often while XBox Live was mostly hosted on the customers connections, meaning you pay to access being able to host a match on your own internet connection. More money grabbing techniques. Not including near necessary add-ons with the console itself such as rechargeable batteries, wifi(when it first launched and they had a cheap wifi adapter that cost $100 at the time), LIVE subscription, and even the no hard drive on their really cheap 360 packages they had so people had to eventually get an official hard drive for it which was heavily overpriced as well(20 Gigs went for $70 even when used). They even do contracts to get a console like a cell phone service does. They explore every business tactic that traps a customer into buying more.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3880d ago
Hank_Schrader3880d ago

Yes you should get disagrees.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3880d ago
Bolts-N-Rays11093880d ago

Congrats to MS. Can't wait til March, so I can get mine.

JoseV763880d ago

Me either, waiting to see get one on my BD in January!

bleedsoe9mm3880d ago

i'm sure ms is hoping for a titanfall march surge in sales

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