
Doctor Who Legacy Review | Pixelvolt

Doctor Who Legacy is a free-to-play mobile game that takes you on an adventure through the time stream. The game starts in 1970s Cardiff before whisking the player away to far off galaxies and ancient battles. The story unfolds via a visual novel interface requiring the player to tap the screen to advance the text. An enemy called the Sontarans are trying to start an all out war with all known species in the galaxy, and it’s up to The Doctor and his trusty TARDIS to save the day by exploring past adventures and gathering his followers for the incoming threat.

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Doctor Who Legacy Review by Gravis Ludus

Carl Williams writes, "Recently, the Doctor Who franchise celebrated its 50th anniversary and we finally get a pretty good Doctor Who game (though not that original). The story behind Legacy is that there is an old nemesis traveling through time changing certain key events so that the ultimate war can be not only brought on but won. What ensues is quite an adventure for fans of Doctor Who, both old and new, especially those that enjoy Bejeweled. Also, I am not a Doctor Who fan, my wife is- what I know about the show is based off of hearing it run in the background."

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Wibbily Wobbly Timey Wimey! Why We Love Doctor Who: Legacy

For those who don't know, Doctor Who is an English TV show that began back in 1963. It features an alien being called the Doctor who can travel through time and space in his ship, which is called the TARDIS. A game based on the series, called Dr Who Legacy, is an underrated gem, and here is why!

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How to unlock Peter Capaldi for free in Doctor Who: Legacy

Pocket Gamer: Still playing match-three RPG Doctor Who: Legacy? And want to get the 12th Doctor for your team, without spending a penny? Then look no further.

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