
Rising Star Games patches Deadly Premonition on PC

Rely on Horror: The long awaited patch for Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut on PC is finally here. Released nearly a month after the game's Steam release, patch V1.01 adds full controller support to the game, improves the game's performance, addresses achievement issues, fixes some scenarios that are too difficult in this version due to faults, and addresses bugs and crashes.

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kB03954d ago

It's still 720p locked though:(

Iltapalanyymi3954d ago

Great to hear. Love this game. Its a solid 10/10 for me. Highly recommending for all gamers out there.

MadLad3954d ago (Edited 3954d ago )

It really is a fantastic game. Plan on re-buying it on PC soon.
As kB0 brought up though, it's a shame they locked it out at 720p. They really need to make an official fix for this.
Any modern PC release, port or not, should support at least 1080p out of the gate. It shouldn't require a mod to do so.

kB03954d ago

Agreed, but I think we will not be seeing a fix. I believe they went on record to apologize about it, but made no comment on it getting fix.

We were told just to enjoy it, which is a little disheartening and small slap in the face, but I mean the game is very good which shouldn't be held against it's resolution.

mydyingparadiselost3954d ago

I bought it for 360, then for PS3, and now that there's a patch I'll buy it for pc too. Finally, a game my pc can run!........... maybe.........


Finally Played It: Deadly Premonition The Director's Cut Review

It’s hard to describe Deadly Premonition without one word, weird.

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Matrix62610d ago

This doesn't give me comfort in giving the PS3 DC version ago. I imported the vanilla version on PS3 the year it released, and I found it was horrendous to attempt to play.

Kyizen2610d ago

Probably the best, worst game ive played and beaten. I loved it but the gameplay was awful and yet the game was amazing.

RpgSama2610d ago

Definitely the best worst game I Ever played, the gameplay and graphics are mediocre at best, but the soundtrack, the story, the people, the main character, the weirdness of it all, the pop culture references are amazing.

Blank2610d ago

This game is extremely rough around the edges but it knows how to keep a player engaged and drawn into the story. A current gen full on remake would do it wonders or maybe that "B-class status" gives it charm and character.

DaFeelz2610d ago (Edited 2610d ago )

A friend gave me her copy of DP to play, telling me that "it's so bad it awesome!" So I was like 'shit, sign me up!' Turns out-it's so bad, it's bad. It was like the video game equivalent of The Room. It got about 2hrs outta me and that was a wrap. I did not find its terribleness endearing. I found it boring. But hey, if it made people happy, mission accomplished. Just leave me out of it.

jznrpg2610d ago

The game production value was horrendous but I really love the game. It could have been amazing but the lawsuit and changes it was forced to have because it was too much like Twin peaks killed a lot of it. Still one of my favorite games last gen

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Declare Your Independence from Digital Rights Management with Humble Bundle's DRM-Free Sale

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MattDavisGR2639d ago

Strike Suit Zero looks awesome :D


The Gamesmen, Episode 168 – Snow-Blowed Butt Plant

Join Amras89 and Hardlydan for game talk and fun! This time, The Gamesmen talk about rabbits suffering in Second Life, Destiny 2 on Battle.net, Destiny 2 and a Nintendo Switch port, GAME’s new Elite scheme, an Alien VR videogame, online gaming bringing people together, and the 2020 game plan for Sega. Games discussed are Mass Effect: Andromeda, Prey, LawBreakers, Creativerse, Deadly Premonition, Rocket League, Brain Age Express: Math, Rochard, ABZU, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and Bravely Second: End Layer.

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