
Divekick CEO Dave Lang: "PS4 is legit awesome"

Dave Lang, CEO at Iron Galaxy Studios, declares that PS4 is "legit awesome", and confirms that the studio is working on several PS4 games already, likely on behalf of Epic Games, 2K Games and Capcom.

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ajthemackem3952d ago

Capcom eh? I've been wondering who the bloke is lifting the car in the PS4 advert, I've been thinking it looks like Haggar from Final Fight...

Alexious3951d ago

Indeed, let's hope Epic Games finally announces their new title at VGX.

Rzep3952d ago

I am fairly sure I will never listen to anyone who uses the word "legit".

Rzep3952d ago

The same reason why I would punch those who called me bro, or try to infuse proper language with 1337 shit.

MysticStrummer3951d ago

@Rzep - You could have just said no.

Jack_Of_All_Blades3951d ago (Edited 3951d ago )

Y0u m@d br0? Gu355 y0ur ju5t n0t cut out to be l33t lik3 u5. P54 is t0t@lly l3git

toddybad3951d ago

divekick looks and sounds crap

sephiroth4203951d ago

I played a bit of it and it left me thinking wtf? why didnt they just spend the time making a proper 2d fighting game instead of this ridiculousness.


Xbox's big Killer Instinct revival gets a 10th-anniversary stream on November 22, 2023

Iron Galaxy is planning to celebrate the 10th-anniversary of Killer Instinct (2013) with upcoming gameplay changes.

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darthv72311d ago

this is one game i am surprised they have not done more with.

Michiel1989310d ago

same, the version on the snes was prob my fav fighter of all time. The xbox version was actually really good and has such a banger of a soundtrack. Mick Gordon never disappoints.

Obscure_Observer311d ago

Phil and Matt did an excellent job by bringing Iron Galaxy back to KI showing that franchise proper first party support after 10 years!

Now with IG back, we might get a new Killer Instinct 2 in a few years!

Make it happen, Matt!

LordoftheCritics310d ago

Oh this game.

It came free with the Netflix box.....I mean Xbox One.

darthv72310d ago (Edited 310d ago )

no it didnt... at least not the full version of the game with all rosters and cd soundtrack.

Crows90310d ago

Okay...this is a launch title from the Xbox one. How about instead of celebrating an anniversary you bring a new iteration....just a thought dummies.

darthv72310d ago

who knows... maybe that IS the plan with this anniversary

Have to tune in and see.

Crows90310d ago

Hope so. I still remember Xbox one launch. I was a huge Xbox supporter back then. I still firmly believe their lineup was better than PlayStations at launch.

I really enjoyed killer instinct, panzer, Ryder son of Rome and the rare collection.

Not sure if rare collection launched at the same time as the console but it felt close to it.

They just failed to deliver anything since then.

PS5 this time around had an i.pressive launch lineup. Exclusive current and crossgen titles throughout its first year.

Hopefully Xbox can deliver with their perfect dark and fable IP.

Lightning77310d ago

I don't wanna hear anything about not having anything new when ND is planning on launching TLOUS 2 remaster.

TriniOutsider310d ago

This game is gonna get buried with the likes of SF6, MK-1, and soon Tekken 8 all being out. Those are fighters that will need to be beaten.

Concertoine310d ago

KI has always had its own cult fanbase. Theyre just remastering the game which is nice because this was one of last gens best fighters tbh

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Adam Boyes Doesn't Miss the Console Wars

USG: “At DICE 2020, Adam Boyes tells us about maintaining Iron Galaxy without crunch, developing ports, and more.”

masterfox1662d ago (Edited 1662d ago )

Well I do, cause a proper console competition makes each company to go out and try to be the best and this can create lots of gaming opportunities and new fresh ideas from every side, for example the era with the PS2 games or Xbox with games like Ninja Gaiden or Otogi so damn Awesome games, or from Nintendo Gamecube games like Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4, each one have their own personal taste and their games look awesome in that time.

But sadly todays console wars is an effing joke, Nintendo just releasing effing old multiplatform games looking pretty damn bad and for new stuff is none, more Mario, Pokemons or Zelda , really miss the days when a release of a Mario game or Zelda was so damn special , but since they milked them so damn much they are now so god damn annoying to hear even those names. MS in the other hand is just a PR BS machine they are just pure talk not even going to waste my time writing all their fails.

