
RPG Festival of Magic Returns to Kickstarter

By Jorge Ba-oh

Snowcastle Games have launched a new Kickstarter campaign for the indie RPG project Festival of Magic. The base goal includes support for PC/Mac/Linux and after launch, Wii U.

porkChop3957d ago

This needs to come to Vita.

3-4-53956d ago

This game looks awesome. It would be good on wii u & Vita or anything really.

phantomexe3957d ago

That really does look good. I hope it gets it's funding.


120+ Upcoming Wii U Indie Games: RPG

Join Jason Lepine as he lists off Indie Wii U titles by genre through a 14 part series. Indie Corner will highlight Indie games through short game previews and put the spotlight on some unknown gems.

In this video we go over some Roleplaying Games.

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randomass1713841d ago

But but but but... Wii U has no games!

light693841d ago

I laugh at how people say it doesn't have games yet I own more games on my wii u than my friend does on his ps4 .... its no that it has no games is the stupidity of people to see that fact that it does since they've been duped in to thinking it doesn't

randomass1713840d ago

PS4 launched wit a lot of multiplats and ports. I think Knack and Killzone were its only real exclusives and now it has inFamous Second Son (which looks freaking cool btw). It'll get more as time goes on but right now PS4 doesn't have a fantastic library. The amount of indie support on it is nuts though. Wii U might not have third party support, but it's got some killer exclusives and with a lot more on the way.

antikbaka3841d ago

just give me good 1st-3rd parties...and not those games i can find at any other platform

jaymart2k3841d ago

Meanwhile Xbox One is getting 25 indie titles

antikbaka3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

Don't give a damn about Xbox, at the same time I have WiiU, great PC, Vita, PS3 and PS4. i'm sure those Indies will be at least at one of those consoles besides and cheaper than on wiiU

Metallox3841d ago

Meanwhile Wii U is getting 120 indie titles.



Festival of Magic: Kickstarter Updates

Snowcastle games has been doing a wonderful job with their most recent Kickstarter project, Earthlock: Festival of Magic. In fact, they’ve been doing such a great job promoting their project that they’ve even added a new tier AND some more goods. This piece of news contains all of the information!

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DiscoKid3842d ago (Edited 3842d ago )

Something about this campaign is really odd. They stated in their previous campaign (which failed obviously) that they have spent $1M on the game so far, but it doesn't really look like they have. The animations are lethargic, the special effects are unstellar, and there is a lack of corresponding sound effects for attacks. It looks pretty, but it's all Ambient Occlusion and Marmoset Skyshop rendering. Without that, the game would look terrible and dull.

Trust me, it wouldn't even TAKE a mil to make a game like this. And still, they need more? They got a nice sheet of wool over those backers' eyes.

I understand it's pre-alpha, but "spent $1M" is past-tense. Their presentation should look 100 times better than that, and most of the footage was already used in the campaign months before. Don't even get me started on those unrealistic stretch goals!

MrTrololo3842d ago

Are you telling us this kickstarter project is a scam ?


Indie RPG Earthlock: Festival of Magic Resurfaces After A Brief Silence

Earthlock: Festival of Magic is an upcoming indie RPG in development for PC, Wii U, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The game has been in development since 2011, and is being worked on by Snowcastle Games. Unity will be showcasing the game at their stand at GDC this year, where the game’s alpha build will be featured.

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DC7773853d ago

Played the beta. Great looking game. Needs some kickstarter support.