
The Division, Snowdrop Questions Answered and New Screenshots

Powered by the Next Gen Snowdrop engine, Tom Clancy’s The Division sets a new bar in video game realism and open-world rendering. Ubisoft answers the most frequently asked questions about the new engine, Snowdrop and give details of things to come.

ragincrinz3938d ago

CANT WAIT FOR THIS. it looks amazing cant wait to play it. bet ill have to wait for a q4 release

kraideral3938d ago

The most next-gen game I have seen so far! It is going to be fricking epic!

Gazondaily3938d ago

This looks next-gen in everything:

* Visuals
* Physics
* Scale
* Gameplay Mechanics

I just hope they pull it off!

Dabigsiebowski3937d ago

I'm really hoping this game pushes the PS4 with those lush graphics and effects! 1080P and AA and we have a winner!

The only lush thing XBONE is getting is exclusive DLC...Lol M$ has to make it up somewhere, right?

kraideral3937d ago

Sony will get some exclusive stuff too! Following the history (AC3, AC4, Watch Dogs exclusive content) I wouldn't be surprised if they have something for The Division too!

Gr1mmyshadows3937d ago

Yet the game is still going to be fun as hell on either system, imagine a game still being fun to play on a less powerful console!

I_am_Batman3937d ago

That's the thing we can't be sure about at this point. The graphical showcase of the Division was really amazing. The amount of detail is unbelievable. But that's not enough to make a game fun.

I need more details on gameplay, story and setting to be really interessted in the game rather than only the engine.

ape0073937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

this is the first game I've seen that completely feel nextgen, from inside and outside

BABY-JEDI3937d ago

I really have high hopes for this game. The developers seem to have a lot of ambition for this project. Visually & thematically the game has it all.
; )

Ashunderfire863937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

I remember back when I was at E3, you had to have a special Exihbitor Badge to watch The Division from close doors. I was able to watch most games behind close doors, as a Game Design Student with an Exihbit Badge, but not as special(you can get on for free if ur a Game Design Student, GameStop Manager, or anybody working in the Game Industry or films). 2 journalist came up and told me a few things about this game like the graphics, realistic physic, and how it's different than any Tom Clancy game anybody has ever seen before. The surprising thing is that this game was not even on my radar to look at for E3, so I had no clue of its existence. There was temporary no media cover for it at the time. It was really top secret with only the Logo to see in the booth. Meh. I eventually saw footage of the game on my laptop in a hotel not too far from E3, the next day. I was super hype for this game ever seen then. Getting it for Xbox One day one!


Exclusive Q&A: “Tom Clancy’s: The Division: Hunted” Author Thomas Parrott

from paulsemel.com: In this exclusive Q&A, the author of the new technothriller based on "Tom Clancy's: The Division" discusses how it ties to the games while also bringing its own story to a close.

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rpad224d ago

did you edit out the parts where the author repeated everything you asked?


Ubisoft's The Division series just had 80% slashed off its price on Steam

If you're looking to try out an exciting, team-based shoot 'em up, The Division is currently on sale on Steam!

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Stop Forcing Multiplayer Into Single Player Games

TIM WHITE WRITES: "Multiplayer or single player? Developers, you can do both, just not willy-nilly."

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Flawlessmic531d ago

I am in absolute agreement with the OP 👌

shinoff2183530d ago

I hate when I see single player games and see people begging for multi-player. Jeez guys it don't need to be on every game. Latest one I seen was atomic heart.

-Foxtrot530d ago

Multiplayer or even co-op

If it was always a single player game then that's how it is

Inverno530d ago

It's a trend that never really went away. For me multiplayer in a primarily SP focused game was an excuse for DLC. Then there's the mentality gamers had that adding multiplayer makes a game worth the price, otherwise it should be half price for half a game. A way of thinking devs reassured when they started adding multiplayer to their sequels. We see the same with multiplayer focused games getting SP in their sequels.

Flawlessmic530d ago

Tbh multilayer now is a way to add live service and mtx elements, very rarely does it come of well.

What single players game used to be in a lot of cases now require 3 other people for keeping to really enjoy it and I hate having to rely on others to get the maximum from a game.

Sp should be sp, if devs want to add a separate multi mode then that's fine with me, the legends addition to ghost of tshushima was fricking sick but totally separate to the main game. Sick of co op too.

Hofstaderman529d ago

I remember when certain single player games had them as included optional modes that was played on the couch. Had brilliant times with Syphon Filter and Golden Eye. Me and my bro used to used to fight over who would play as Gabe even though it was technically just a skin. Good times.

Dagexon529d ago

I didn't notice your comment before I added mine.
But good times indeed

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