So in the end Playstation is literally alone in the top of this gaming industry with no worthy competitor, lets hope they continue with their gaming ideology and so keep maintaining this gaming industry as big as it is now, because with out them this gaming industry would it be just a cheap entertaining industry.

Fluttershy771661d ago

Nah... You are just getting old and grumpy and now look back at the past with nostalgia... hey, welcome!

masterfox1661d ago

Didn't know common sense was attached to just a certain age lol, no wonder why we lived in such times with so much nonsense around us.

ThinkThink1662d ago

Probably because he's an adult.

Zombieburger6381661d ago (Edited 1661d ago )

Only people who care about console wars are children and people with no lives. Just buy the consoles and play the games, no need to fight like idiots.

jambola1661d ago

So I only skimmed and did keyword searching here because the article is really long
But it looks like he doesn't even mention console wars anywhere

1661d ago Replies(2)
moriarty18891661d ago

miss Adam he was a likeable guy imo.

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PlayStation Plus: Cloud Storage Expanding to 100GB, Free Games for February

In early February, cloud storage space will be expanded from 10GB to 100GB for PS Plus members — giving PS4 owners even more space to keep all those game saves.

For Honor and Hitman is featured on PS4. Also included are:

Divekick, PS3 (Cross-Buy with PS Vita)
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, PS3
Gunhouse, PS Vita (Cross-Buy with PS4)
Rogue Aces, PS Vita (Cross-Buy with PS4)

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SpaceRanger2062d ago

MGS4 to send off the beauty and beast of last gen. Nice.

TiredandRetired2062d ago

Yes, I owned it only pre-trophy release, so I want to play it again bc a)trophies and b) it's a damn good game.

Only wish Vita didn't go out on such a whimper. Considering JRPG fans are the ones probably still playing it to this day, they could have given us something solid. Demon Gaze 1 or 2 (although I already own 1), or a similar labyrinth JRPG, or something else entirely. At least 1 non-indie.

Hitman 1st season is very solid! I have been wanting to buy that still, so I'm excited for that. For Honor looks interesting, although I'm not much of a MP guy. I'll give it a shot considering the theme.

Overall, great month, despite the Vita whimper.

Donnie812062d ago

For honor has a campaign as well. Nothing groundbreaking but worth a play through

TiredandRetired2062d ago

Ok, thanks for that info, Donnie!

UltraNova2062d ago

Dont have either, great month afaic. What a great send-off for the ps3 with MGS4...

Profchaos2062d ago

Yeah I recently dusted off my vita and took the plunge and brought a bigger memory card to hold all the awesome games I kept in saying it would be nice to play but it's to annoying to backup and download and play.

I've spent the past week playing games like borderlands 2, AC liberty, Killzone Merc, ratchet and Clank the list goes on and honestly the vita had so much potential it's just such a shame Sony gave up on it so easy it really was the switch before the switch in some ways like I was able to cross play my save games between PS3 and vita to pick up where I left off

bouzebbal2062d ago

Wow an amazing month!!!

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dkeat2062d ago

For honor. Called it when they announced steep.

Sono4212062d ago

Honestly, pretty great month, cool stuff. I also just repurchased games pass on Xbox so I have so many games to play now it's overwhelming lol

rainslacker2062d ago

I never played it again since the trophy patch, so this might be a good reason to do so. More backlog I guess

-Ghost2062d ago

So glad they expanded cloud saves to 100GB. I was just uploading my game saves and didn't have enough space.

Cmv382062d ago

I found out the hard way that the storage space fills fast.

KyRo2062d ago

It's insane to think we used to save our data on a 15 mb memory card, usually in a 1mb slot in the PS1 days to what we have now.

zahdab2062d ago

for some reason save files for ps4 are huge even for the same games where they are tiny on ps3 ...
funny enough i believe they get compressed before uploading to the ps plus but ps plus still reports the uncompressed size.

When i was on a real slow connections 30 mb files would upload in seconds which judging by my connection at the time means they were < 1 mb

kayoss2062d ago

Digital games are great, convenient, and load a bit quicker. But games are no longer in single digit GB, they are going into double digit GB and wouldnt be surprised if next gen, we see games that 100gb plus. Even with hard disk going cheaper, you will run out room fast.

