
Savant Ascent Review – Insanity Rising | Twinfinite

Chaz at Twinfinite writes:

When I first fired up Savant Ascent via Steam, I was immediately both impressed and disappointed; the game grabbed me right away, with its unique camera control and frantic pace, but I soon felt like it was too frantic for me and that I’d never be any good at it. Since I was determined to give it a full review, though, I stuck with it, and I’m glad I did. After getting over the hurdle of the remarkably sharp learning curve, I found myself really enjoying the rapid-pace action and pressure of keeping up with the ever-increasing torrent of enemies.

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Hands-on with Savant Ascent Remix [overkill]

This decade old mobile game gets a modern refresh, adding new levels, a new look, and new music.

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9 Games To Marathon All Night Long

Some games are best enjoyed over time, but these nine aren't among them! Sometimes it's best to marathon the experience and get through them all at once! Time to break out the Cheetos and energy drink, 'cause we're stayin' up all night!

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Glitz, Glam, and Advertisement in Savant: Ascent (Review) | RGZCA

Savant: Ascent is a short arcade-style game from D-Pad that can theoretically be completed in fifteen minutes but is more likely to take three hours in total. The game opens with a cryptic Homestuck-esque cutscene complete with static images, ersatz Guy Fawkes masks, and some sweet dubstep wubbing. After this interlude, the player is ejected into a stage and told to dodge and shoot the enemies appearing on screen, which serve as both target and damaging agent as they rush you. The controls are deceptively simple; movement bounces between two fixed points, either by rolling along the ground or somersaulting through the air, and the mouse pans over the scene and shoots enemies. Other than the music, that’s basically it.