
Sega Genesis Classics Hitting the U.K. Nintendo eShop

Triverse writes, "Sega is one of those companies that is willing to keep their classics alive and available on newer hardware, while most gamers wish they would re-release certain classics that don’t get very much love. Coming this week are some classic Genesis titles that are hitting the United Kingdom’s Nintendo eShop for gamers to enjoy."

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lol_iz_dragenbern3837d ago

im cool with this im mean all they do is make games now we could atleast give them some freedom

triverse3837d ago

I wish they would bring out a bit more variety in their re-releases. Where are Ristar, Eternal Champions, etc?

They constantly bring the same 10 or so games to newer consoles and call it a day.

linkenski3836d ago

Fuck yeaaaah! I've been waiting for this for so long. Now get a move on and release some SNES stuff as well!


Quick, Squish It: 7 Games With Major Bugs

Massively anticipated games with primarily positive reviews – like the newly unleashed Fallout 4 – aren't immune to these issues and are known to have their share of glitches and crashes in the first few weeks after release before major patches come out. These seven games below all have their positive points, but are primarily known for huge bugs that should have been fixed before their official releases out to the gaming public.


Memorable Music in Gaming #13

Chalgyr's Game Room writes:

It has been a few weeks since we posted one of these. The series, like the music we reflect upon, might not always be right there in front of us - but it also will not be forgotten. This week's selection hails from a variety of genres and systems, though there is certainly a Pokemon theme to start with.


Play Legit Podcast #14: Sega Needs To Step It Up

"PL Fam, KJ is talking about SEGA, a company that in his eyes has lost its way. What can this corporation do to get back on track? We’re talking about Batman Arkham Knight receiving an M-Rating, and the impact this may leave in the DC Universe. We have your Amiibo update too. Let’s get it popping." -Play Legit

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SegaGamer3371d ago

SEGA has needed to step it up for some time now, they never do though.

ritsuka6663371d ago

Shenmue ... best japan game IMO. Too bad Shenmue 3 Will never happen. =(

bacrec13371d ago

Why cant they get it made? :(