TiredandRetired2062d ago

Yea, I was going through recently deleting auto-saves from demos and betas. Not that I care to keep those, it's just good to not have to squeeze out every hidden MB to save a game. Some of them can be quite large.

MrVux0002062d ago (Edited 2062d ago )

*mash that X for dem nostalgia flashbacks boi*

StormSnooper2062d ago

Are you saying it wasn’t good?

galmi2062d ago

Compared to the first five games (peace walker included), I felt it was the weakest

MrVux0002062d ago (Edited 2062d ago )

Where did you get that impression? lol
It is a reference to the optional button (X) mashing some cut-scenes had in MGS4 for flashbacks.

To me personally it is one of the best games of all time, when it released it has truly blown us away by its gameplay, graphical fidelity and cinematography.

It also had one of the most heart-wrenching endings i have ever seen... *ugh....someone is cutting onions again*

KyRo2062d ago

The last great MGS. I'll always pretend MGSV didn't happen. MGS4 closed everything it needed too. It's a shame the direction it went in with V

Nyxus2062d ago

What about Peace Walker? People always forget about that one. I think MGSV is great by the way, but MGS4 also got a lot of hate when it was new.

TheSinsibleOne2062d ago

4 is my favourite. Too damn epic. 5 doesn't exist.

Matrix62062d ago

Wow! I've always wanted to have MGS4 as digital, planning on playing back to back MGS games on my PS3.

TheUndertaker852062d ago (Edited 2062d ago )

I really hope they don’t think upping cloud storage is going to be a suitable replacement for two different libraries of games. Since they’ll be removing value they need to make up for that value or drop the price.

Not to mention another company gives out cloud storage to all users of their console for free, not just subscription members.

KickSpinFilter2062d ago (Edited 2062d ago )

Pretty sure they will be adding PSVR rather soon.
Again worst case your paying 16 cents a day for online gaming.
What else is that cheap, I spend 2.50 for a second cup of coffee per day that works out to $912.50 yearly.
$47.99 (cuz you only buy when on sale) per year is nothing.

TheUndertaker852062d ago (Edited 2062d ago )

But that’s absolutely stupid and not adding any value either. PSVR games have already been distributed by PS+.

I’m also positive more people benefit from PS3 & PS Vita games versus PSVR. There’s even more Vitas out there versus PSVR. There’s definitely more PS3s.

I like your coffee example but it’s poor. I buy coffee for between $4.50 and $8. What I buy with that amount of money provides me with over 200 cups of coffee.

xHeavYx2062d ago

It's time to let the PS3 and PSVITA go man.

StormSnooper2062d ago (Edited 2062d ago )

But they also provide services that the other side doesn’t like free to play without paywall Or Spotify background music (unless I think they also got it recently?) I’m sure there are others.

uth112062d ago

@undertaker - only a handful of PSVR games have been given out on PS+. it's not every month

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Silly gameAr2062d ago (Edited 2062d ago )

Always have to have that one guy that thinks he's owed everything for 60 dollars a year.

TheUndertaker852062d ago

Or maybe I know how to identify that going from the current program to the proposed one:

PS3 games
PS Vita games
PS4 games
Cloud storage

PS4 games
Cloud storage

It really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to identify they’d effectively be removing half of the current PS+ program and yet still charging $60 a year.

So again, there’s no twist. That’s effectively removing value.

Oh, and to you I say personally, isn’t that like the one who always comes charging in when anything negative is pointed out about Sony?

trooper_2062d ago

@Undertaker: Apply for a job at Sony and give them your feedback.

I mean...for someone to complain about this is really baffling.

Kribwalker2061d ago

always have to have some die hards defend moves that aren’t in the consumers favour. They are giving you less for the same money. How is that a good thing?

monkey6022062d ago

That well is drying up dude. There's been such measly choices on the PS3 and Vita for months now. Could even go as far as to say 2 years. It had to end sometime and there was plenty of pre warning.

KickSpinFilter2062d ago (Edited 2062d ago )

Not exactly while yes my first cup of coffee from home is yes $4-8 for a pound of coffee yields sure 200 cups of coffee.
My second coffee when I'm at work: the local coffee shop charges me $2.50 for my cold brew, per coffee.
So not a poor example at all.
As for the PS3/PS Vita time to put them to rest, it's been 13 years of support for PS3 and plenty for a failed device like Vita, Time to move forward with PS4/PSVR. Not only that we don't know what their plan is for PS4 perhaps they up it to 3 games per month. Plus free MP games are not behind a paywall, unlike some other company.

