
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition Review | IGN

"Baldur's Gate 2 is one of the greatest RPGs ever made, and despite a few bugs, Enhanced Edition is best way to play it."

mattdillahunty3893d ago

i must shamefully admit i've never played a Baldur's Gate game. to those of you who've played one, is it worth trying the franchise out in 2013? does it still hold up well today, or has it aged?

memots3893d ago (Edited 3893d ago )

this is one of my favorite game ever. Baldur's gate 2 was absolutely epic.

If you can get pass the dated graphic and soak yourself in this world it is totally worth it. I still have my original copy with the manual ( Huge brick ) was on 5 disc. I will buy this version and play it again.

Amazing story and this is what made Bioware what they are today. I remember rolling the dice to create my character i sat there for like 8 hours rolling and rolling.

Blastoise3893d ago (Edited 3893d ago )

Well if 8 hours of dice rolling doesn't persuade him I don't know what will :P

memots3893d ago

at blastoise

hehe i agree.

But i was so excited for this game and i wanted my first play-through to be epic. I wanted the best possible character , I didn't even realized i spent all that time doing that , counting and doing total and checking bonus on stats. I changed my mind many time of what class i would be.

dedicatedtogamers3893d ago

Skip Baldur's Gate and play Baldur's Gate II (this one).

There are some clunky mechanics, and it's definitely an old-school RPG (lots of text and dialog and description). However, the storyline is incredible. It is highly replayable (I've replayed it all the way through at least 10 times). The companions put any recent stuff Bioware has made to shame (Go for the eyes, Boo!), and there's a lot of depth and customization in the combat mechanics.

I mean, it's no different than someone going back and playing X-COM or Final Fantasy 6 or Super Mario Bros 3 for the very first time. Yeah, there will be some clunky aspects to these old games, but they are considered "classics" for a reason.

Thehyph3893d ago

Wholeheartedly agree.

To anyone who didn't know:
Play any game that has "Black Isle Studios" on it somewhere. You will not be upset.

Truly great games. All of them.

BoriboyShoGUN3893d ago

Baldurs Gate was awesome!!! I remember having it on the Gamecube. I hope they bring this bad boy to the PS4.

memots3893d ago

this is not Dark Alliance. hehe even tough Dark Alliance was fun it was nothing compare to this. Two different style really.

Ratty3893d ago

Not judging Dark Alliance but Baldur's Gate and Dark Alliance are completely different.

BoriboyShoGUN3893d ago

Oh lol! my bad still thought it was awesome.

Ratty3893d ago

You should get the Enhanced Edition though you don't HAVE to. You could get the original game and install the widescreen mod. They can still be played. The EE adds better multiplayer and fixes a LOT of bugs (but sometimes adds some.)

They had a pretty rocky start with the first Baldur's Gate which came out riddled with bugs (Like WAY more than the original had) but they showed a lot of support and patched it frequently. Right now it's a better experience than the original.

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piffyd3893d ago

I own both the original and this one in glorious old school pc boxes, but, I will grab this, as I did part one, when its on a steam sale for $5

I think, without a doubt, that BG2 is as yet, the GREATEST rpg ever created

followed closely by icewind dale 1 and 2

DoctorJones3893d ago

It really is. I'm playing through this version now after having sold the original at a car boot sale a few years ago (stupid thing to do), and after completing the game several times since it came out I'm still finding a load of content I've never experienced before (I'm not even talking about the new characters either, I haven't used them on this playthrough).

It's just such an amazingly replayable game, you could play this game 20-30 times through and you still wouldn't have seen everything.

Best game ever imo.

Mr Lahey3889d ago

Don't forget Planescape Torment! It needs to be in all top rpg lists!

Ocsta3893d ago

Baldurs Gate 2 is officially my favourite game of all time. The fact that this type of game is making a comeback thanks to Kickstarter is the best thing that's happened on the gaming horizon in years!


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