
GamesBeat's 2013 ‘Naughty and Nice’ Alternative Holiday Gift Guide for your geek

14 gifts for the good gamers in your life...plus the bad ones whose holidays you'd like to ultimately ruin.

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Sadie21003896d ago

That retro controller is hideous!

JeffGrubb3896d ago

Gonna give those Assassin's Creed blades to all of my nieces and nephews and watch the madness unfold!

darkronin2293896d ago

Jeez, $40 for the wrist blade? I'd much rather use that money to buy another Assassin's Creed game.

Sadie21003896d ago

Not that I'd want it or would buy it, but $40 doesn't seem that bad! :)

spacepope3896d ago

Thousands of people will be late to work, because they had to wait for a valuable 4-block long piece to show up to complete the time. Then their morning shower took 30 minutes because they were trying to soap up with a slippery 360 controller.

deantak3896d ago

That HipShotDot is handy.

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The 'Kawaii' Is A Nintendo Wii The Size Of A Keychain

Modders have cooked up something pretty special – a Wii console which is small enough to fit on your keys. A wee Wii.

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Top 10 Sexiest New Male Video Game Characters

Opportunities to objectify male characters are rare, and I seize them every chance I get.

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gold_drake5d ago

ff 16 cid is pretty hot.

also ff7 rebirth cid is pretty hot haha

4d ago
anast4d ago

'Opportunities to objectify male characters are rare'

Sounds like the writer needs more life experience.


Elden Ring's manga paused so the author can play the DLC instead

Elden Ring's manga has been put on hiatus so that the artist can play the DLC.

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phoenixwing35d ago (Edited 35d ago )

Well 6 month hiatus it is. If not longer lol