TheUndertaker852062d ago

I have a travel cup so I don’t have the added expense when I go out. The point is you’re making the choice to buy that second cup, not being forced to.

That’s also the point. At this time there has been zero explanation about what will be added. They have made it very clear what they will be removing. So at this point Sony has a choice, exactly as I said in the first place. I don’t see upping cloud storage as a replacement to removing full titles and libraries. They can either add content or drop the price. But as is should not be acceptable. They’re literally preparing to charge the same for less.

jznrpg2062d ago

No way you get 200 cups of coffee unless your coffee tastes like water

BLow2062d ago (Edited 2062d ago )

And that other console makes you pay to play F2P games. And the only reason you are getting games in the first place on the other console is because of this console. You all, including myself, paid for Live last gen and got nothing. And fanboys praised it. All of you, again including myself, still paid it. I actually stopped after my 3 console got the RROD but most continued. People complained about not getting AAA games and now that we are getting AAA games, some are still complaining. Most people don't buy every single AAA game that comes out including myself so this month is great for a lot of people.

They didn't have to up the storage but they did. We don't know what will happen once they stop with giving out PS3 and Vita games. Plus ,I thought no one owned a Vita and now you want all the games for it. I don't get it. How about you wait and and see what they do first before complaining and just enjoy all these games you are getting now. Plus all the games you have got all these years that they have been doing this even before this gen.

Question: How long do you want them to continue to give out PS3 and Vita games seriously? We won't mention the other console because they just started this gen and not at the very start either. This month, the games offered pretty must offset the cost of a yearly sub to PS Plus. I will put these games in my already huge backlog. I am grateful. I don't care if they just gave out 1 game. Anything is better than nothing and we know who started that....

DerekTweed2061d ago

I think his point is if you take the before value and after value, they are giving you less.

I think he want to be given something of equal value that he was already getting for his money, not less.

So it doesn't have to be PS3 and PSVita games.

jordan22290ps2062d ago

I mean, we are getting less for the same price so I agree. Idk what the downvotes are for. It's common sense. And no it's not entitlement or thinking I'm owed something. I hope they throw in an extra game. On a side note, I wish they'd take the ps3 games that are given every month and put them on ps now. I'd love to play MGS4 again but don't have my old ps3

uptownsoul2062d ago (Edited 2062d ago )

Your logic is flawed…You keep claiming the value is in the number of games offered…But the value can be made up in several ways…Let me give you just 2 examples:

More AAA PS4 games throughout the year. Or maybe…More recent AAA PS4 games (the more recent a game is, the more it costs the consumer…thus creating more value if they get put into PS+ sooner)

TheUndertaker852061d ago (Edited 2061d ago )

I don’t have to have logic to say that Sony has not stated one little bit of what you just did. So until they do again, this isn’t hypocritical. They’ll be removing content with no replacement at this point in time.

And as evidenced above apparently the majority don’t have an issue with that, even if they’ll be paying the same.

Makes perfect sense right? Claiming the value could rise while arguing that the cost should stay the same? And apparently there’s something wrong with wanting the same amount of content. But cutting content in half is cool too because it’s old content.

crazyCoconuts2062d ago

I didn't realize XBL does cloud for non-Gold members. That's nice.
I suspect Sony will share some news about something for PS Plus users before March as I don't think they'll like having MS give away more games per month than them. Maybe something that utilizes PSNow games somehow... Just wishful thinking

CP_Company2062d ago

Removing PS3 and vita games does not change anything because most of the people does not own those systems but increasing cloud storage benefits all members that it is very important especially with PS5 when saves going to take even more space.

jznrpg2062d ago

The Vita and PS3 have lived good lives but it’s time to let go . I still play my Vita but I’d rather have PSVR games because generally what we get on Vita isn’t so great. PS5 is coming and it’s time to transition . I download the games they give away on PS3 but I either have them already or rarely play any of them. This was going to happen no matter what and right before PS5 coming out is longer than I had expected. They will replace it with something and someday we will get PS5 PSVR2 and maybe even ps Vita 2 games ( I really hope so!) All good things come to and end

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